Regarding the matter of monsters (eye demons), although the person with this singularity spoke with some fear in his tone, in fact he did not pay too much attention to this matter. As mentioned before, People here only regard this as a source of conversation.

According to Sakamoto Ryoma, the villagers were actually quite panicked when the beholder first attacked, but after learning that the First Emperor was preparing to send people to deal with it, they completely settled down and never attacked again. Treat this as one thing.

Just as King Lanling said, under the rule of the First Emperor, people who had no superfluous ideas regarded the emperor's orders as absolute truth.

But the child now is a little different. The other person seems to have his own ideas.

——Is this a coincidence? Or is it?

"Don't you know? His Majesty the Emperor has already said that he will resolve this matter."

In case the news about this child was too stagnant, Emiya Shirou informed the other party of the premise that the First Emperor would resolve the matter, but the other party's reaction was somewhat intriguing.


There was a slightly complicated look on the child's face, but in the end he shook his head and looked at Shirou Emiya with an incomprehensible look.

"Even so, I must find out the truth of this matter myself! I can feel that you also have similar thoughts to me."

The boy took a deep breath, clenched his small fists as if to cheer himself up, and said words that shocked Emiya Shirou.

"I know that you are the criminals wanted by His Majesty the Emperor. If you don't take me with you, I will definitely go and report you!"

Facing the boy's shocking words, Emiya Shirou narrowed his eyes.

——It seems that the boy is even more special than he thought. 】

680: The King of Love and Debt in the Eye Soul World (4k)

[Ask me, as a Neon Island citizen born in the 21st century, it is a kind of threat to be threatened by an ancient Daqin man who looks to be only more than 10 years old with the line "XX, you don't want XX to know about this, right?" What kind of experience?

From Emiya Shirou's point of view, it's quite subtle anyway, with a sense of confusion that the roles have suddenly been reversed.

Listening to the young man's threatening words with a stern expression, Emiya Shirou held it in for a long time before he hit the brat on the head with a violent shock. He just continued to hold the young man's collar, with a deliberately vicious look on his face.

"You know you are all in my hands, but you really dare to say that, kid. Aren't you afraid that I will just tell you to shut up here forever?"

"You wouldn't do that!"

But Emiya Shirou's threat did not shake the young man's mind. He looked seriously at the red-haired young man's pretending to be ferocious, and faced the latter head-on with a calmness that was befitting his age.

The overly clear and upright look in his eyes made Emiya Shirou slightly restrain his expression, and there was a look of interest in his eyes.

"You are not me, how do you know what I will do?"

"I have actually been secretly following you for a long time and observed the way you talked to the villagers."

The young man's tone became serious. He knew that this was Emiya Shirou's test of him, and it was also an opportunity to gain this person's trust.

"Although your words and deeds cannot be called a gentleman, and are even a little rough, your eyes towards the villagers have never shown any malice, and you have never acted in a coercive manner even if you were armed.

It's impossible for such a person to do something to a child like me, at least that's what I think. Rather than approaching you in a veiled way, it would be most appropriate to clarify the stakes here. "


Emiya Shirou looked disdainful on the surface, but in his heart he thought highly of this young man.

——As expected, this boy is not an ordinary child. Compared with the average child in the village, his knowledge and conversation are too mature.

While investigating the beholder, a strange child suddenly appeared, saying that he would go with him to find the truth about the beholder incident.

At first glance, the words were indeed quite suspicious, but then Emiya Shirou thought about it. If this child really had another purpose, wouldn't it be more convenient to hide his abnormality from the beginning?

Emiya Shirou thought that he was not a very sophisticated person. Since the other party could easily see who he was, he would naturally know how to act to more easily gain his trust.

But this child deliberately did not do this, and instead chose to be honest with himself.

Emiya Shirou felt that this seemed to be a rare breakthrough, not only on top of this beholder incident, but also a breakthrough in this difficult singularity.

With his mind spinning, Emiya Shirou finally let go of the boy.

"Tell me, you'll want to get to the bottom of this."


Seeing that Shirou Emiya was planning to relent, the boy's eyes immediately brightened, and he immediately explained to him the reason for his actions.

The young man in front of him called himself Zidu, which did not exceed Shirou Emiya's expectations. He said that he was the young master from a wealthy family in Xianyang. Then he ignored the objections from his family and came to the area alone to track down the monsters. Night attack.

According to Zidu's account, this is not the first time such an incident has happened in the past three years.

At first, it was near Xianyang, and then gradually spread from near to far to the outside. However, because the interval was about half a year to a year, and the people who were attacked had no rules in terms of location and characteristics, civilians Most people thought it was the work of different monsters and didn't take it to heart.

In addition, the First Emperor dealt with it very quickly every time. Whenever something similar happened, the First Emperor would often send his men to suppress it within half a month, and bring back the rebellious monsters who were burned to death and exposed them to the public. Therefore, many people did not notice anything unusual.

After all, monsters and beasts are not uncommon in this era. In the past, due to the backwardness of information transmission, it was normal for monsters to occupy villages and cause chaos for the king for a year and a half before being dispatched by the imperial court. On the contrary, now the First Emperor can always The casualties of the people were limited to the number of five fingers, but it completely attracted the praise of the people across the country.

At first, Zidu didn't feel anything wrong with this, but an accident gave him a glimpse of some clues.

There were slight differences between the "prisoners" brought back by the imperial army and the circumstances described by the victims in the files, but no one in the entire Xianyang Palace raised any objections to this. All the cases revealed a hasty ending. It feels like he is forcibly telling the whole world that the problem has been solved.

This made Zidu feel an inexplicable palpitation, so he decided to investigate the matter himself without telling his family.

After listening to Zidu's story, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

He and Chaldea originally thought this was an ordinary beholder incident, an arbitrary act of people in the beholder world at a singularity.

But now it seems that things are far from as simple as they thought. The forces of Daqin who thought they would come to solve the incident now seem more like the ones who came to hide the incident.

This instead aroused Emiya Shirou's curiosity about this matter.

It seems that under the current situation, even if Tohsaka Sakura cannot be found, he must find out the truth of this incident anyway.

At the same time, Shirou Emiya also had some speculations about Zidu's identity. Although he claimed to be the young master of a wealthy family in Xianyang, it was impossible to have a simple identity as a young master who had access to the Imperial Army's files.

Therefore, he agreed to the boy's request to go together and made regular contact with Chaldea.

Time soon came to night, and the village that was still lively during the day was now completely plunged into silence and darkness.

And perhaps it was fate that the rumored sharp-edged monster actually chose to act in the village where Emiya Shirou was stationed.

The lavender mist began to permeate the entire village under the moonlight. Brisk footsteps echoed in the mist. A tall figure walked on the paths in the village. The sharp blade in his hand was like a butterfly piercing through flowers on one house after another. After that, the happy murderer began to choose his prey tonight.

"I remember seeing a lovely young lady here a few days ago, hmm, but the lovely girl here is also hard to let go of~"

Looking like a man, a woman, an old man, and a child, the sword-eyed demon wearing a gentleman's shell spoke with a smile, just like a nobleman choosing his favorite partner at a ball.

But the sharp blade of moonlight shining in its hand showed that its master's purpose did not seem to be as simple as dancing. The piercing laughter concealed the greed and bloodthirst of the devil. 】

The British gentleman dressed like a man, used a sharp blade as a weapon, would attack women at night, and the heavy fog would roll up with its appearance.

Such a classic image of a murderer quickly led many viewers to guess the prototype of this beholder. It was none other than Jack the Ripper, the famous Twist murderer. At the same time, he was also the most famous serial murderer in the world. .

Some viewers from other worlds couldn't help but complain after listening to the popular science from earth viewers.

"How come even a murderer can become a Heroic Spirit? The Heroic Spirit Seat in your world is too open to reject anyone, right?"

["She is indeed a beautiful young lady. If she is older, she will be more suitable to be an excellent mother."

While the audience was sighing, the Knife-Eyed Demon had already made his own decision. The Knife-Eyed Demon began to move towards the direction pointed by the sharp blade, but when he took the first step, he... I was stopped by a man's voice.

"Wait a minute, it looks like we have to entertain guests today."

A young man with kelp-like blue curly hair stood behind the Blade-Eyed Demon at some point. His blue pupils seemed to have passed through the fog that blocked his sight, looking at the guests hiding in the darkness.


After a brief silence, heavy footsteps came from the other side of the fog, and a red figure appeared in front of the one-person-one-eye demon through the fog.

The two young men of similar age looked at each other at this moment. Shinji Matou narrowed his eyes slightly and raised a wanton smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, isn't this Emiya? I didn't expect that I would give up looking for you, but you would appear in front of me. We are quite destined~"


Looking at the other party's smiling face, Emiya Shirou's tone had a hint of complexity.

Shirou Emiya had also said before that as long as the people he met were not members of the Endsworth family, Shirou Emiya would be sure to get some information.

Furthermore, he actually has some interactions with the younger generations of the three major families.

If the two sisters of the Tohsaka family were benefactors and family-like beings who took in their brothers and sisters, the young man named Shinji Matou in front of him was the equal friend he made during that period.

Even though their personalities are completely different, sometimes Emiya Shirou just feels that he and the other person are similar in some aspects.

"Are you responsible for this singularity?"

"That's right."

Matou Shinji smiled and nodded, tapping his fingers unconsciously on the spherical machine in his palm.

"I have now become the best mysticist in the eye and soul world. I came to this singularity to complete the research I am currently conducting. This is a great invention. As long as it is completed, the accuracy of the eye and soul world can be made more noble. shine!"

As if he was showing off his achievements over the years to his roommates at a class reunion, there was no trace of hostility in Matou Shinji's tone, as if he was really talking freely with his friends.

"I did it, Emiya. Just as we promised when we chatted before, we will become partners of justice, right? I have implemented my rightness well."

There was a slight pause in the words, and Matou Shinji gradually opened his narrowed eyes. It was only at this moment that Emiya Shirou noticed that there was no smile in those blue pupils.

"What about you, Emiya? Do you want to join me in becoming the best warrior in the Eye Soul World?"

The tone gradually dropped to the freezing point. The Blade-Eyed Demon, who was already ready to attack, suddenly stepped on the ground. His strong thighs made a small hole in the ground, and the frightening double blades slashed at Emiya in a crossed manner. Shirou's shoulders looked like he was about to cut off both of his arms.


Even the dark night could not block the flying sparks. The sound of the collision of gold and iron sounded between one person and one demon. However, it was absorbed by the surrounding fog before it floated very far. Only Shinji Matou and Zidu who were hiding in the dark witnessed it. After the confrontation just now.

Looking at Emiya Shirou, who was able to raise his eye gun arms and wrists to block the beholder's attack even without transformation, Matou Shinji's raised corners of his mouth still did not fall, and a few applauses echoed in the mist.

"It seems that you haven't neglected your exercise. I'm very happy, Emiya. I understand, this is what is called practice in the comics on Earth, right?

Go to a backward and dangerous place to train yourself, and when you return, you will show your strength that will impress your companions! Well, this is what you earthlings call kingly and passionate, right? It's really good. I'm a little touched. The earth is not as useless as I imagined. "

Matou Shinji was talking to himself and stretched out his hand towards Emiya Shirou.

"Then, the results of your training have been shown to me. Come back, Emiya. Don't worry, as I said when I was a child, under the leadership of the beholder world, your hometown will become as beautiful as our world. ."


Emiya Shirou's gaze seemed to pass through the body of the Blade-Eyed Demon, and he looked at Shinji Matou again.

He used the strength of his arm to deflect the beholder's slashing blow, and kicked the sword-beholder away, causing it to take a few steps back.

"In that case, why are you hunting human souls at this singularity?"

"It's just a temporary requisition."

Matou Shinji didn't take it seriously.

"With any luck, they will soon evolve into advanced beings like me. Even if they fail, their sacrifices will not be meaningless. They will become the bridge to build a new world and bring eternity to their race. of prosperity.

You should have noticed it already, right? Individual life is meaningless. This is how our beholder world has come to be. Why can't you humans do the same? "

"Oh, yes."

Emiya Shirou's fists clenched tightly, and then relaxed in relief.

"I should have noticed..."

Matou Shinji's expression relaxed slightly, and his natural smile just appeared, but completely disappeared in the next second.

Just because the man in front of him showed him the eye soul that symbolized a complete war.


"Your world is so distorted, and you have become accustomed to this distortion. Shenji, let me show you my way of survival!"

"Open your eyes! Specter! Ready Go! Enlightenment! Do·Ki·Do·Ki! Ghost!"

"very good."

Looking at the blue knight appearing in front of him, Matou Shinji made a gesture to continue attacking the sword-eyed demon, and he also took out an eye soul belonging to him.

"Your stubborn character still irritates me as always, Emiya!"

The blue soul fire enveloped Matou Shinji's body, and the superior beholder wearing a white hood appeared in the fog, and launched an offensive against Emiya Shirou together with the sword-eyed demon. 】

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