The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 429 The Fate of Hakurei Miko

"Could it be said that Hakurei Miko's power is like this?"

Seeing the previous generation of shrine maidens smiling at each other, Takeya felt something strange in his heart. They were actually the same.

Different paths lead to the same destination.

He never thought that he and Reimu were so similar. They were both human beings, and they both obtained incredible powers from incredible places.

Wu was also very surprised, but only to the extent of surprise. The power of the Hakurei Miko was unreasonable. No matter how strange the way and principle were, he would be surprised at most, and there seemed to be no more emotions.

Even if Hakurei Miko's power is "inherited" from previous generations of miko, so what? At most it's a bit special, is there any other secret?

Takeru's guess was good. Judging from the expressions of the previous shrine maidens who were only one step away from forcing a smile, it seemed that there really were other secrets.

"The power of the first generation of shrine maidens is unimaginably powerful. 'The Hakurei shrine maiden is an invincible existence in Gensokyo'-I didn't really understand the true meaning of this sentence until that day when I knew everything."

The ancestor shrine maiden shook the empty beer can in her hand, and her upturned face was a little sad: "Hakurei shrine maiden is invincible in Gensokyo, because Hakurei maiden is the real Hakurei Great Barrier."

".What?" Takeru admitted that his brain was not enough. Hakurei Miko is the Hakurei Great Barrier? What does it mean?

"Literally, Hakurei Miko is the Hakurei Great Barrier itself."

The ancient witch tilted her head, her eyes drooped down her long hair, and she threw the empty wine can into the trash can in front of her. With a bang, it echoed in this pale world, like the midnight bell, heralding the end of a beautiful fairy tale. .

"Hey, Takeya, have you heard of it? A large-scale 'change' occurs in the Great Barrier of Hakurei every sixty years."

".I heard Zi say," Takeru was a little afraid of the ancestors of the witches at this moment. He answered cautiously: "It seems that for some reason, the power of the barrier will become thinner, so the contact with the outside world will increase. , which in turn leads to the occurrence of mutations.”

"Yes, but do you know why it's once every sixty years?"

".have no idea."

The ancient miko grinned, and her plain tone suddenly changed: "Because, the average lifespan of a Hakurei miko is sixty years."


"No, I'm sorry, I made a mistake. It should be that Hakurei Miko's lifespan is only sixty years."


At that moment, Wu Ye seemed to feel that the air was stagnant.

"The power of Hakurei Miko is inherited from the first generation Hakurei Miko, but it is not the inheritance of her skills or secrets, but the complete inheritance of the power she possessed back then."

As the ancestor miko spoke, her eyes gradually drifted away, her tone carrying a hint of reminiscence.

"So the criteria for choosing Hakurei Miko is not based on simple conditions such as talent or perseverance, but the compatibility with the power left by the first generation Hakurei Miko."

"The only condition for becoming a Hakurei miko is to be able to accept the power of the first generation miko and master it."

"But this does not mean that each generation of Hakurei miko can directly obtain the power of the first generation. The so-called miko is, to put it bluntly, just a container, a container used to inherit the power of Hakurei."

"What supplies the entire Hakurei Great Barrier to operate is the spiritual power of the first-generation Hakurei Miko, and this immense power is the inheritance of the Hakurei Miko."

"Each generation of miko will draw power from the Great Barrier little by little, and then use their own bodies to fuse it. When the Hakurei Miko has absorbed all the power in the Great Barrier, she will become fully mature. Hakurei Miko."

"In other words, that is a powerful being of the same level as the legendary first generation Hakurei Miko."

"And this cycle is roughly sixty years, which means - the moment Hakurei Miko grows to her strongest point, her lifespan will reach its end. No, it must reach its end."

"Because after completely absorbing the Hakurei Great Barrier and absorbing all the power of the first-generation miko, the Hakurei Miko will become a new great barrier together with her own soul."


The ancestral miko who had said so much in one breath finally showed a satisfied expression, pouring out the secret that had been hidden for many years as if cathartic, which made her feel a little happy.

Especially when she saw Takeya's expression that gradually turned from dull to frightened, she felt a sense of revenge. Of course, this was not against Takeya or Yakumo Murasaki, but against that person.

That miserable and hateful first-generation miko who gave Hakurei Miko such a cruel fate.

"Do you know now? Takeya, Hakurei Miko, is not a person of order who exists for protection at all, but is just a tool!"

"Because of the instability of the barrier, someone must be the 'repairman'! And this person is Hakurei Miko!"

"Each generation of miko uses its own body as a container to nourish the entire Great Barrier, and then in the end, it will be annihilated by the spiritual power of the first generation for no reason and then become part of the new Hakurei Great Barrier!"

"This is Gensokyo! This is paradise! This is the last hope for humans and non-humans!"

"Hakurei Miko, that's a pathetic person who exists for sacrifice, that's a pathetic person who was born just to die!"

"In this world where everyone can laugh, if anyone has the right to cry, it is us Hakurei Miko."

The voice of the ancient miko became thicker, which was a reflection of anger.

"With a lifespan of sixty years, this is the last mercy of those guys."

"The selected Hakurei Miko will receive the baptism of the power of the first-generation Miko from an early age, but it is only at the age of twenty that she actually begins to absorb the power of the Great Barrier."

"When the witch grows to be twenty years old, the body has become somewhat resistant to external forces, so the speed of absorption will slow down, and this will add forty years to the full growth later."

"However, there are not no exceptions——"

Saying that, the former priestess set her eyes on Takeya, and the two looked at each other the same way. The latter suddenly sensed something, and suddenly became excited, and he blurted out: "Wait, then, according to the words, Reimu her...!"

"That's right, Reimu will become the strongest shrine maiden in history, because she began to absorb power from the Great Barrier when she was less than ten years old, and I'm afraid she will become Hakurei in a 'full state' before she is thirty years old You are a miko, maybe this time will be shorter."

"Then her lifespan -"

"Ah, I said, after becoming a complete Hakurei Miko, your fate will be to be crushed by spiritual power and become a new Great Barrier together with your body and mind."

As the ancestral priestess spoke, she stretched out a hand towards Takeya, and a wave of aura that Takeya was very familiar with gushed out of it—it was the same as the aura on Reimu's body!

"Reimu's 'inheritance' is only half, and the other half is in me. If the two forces are combined into one, then Reimu will grow to a complete state at the fastest speed, and will die immediately."

A sly smile appeared on the lips of the ancient miko, but her eyes were filled with sadness.

"So Takeya, what will you choose? Now that you know the truth, do you still want to take me back to Gensokyo?"


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