The dull sound of collision resounded in the air. Almost everyone present except Mashu did not see the collision of weapons clearly, but only saw that the two tall figures had already distanced themselves from each other.

The Qinglong Sword Eye Demon who took a step back glanced at the Qinglong Yanyue Sword that was still vibrating in his left hand, and finally there was a trace of fluctuation in his steady voice.

"Strong enough."

Finally, for the first time, both hands held the Qinglong Yanyue Sword at the same time.

The next second, Youlong went out to sea.

The green figure slashed away at the dragon and snake, and its bulging muscles drove the Guan Dao that shone with cold light. The dragon pattern on it seemed to come alive, and with the sound of dragon roar, it attacked Zanzaburo. The speed was so fast that the latter only felt rushed. What was pointed at him was not a blade, but a ferocious dragon head.

The armored warrior only had time to move half a step to the left when the dragon's head "bited" his shoulder armor to pieces on the spot, almost including his entire right arm.


There is also a gap between gods!

The moment he witnessed this scene, Mashu realized this instantly.

However, she did not choose to retreat. Just like her declaration, she would stand on the seat of disaster and live toward death.

If Zanzaburo alone is not enough, add her over there.

"Come along, Mr. Zanzaburo."


The eye gun saber transformed into the naginata mode, and Mashu and Zanzaburo, who received the order, launched a fierce attack on the Blue Dragon Blade Eye Soul from two directions.

Seeing this scene, the Qinglong Blade Eyed Demon's tone became more and more excited, and it seemed that the combined efforts of the two people finally piqued his interest.

"Well done!"

The three weapons constantly intertwined and collided. Splashing sparks and high-speed slashes became the main theme of the battlefield. In just a few breaths, the battlefield that had been devastated by mustard seeds was even more fragmented. The terrifying vacuum circle even forced the eyes to see. Demon, Sakamoto Ryoma and others had to keep retreating to ensure that they would not be involved in this meat grinder.

"Um...what the hell happened?"

It was at this time that Xu Fu, who had been knocked unconscious before, was finally awakened by the sound of fighting, and showed a completely unusual expression on his face.

--who I am?

--where am I?

——Where is my Lord Yu?

After Xu Fu’s exclusive version of Three Questions about Life, Sakamoto Ryoma also noticed Xu Fu waking up, and immediately stuffed the young boy into her arms.

"You're finally awake, Miss Xu Fu. Now please take this child and leave immediately to meet Miss Fujimaru!"

"Meeting? With whom? Why do you want me to go?"

Not being able to get the answer he wanted from Ryoma Sakamoto, Xu Fu put his hands under his arms in confusion.

Just when she was about to ask something back, a wind blade suddenly flew from the battlefield, and was punched away by Miss Aaron who jumped out less than 1 meter away from Xu Fu. She was so shocked that she swallowed her words. .

At this moment, she finally realized the crisis of the situation. Looking at Miss Aaron blowing the back of her hand with tears in her eyes, an equation suddenly formed in Xu Fu's mind.

Putting yourself on the battlefield = your life may be in danger at any time = it means you can't continue Xu Fujiang's research = you can't find a way to kill the immortal = let Master Yu down!

"Ah! This is the only thing I don't want~!!!"

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Ryoma Sakamoto didn't even have time to warn him again. Xu Fu, who was shouting, had already teleported towards the opposite direction of the battlefield. The speed was so fast that Ryoma Sakamoto had a chance. An illusion that "even if Achilles comes, the speed will probably be no more than this". 】

Cancer of the Earth: Cute Pinch.

Barrus: Everyone in the Celestial Dynasty is so awesome, so why do they stretch their hips when they come to you?

Her Royal Highness the World's First Princess: Maybe she is a born funny character.

Demon Cluster: Although you are not a Kamen Rider, I recognize you!

Yu Wei: This kind of recognition is not needed!

["Well, being good at escaping is always a good thing."

Sakamoto Ryoma gave a wry smile. After looking at each other and Miss Aaron, they nodded to each other and took steps forward.

At the same time, the three of Mashu also retreated from each other after the last weapon collision. Now she and Zanzaburo were standing side by side. There were already many scratches on their bodies. In order to protect her, Zanzaburo The handsome armor was now beyond recognition.

On the other hand, although the Qinglong Blade Eye Demon was not unscathed, anyone with a discerning eye could see that he had an absolute advantage.

"To have such martial arts skills at such a young age is amazing."

Looking at the enemy in front of him, the memory fragments belonging to Guan Yu flashed in the mind of Qinglong Dao Eye Demon. It was the past when the three brothers jointly fought against Lu Bu. Now that the years have changed, he unknowingly stood beside the flying demon. In the general's position, when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't help but sigh.

"But I'm not him after all."

Holding the knife in both hands and lowering his center of gravity, the eyes on the red face shone with a captivating light.

"For the sake of my lord's command, please end it here, girl."

"I'm sorry to have to obey."

Realizing that the opponent was about to use all his strength to strike, Mashu naturally prepared to use his special move to end it.

"Open your eyes! Ah Guo! Omega Drive!"

After pouring a large amount of his own magic power into Zansaburo's body, white light burst out from the eyes of the armored warrior, and then gradually spread, covering the entire tall human form. Even the tip of the spear also emitted light under the blessing of magic power. Bursts of low humming.

The two sides disappeared almost at the same time, and the spear and Guandao collided with each other with yellow and green flames.

The fierce magic power turbulence instantly began to spread in all directions with Qinglong Sword Eye Demon and Zanzaburo as the center, directly plowing the land with a radius of several kilometers, and almost did not turn Xu Fujiang who was running at full speed into Xu Fujiang.

However, as the energy center, the Blue Dragon Sword Eye Demon suddenly noticed something was wrong.

——Too light!

There is obviously a problem with Zanzaburo's attack output. Although it has indeed been strengthened, it is far below the expectations of the experienced Blue Dragon Sword Eye Demon.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Even though the Blue Dragon Sword Eye Demon wanted to pull away and retreat, the white light on Zhanzaburo's body completely dissipated at this time. Zhanzaburo was no longer white, but turned back to the blue color that was not blessed by the spirit knight at the beginning.


This time the special move is just a cover, the real special move is not Ah Guohun at all.

I instantly understood Mashu's intention, but it was too late. The eulogies of Ryoma Sakamoto and Miss Aaron were coming to an end amidst the sound effects of the drive.

"Open your eyes! Ryoma!"

"Miss Aaron, unfold the noble phantom!"

"Ah, Ryoma. I am the god of non-submission, Takachiho's great snake."

A huge pitch-black snake emerged from the turbulent flow of energy. It stood as tall as Shinji Matou on the city wall, shocking the latter to the point of being stunned.

Above its head, the spirit rider wearing a blue hoodie pressed the driver and completed the final charge for the serpent.

"Like a dragon soaring in the sky!!!" x 2

"Omega Drive!"

The big snake let out a thundering roar, swooped into the Azure Dragon Blade Beholder, and smashed the Beholder against the city wall with its unstoppable force, and then rushed into the sky against the city wall.

It turned into a black "shooting star" and fled away, leaving no chance for Matou Shinji to react.


I never expected that the other party would spend so much effort, only to escape in the end.

Matou Shinji's eyes were staring blankly at the sky until the Blue Dragon Sword Eyed Demon slid down from the city wall and patted the tattered green robe like a normal person before he came back to his senses and glared fiercely. Toward the other party.

"You've gone too far. I should have told you to capture them alive!"

"Yes, I will finally be convicted."

Knowing that he was in the wrong, the Blue Dragon Sword Eyed Demon raised his hand towards Matou Shinji and picked up the Blue Dragon Yanyue Sword that he had dropped on the ground.

"Please give me another chance. This time I will definitely capture them."

"It better be so."

With the approval of Shinji Matou, the Blue Dragon Sword Eye Demon pointed his sword at the ground and followed the feeling in his memory to try to summon his own transportation tool so that he could catch up with the fleeing black dragon.

There was a flash of green light, and in the curious eyes of Matou Shinji, a tall horse (?)... er, a tall centaur appeared in front of the Blue Dragon Sword Eye Demon.

"Xu - isn't this Guan Yu? Long time no see, I'm Lu Bu."


Looking at the evil beast in front of him, even the Blue Dragon Sword Eye Demon couldn't help but doubt the memory of the material.

--Um? Does Lu Bu look like this? By the way, wasn’t I the summoned Red Rabbit Horse? 】

690: 3 years ago (4k)

[If you ignore the weird furry body and just look at the tall, muscular brown-red horse in front of you, even Shinji Matou, who has never seen a horse as a child, can recognize at a glance what an extraordinary horse this is. The divine horse.

But even if Matou Shinji has worked very hard, he still can't accept what he can't accept.

Looking at the centaur who called himself Lu Bu, the careless Shinji Matou finally couldn't help but pointed at the thing and complained about the Blue Dragon Sword Eyed Demon.

"You here on Earth used to ride something like this?"


Although his character has become mature and steady due to the influence of Guan Yu, the Blue Dragon Sword Eye Demon couldn't help but take a breath when faced with Matou Shinji's death question.

For a moment, he didn't know how to explain to his current master that he was really not familiar with this evil beast. 】

At the same time, the audience in front of the screen also showed the same astonished expressions as the Blue Dragon Blade Eye Soul and Matou Shinji, especially after some people living on the earth heard the voice of the Blue Dragon Blade Eye Demon.

It’s just the sound of nature: Huh? Is this Lu Bu? It turns out that "Lu Bu among men, Red Rabbit among horses" is not a description?

My war cry can be triggered twice: Lu Bu is a centaur... How could I have such a dream?

Yang Woqi said: Didn't you say that Lu Bu was a Gundam? What was I looking forward to? @Chaos Evil Gudazi

Chaos Evil Gudazi: I can’t come! Our Mr. Lu Bu of Ga is not like this.

Chaos Evil Gudazi: But personally I think it’s pretty cool.

ZIO Second Generation: Cat is very worried about you.jpg

President of Meili Support Association: Could it be said that this is a different side of Lu Bu?

This is a necessary sacrifice: nothing.jpg

The trembling violent general: It’s not Gundam, it’s Dorukis.

Heaven and Earth White Wolf Attack:?

Dark Flame Master: Although, I always feel that animals becoming spirits and so on are more in line with the background of the times than cyber immortality and so on.

Burroughs: Indeed.

Master of the Hall of Rebirth: We still don’t know how many ghosts, ghosts and snake gods there were in the ancient times of China.

Wang Xiaoming: No wonder people were not allowed to become spirits after the founding of the People's Republic of China. It was really too chaotic. Chaos.jpg


He didn't have the intention to care about the little episode that happened on Matou Shinji's side. At this time, Mashu, who was riding on the head of the black snake, just panted and used muscle memory to cancel the transformation.

I have to mention here that although the giant creature transformed by Miss Aaron has been generally called a black snake, to be more precise, Miss Aaron, who has dragon claws and can fly in the sky, calls it a black snake. A transforming dragon is more appropriate.

It was also because of the dragon's high-speed flying ability that he was able to help Mashu complete his evacuation plan.

But even though he had safely evacuated, Ma Xiu still looked at the shrinking Xianyang City behind him with lingering fear.

Regarding the Azure Dragon Sword beholder, Mashu could clearly feel that his essence seemed to be different from the beholders he had encountered so far.

Apart from the land bonus of Guan Yu, the heroic spirit on this land, his character is obviously more deeply affected by the "material", and he can also better exert the power of the heroic spirit itself.

It felt like the beholder and the heroic spirit had become closer to each other.

"If this feeling is not an illusion, does it mean that the technology of the beholder world is constantly improving?"

Subconsciously speaking his mind, Mashu didn't expect anyone to respond to him, but he didn't expect that a similarly breathless voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Isn't that natural?"

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