"If that's just an example."

"The boy wanted to eat fruit, and there was a fruit plate on the table with apples and pears in it, and the boy picked up the apple."

"Now let's go back in time a little. What if we take away all the apples in the fruit bowl before the boy picks up the apples? What will be the result?"

"The boy's choice could only be the remaining pears. From a more detailed perspective, this approach led to a change in the boy's choice. The boy who should have chosen apples ended up choosing pears."

"But what about the facts? The premise that the boy wants to eat fruit has not changed at all. At best, his range of choices has become narrower."

"The deviated trajectory will eventually return to the original path. Calling this unreasonable correction as fate may be in line with its original definition."

Compared with the cynicism that was revealed in front of everyone before, Huo Qing'e's calm appearance now seems to be more like a fairy.

After Shenqi, she seems to have found a new audience, a more suitable audience than a saint.

The King of Hell, Yingji of the Four Seasons.

"If you want to preach, I think you are in the wrong place."

Siji Yingji looked away from the copybook, glanced at Huo Qing'e in front of her, then quickly turned back, and continued to concentrate on her work today.

"The crime of breaking into the trial court without authorization, I will give you a good lecture some other day."

"It's really arrogant. Shouldn't you listen to people's demands seriously? If it's the King of Hades."

"I will be happy to lecture you after the work is over," Shiki Aihime said without raising her head: "Now, if you are not planning to leave, I think I will assign a new job to Komachi."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Maintain order and clear out the idlers."

"Haha, you are really strict, Lord Yama."

After laughing, Huo Qing'e said without changing her face: "Maybe it's not too late to make a decision after you have heard my appeal."

"turn down."

"Don't say that," Huo Qing'e rolled her hair with her fingertips, and said playfully, "What if what I want to say is related to Takeya-kun Takasaka?"


Siji Yingji's figure froze slightly, and the brush in her hand shifted to an unnatural angle.

Huo Qing'e, who clearly captured this point, smiled deeper: "Or, it would be more appropriate for me to call him Adam?"

".Who are you?"

Ji Yingji stopped what she was doing, raised her head indifferently and looked at the immortal in front of her, her tone was harsh and scary: "What are you?"

"It's so scary, so scary. Don't look at me like that. As you can see, I'm just an immortal with mediocre strength. If you want to take action, you can subdue me in an instant."

Huo Qing'e blinked and said sincerely: "After all, I don't have combat power far superior to the original gods, and I can't use my stomach as a weapon."

"Have you met them? No." Siji Yingji was slightly surprised: "You actually know them?"

"The great sage in the Moon Capital is too far away. I haven't had a chance to visit yet, but the God of the Demon Realm has already had a heart-to-heart talk with me. Are you satisfied with this answer? Lord Yama?"

Regarding Huo Qing'e's confession, Siji Yingji was silent for a long time.

".I haven't seen you." She said firmly: "Not even once."

"Yes," Huo Qing'e nodded and admitted frankly: "No matter in the past or in the future, in any fate, we will never have the chance to meet each other, let alone discuss with each other like this."

"Are you from Chang'e? No, you don't have the power of faith. So, you are from Shenqi?"

"No, I don't belong to either side."

"No way, if that's the case, why did you come to me?"

"To bring everything to an end."


Huo Qing'e's answer made Si Yingji frown slightly. It was not that the other party said something that was difficult to understand, but that what she said was so straightforward that she was even a little confused.

Have you ever wondered why people walk with their legs instead of their hands?

Shenqi, Chang'e, and herself, and maybe now this mysterious guy in front of her, don't they all want the end?

The only difference is that what Shenqi and Chang'e want are two extremes.

"Dear Lord Yama, they have all ignored that you are actually the key to everything."

Huo Qing'e smiled slightly and said: "Am I right? In fact, you know him, right? No matter his name, his purpose, even when he died, you saw everything in your eyes."

".I don't deny it, but——"

Shiki Yingji paused and said: "Takaba Takeya is not Adam."

"Really? Do you think so?"

"This is a fact."

There was unwavering persistence in Shiki Yingji's eyes, and the flame that had been burning for thousands of years showed no sign of weakening: "Even compared to you, I will never remember what happened in those seven days, but I witnessed him In the end, this is the only thing I can say for sure——"

Taking a deep breath, Shiki Yingji said firmly: "Takaita Takeya is not Adam."

"What you said is not wrong, at least not yet." After a pause, Huo Qing'e suddenly smiled sarcastically: "Speaking of which, who would have thought that the most just judge in hell would actually be the one who committed the most serious crime? His biggest accomplice."

"what on earth do you want?"

"I just want an answer."

The smile on Huo Qing'e's face gradually disappeared, leaving only the persistence: "Even if we stand outside the world, we can't know everything."

"You know Hidden Aku in the human world, right? The guy who keeps reincarnating in order to record a complete history. She has even begun to reject her original self, right? Haha, this is the same as us."

"The memory of reincarnation will slowly disappear as the reincarnation deepens. Now I can't even remember how many times this happened."

"I don't know if I am still holding on to my original ideals now. When the day comes when my memory fades completely, I may no longer be me."

"So now, while I remember all this, I just want an answer, just an answer."

"Four thousand years ago, when everything began, who gave Adam the name Death's End?"

Huo Qing'e gave up everything, and now this belief was the only motivation to keep her going. She asked one word at a time: "Who killed Adam?"

Looking deeply at Siji Yingji, Huo Qing'e said coldly: "In other words, when Shenqi and Chang'e were fighting fiercely, who had the ability and the opportunity to attack Adam?"

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