The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 263 Money Competition!

It is tolerable or unbearable!

As the saying goes, Buddhas compete for a stick of incense, and people compete for a penny! They have never cared about their beliefs, but they dare to compete with them for money. I'm afraid Moriya Shrine and the others want to be arranged.

Hakurei Shrine has a long history. Although the money box passed down to Reimu's generation has basically become a decoration, it does not mean that others can collect money casually on their territory!

"It's an insult!"

Wu Ye declared with an unprecedented serious expression:

"This is a huge insult from Moriya Shrine to our Hakurei Shrine! This is an extremely bad provocation!"

"You're right!"

There was a bang bang on the ground with the broom, and Reimu stood on the same side as Takeya without hesitation:

"This is already a war now! It's a war between us and Moriya and those guys!"

"Don't get excited, you two, calm down DA☆ZE."

Marisa, who was flustered by Takeya and Reimu's indignation, quickly spoke to dissuade her.

"It goes without saying, Marisa, there is no room for negotiation on this matter."

Takeya waved his hand, which was regarded as the prelude to this foreign war, and Reimu had no objection at all, and resolutely stood on the united front with Takeya.

It was difficult for Marisa to understand why two guys who usually had very different personalities were so firmly united in speaking out this time, and Takeru usually didn't seem to have such a strong view of the concept of money.

Indeed, compared to Reimu, Takeya does not value money itself very much. His growing environment is not rich, but it is definitely not poor. However, there is one concept that has a different meaning.

That is Saiqian.

Reimu and Takeya, who were raised by the ancestors of the miko, learned the value of money from their childhood.

Why does Marisa, as a playmate, have high-end cakes and milk for breakfast every day, while Reimu and Takeya have weird rice balls and almost colorless and tasteless tea for breakfast?

The ancestors of the shrine maidens taught Reimu and Takeya what the gap was by words and deeds, so they learned to make money, ahem, no, they understood the importance of money.

Although Hakurei Shrine is called a shrine, no new pilgrims have appeared since a long time ago, and it is absolutely impossible for the monsters passing by by chance to throw money into the shrine.

Therefore, the economic level of Hakurei Shrine has been strangely maintained at a level where it is not full but it is not hungry.

Sai Qian is a sacred existence to Reimu and Takeya. It represents the improvement of food and is a "treasure" that can fundamentally change the status quo quickly.

This is the reason why Takeya has little interest in ordinary money, but is obsessed with racing money.

The education of the previous generation of shrine maidens was obviously successful. She turned Takeya, who had no worries about food and clothing in the outside world, into a fanatical believer in the pursuit of money, and completely transformed Reimu, who was once well-behaved and honest, into an unscrupulous captive of money.

"Go, Reimu!"

Wu Ye rolled up his sleeves and went out:

"Let's go tell those guys who owns this Gensokyo!"


Reimu also picked up the royal coins and angrily prepared to go down the mountain with Takeya, while Marisa looked on in panic.

Yes, Marisa likes to cause trouble. Usually, when there is a change, the fastest one is not Takeya, let alone Reimu, but Marisa. No matter where there is excitement, she will definitely be the first one to get there.

However, there is a major premise here. Marisa positions herself as a righteous partner in maintaining peace, which means that she acts to solve the mutation, not to initiate it.

This is why she stopped Takeya and Reimu.

In her opinion, although she had a dispute with the shrine maiden of Moriya Shrine in the old hell, it was also due to personality differences and did not rise to the level of a battle of ideas.

Marisa obviously cannot agree with Reimu's behavior of directly coming to find a place. Hakurei Miko is a referee who maintains order outside the rules. If she becomes the one who fights evil in the field, wouldn't it be chaos? ?

So no matter what happened today, Marisa had to stop Reimu.

"Reimu, wait, wait! Takeya, wait!"

After being an idiot for so long, Marisa finally became smarter today. Instead of stopping Reimu, she changed sides and stopped Takeya:

"Wait a moment DA☆ZE."

"Stop talking Marisa."

Wu Ye stretched out his hand to stop the other party's words:

"There must be an understanding of this matter today. Even if Hakurei Shrine cannot receive the competition money, no one else can expect to receive it!"

"Isn't this just a rogue!"

After a rare and sharp rant, Marisa took the lead and said:

"Takeru, have you forgotten? Don't you have other things to do today?"


Marisa's words made Takeya pause. Well, he forgot about the real thing when his head got hot, no! The matter of competing for money is also business! Still the top priority! It's just that the Youmeng matter cannot be delayed.

After hesitating again and again, finally looking at Marisa's expectant eyes, the flame of "hate" in Takeya's eyes slowly extinguished:

"Reimu, let's go there in a few days."


Reimu, who was ready to go, was furious when he heard this. He squinted at Takeya and said mercilessly:

"Wu Ye, why are you so timid again today and so fast!"

"Hey! Don't you think you used this word a little too much?"

Takeru, who was inexplicably hit by an arrow in the knee, retorted innocently:

"I really have something else to do today, okay? It's still urgent!"

"whispering sound!"

Reimu turned her face away with disdain, but it was because of Takeya's words that her desire to go down the mountain seemed to have been poured cold water on her, and she was somewhat uninterested.

Don't get me wrong, this is certainly not because Reimu was worried that she would not be able to defeat him in the past. With her strength, who would dare to poke at Gensokyo? It doesn't matter whether Takeru is present or not.

Even speaking of martial arts, it is more likely to be a hindrance than a help.

The reason why Reimu didn't want to go alone was because she didn't have enough momentum. They wanted to go to town, not to find a place. If it was just to beat up the opponent, she would have gone there long ago, and she would be waiting here for Takeya, a scumbag. ?

She was a bit weak, and she didn't feel comfortable speaking harshly. Besides, this time was not a sudden change, but for the "reputation" of Hakurei Shrine, so naturally everyone had to come together.

While holding the stone at his feet to vent his anger, Reimu asked Takeya with a cold face:

"Takeya, what else do you have to deal with!"

"Ahem, why are you talking?"

Knowing that he had disturbed Reimu's interest, Takeya's tone seemed a little weak:

"It's a very troublesome matter that I can't explain clearly in a few sentences. Anyway, I have to go find Zi first."


Subconsciously taking a half step back, Lingmeng almost had the word disgust written on her face. It seemed that she didn't want to help.

There was no other way, Takeru could only turn his gaze to the other person present, Marisa.

"Leave it to me DA☆ZE!"

Patting her chest, Marisa was about to take over the matter. She thought that as long as Takeya and Reimu didn't cause trouble, she would have no objection. As for helping Takeru with urgent matters, it was her duty as a friend.

But after taking over, Marisa ran into trouble again:

"Takeya, where are we going to find Zi?"

".Let's go to the underworld."

Realm monsters have no fixed abode and love to be lazy. Finding her is hard to say easy, but not easy at all. Takeru thought about it and went to the underworld first:

"It would be great if I meet Zi there. Even if I can't, I still have something to do with Miss Yuyuko."

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