"I know, I will lead the way when we set off!"Another Tan Ma said.

"Let's eat right away, and go to Tanqiu Military Field immediately after eating!"Cai Bao said.

Two scout horses led the way, and 10,000 horses marched along a secluded path in the direction of Tanqiu. When they were still two miles away from the school military field, Cai Bao ordered:"Generals, Inform all brothers to take cover in the bushes and grass on both sides of the road."

Seeing that the soldiers were hiding, Cai Bao said:"Let's go to the hillside closest to the school military field to check the situation of Xu Ni. Don't ride a horse, go on foot."

Cai Bao, Lu Dang, and Liu Chong took 20 soldiers and came to the hillside south of the school military field. The highest part of the hillside was covered with grass half a man high, which was very suitable for hiding. When they came to the highest part of the hillside, At the place, Cai Bao and others saw Xu Gong and several generals leading the soldiers to practice. Some were riding and shooting, some were standing and some were practicing slashing, and some were practicing slashing and killing. The spearmen were practicing attack and defense. The shouts of killing one after another echoed around the school military field. After watching for a while, Cai Bao and others retreated from the hillside. Returning to the place where the troops were stationed, Cai Bao said:"We will set off immediately , General Lu Dang led 3,000 troops and was waiting in hiding on the west side closest to the school military field. General Liu Chong led 3,000 troops and waited in hiding on the east side closest to the school military field. I led the remaining brothers to hide on the hillside south of the school military field. Note that it is better to stay away from the school military field than to let the enemy discover it. The infantry must crawl forward, and the cavalry must wait behind."

Cai Bao and a few soldiers on the hillside were clearing away the weeds, and they saw a messenger under Xu Gong shouting:"Your Majesty has an order, stop training now, everyone drinks water and rests!"

The generals and soldiers on the campus military field all put down their weapons. Some went to drink water, some were talking, and some simply lay down on the campus military field. Cai Bao shouted:"Kill!"

Xu Gong, several generals and soldiers were startled by the sudden shouts of killing. When Xu Gong and others calmed down, Lu Dang led the soldiers to the west of the school military field, and Liu Chong led the school army. The soldiers on the east side of the field rushed towards the school military field like a tide. The soldiers running in front shot arrows quickly. In panic, Xu Gong's soldiers looked around for their weapons, and then fought with the enemies who rushed up. Those who did not find them Those who had weapons had no choice but to fight the enemy with bare hands. These people were either shot to death or killed with swords. Some soldiers were like headless flies, running to the south hillside. Cai Bao saw that it was almost done, and led the four thousand men who were hiding The soldiers rushed down the hillside. In a short time, many Xu Gong's soldiers were lying on the ground, dead or injured. Xu Gong and his subordinate Yu Yao were back to back, one holding a sword and the other holding a knife, fighting with the enemies around them. Looking at his men The number of soldiers was getting fewer and fewer, and Xu Kun shouted:"Brothers, retreat quickly!""

In panic, Xu Gong and Yu Yao each mounted their horses and fled to Boping County in the north. Cai Bao and his generals and soldiers chased for a while and then returned. Looking at the corpses scattered on the school military field, Cai Bao Said:"Bury all the dead soldiers on both sides, load Xu Gong's discarded weapons onto the carriage, and quickly retreat to Biancheng to prevent Shi Hu from avenging Xu Gong!""

Xu Gong, Yu Yao and others fled back to Boping County and quickly ordered the soldiers to close the four city gates. When they came to the government office and sat down, Xu Gong, who was still panting, said to his generals:"Because of my carelessness, I was killed by Cai Bao. A sneak attack killed and injured one or two thousand brothers. This revenge must be avenged!"

"Sir, if Yang Jian and Cai Bao besiege Boping County, we will be doomed. At this moment, we should quickly seek reinforcements from King Zhao in order to break the siege of Boping County."Counsel Liu Xiao said. Xu Gong thought for a moment and said:"That's all we can do. Then please go to Xiangguo, sir, and tell King Zhao how the Battle of Tanqiu failed, and let King Zhao send troops to rescue."

Three days later, in the morning, Liu Xiao came back from Xiangguo. When Xu Gong saw Liu Xiao coming back, he quickly stood up and asked,"Sir, what did King Zhao Qiansui say when he went to Xiangguo this time? Liu

Xiao sat down and drank some water, then said:"King Zhao said that he was planning a big operation and could not spare many troops." I originally planned to ask you to send troops to help, but now after hearing the situation of the Battle of Tanqiu, King Zhao said that he would first send Wang Fudu to lead 300 cavalry to serve as the vanguard, and then send Zhang Jing to lead 500 cavalry as backup."

Xu Gong listened to Liu Xiao's words and shook his head. Xu Gong said:"I originally expected King Zhao to send ten or twenty thousand reinforcements to avenge me. Fortunately, Wang Fudu and Zhang Jing both brought less than a thousand troops. It seems that it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone else!"

"When will Wang Fudu come?"Xu Gong asked. Liu Xiao said:"When I said goodbye to King Zhao, I told Wang Fudu to order his troops and set off later. It is estimated that he will arrive tomorrow."

"Since he was sent by King Zhao, let’s go to the west gate to greet him tomorrow!"Yu Yao said. Xu Gong said:"Although there are not many people, it is still appropriate to greet them."

Xu Gong, Yu Yao, Liu Xiao and others rode horses to the west gate of Boping County. Several people kept setting up tents and looking west. After about a stick of incense, Yu Yao pointed to the dust in the distance and said :"General, look, the dust is flying in the distance, it’s probably Wang Fudu who’s coming!"

A few people dismounted and waited for Wang Fudu's arrival. As they got closer, they saw a young general leading hundreds of cavalry, heading straight for Boping County. Not far from the west gate, the visitor saw There was someone waiting outside the west gate, so he got off his horse. Xu Kun walked up and asked,"Are you General Wang Fudu sent by King Zhao?" I've been waiting here for a long time!"

"Exactly! Are you Mr. Xu Gong? Wang Fudu asked. Xu Gong and others greeted Wang Fudu, and Xu Gong asked:"Are these the three hundred cavalry sent by King Zhao?""

"yes! King Zhao currently has major operations, so he cannot send too many troops. Wang Fudu said. Xu Kun said to Yao and Liu Xiao,"Please entertain these three hundred brothers in a while!""

When he arrived in the city, Xu Gong ordered the city gate to be closed, and came to the government office with Wang Fudu, Yu Yao, Liu Xiao and others. Wang Fudu was followed closely by two soldiers, staying on both sides.

"General Wang, please take a seat!"Xu Chan said. Wang Fudu sat down on the seat below, Xu Chan sat down on his seat above, and Yu Yao, Liu Xiao and others also took their seats.

"General Wang came here from Xiangguo, and it was very hard to saddle his horse all the way. After a while, we served General Wang a drink to wash away the dust. Mr. Liu, go make arrangements!"Xu Gong said.

Liu Xiao stood up and saluted Xu Gong and said:"Follow the order!"

The two maids brought tea, and everyone present began to drink tea. Putting down the tea cup, Xu Gong asked tentatively:"What are King Zhao and Duke Zhongshan busy with recently? Any major actions?"

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