At this dramatic moment, Yuxuan's shock was overwhelmed by the resurrection of Ultraman Tiga not far away in the sky. Tiga's figure was reborn in a dazzling flash of light, and the light shimmered, attracting all eyes, presenting a dizzying spectacle.

In the command center of the Victory Team, Kumi Ito stared at the screen and witnessed the resurrection of Ultraman Tiga."Is this giant really awake?" she murmured to herself in disbelief.

Meanwhile, inside the Falcon 2 jet, Yuji Horii looked confused."But how did it come to life?" he thought aloud, his voice full of doubt.

Golza and Melba were shocked by the giant's sudden resurgence. They stared at Ultraman Tiga dumbfounded, trying to understand the situation before them.

Ultraman Tiga, now fully resurrected, did not hesitate at all. He quickly moved forward and flew a kick hard, hitting Golza directly.

Seeing Gorza being attacked, Melba immediately took action, rushed into the sky without hesitation, and dived towards Ultraman Tiga, preparing to attack.

Gorza stood up angrily after being attacked. He clenched his fists, prepared himself, and marched towards Ultraman Tiga with determination.

However, before Golza could launch an attack, Ultraman Tiga's swift legs cut through the air again, sending Golza rolling into an open space next to Yuxuan.

During this brief moment, Ultraman Tiga was fighting Gorza, and Melba seized the opportunity. She fired a beam and hit Ultraman Tiga accurately.

After being hit by Melba, Diga quickly turned around. He crossed his hands in front of his head and summoned a dazzling purple light. With a violent downward movement of his arms, Tiga transformed into his purple form.

Soaring in the sky, Dijia swooped down with lightning speed and struck Melba with a powerful kick. The kick landed with thunderous force, and the loud noise made the earth tremble. Melba was kicked hard and fell heavily, hitting the ground hard.

Immediately afterwards, Dijia also fell from the sky and quickly landed on the ground. Melba, struggling to stand up in a panic, was ready to fly into the air and attack again. But Dijia didn't hesitate, a purple light shot out from his hand and hit Melba directly. In a burst of light, Melba still kept taking off, but she exploded in the flames of energy and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Goleza was kicked away to Yuxuan, and he glanced at Yuxuan who was lying nearby. A feeling of relief washed over him, and he continued to crawl forward. But after witnessing Melba's disastrous defeat, Goleza quickly got up, looking panicked.

He gestured to Yuxuan, as if calling for help:"Brother, help me!" Yuxuan pretended not to understand, but nevertheless, he stood up cooperatively and joined the battle.

During this dramatic battle, Yuxuan realizes that Ultraman Tiga cannot defeat Goleza, which makes him relieved because it means his mission will not end in failure. His next goal became clear: strike first before Tiga disappeared. Such thoughts flashed through Yuxuan's mind.

Goleza took the lead in charging and rushed towards Ultraman Tiga with all his strength.

When Diga saw the menacing Goleza rushing toward him, he quickly transformed into a red form, preparing to face the fierce impact.

During their fierce confrontation, Goleza realized that even his proud strength was powerless in front of this opponent, and he wanted to escape.

Seeing this, Yuxuan thought to himself:"Now is the time."

In this fierce duel, Yuxuan waved his right hand, as if majestic energy was gathering in the air. When he approached Ultraman Tiga, he burst out with a punch that was so powerful that it was like a thunderbolt, hitting Ultraman Tiga's vital part.

Ultraman Tiga's red figure was originally full of endless power, but under this blow, it was like a kite with its string cut off. It lost control and was forced to fly into the distance, and the figure gradually disappeared into the sky.

Gorza witnessed this scene, looked at Yuxuan in shock, and then lowered his head slightly, as if seeking Yuxuan's favor or recognition.

At this time, Yuxuan himself stood blankly on the spot, his heart full of confusion.

"How is this going? When did I become so powerful?"Yuxuan was puzzled and confused about his own power.

In the distant sky, Ultraman Tiga, who was forced to fly, climbed up with difficulty. His posture was full of caution and vigilance, and he carefully Looking at Yuxuan. Ultraman's expressionless face concealed the tense atmosphere at the moment.

Yuxuan, after successfully repelling Ultraman Tiga, seemed to have no interest in continuing the fight, turned around and walked towards the valley in the distance, seemingly Expressing his intention to leave.

Gorza understood Yuxuan's unwillingness to continue fighting, and realized that he could not defeat Ultraman alone, so he decisively chose to retreat underground.

Ultraman Tiga witnessed their He left and hurriedly chased after him. But at the moment he started chasing, the timer on his chest began to flash more rapidly, which was an obvious warning that he was running out of time. Realizing this, Ultraman Tiga raised his hand Hands rise to the sky and fly away quickly

"Dagu!"The desperate call of the victorious team echoed in the quiet valley

"Why, why is this like this, Dagu?"

"Dagu! Please come back!

Lin Na suddenly raised her head and said excitedly to the others:"Hey!" I seem to hear Dagu’s voice!"

"Hey! I heard it too!"Juejing followed closely, staring into the distance.

There, they were surprised to see Dagu walking towards them, his face filled with excitement.

"You naughty boy, where have you been? I'm almost worried to death! Zongfang said loudly, scolding and laughing at the same time, hugging Dagu tightly.

"Yes, you made us worry for nothing."Xincheng muttered dissatisfiedly beside him.

"Haha, I'm sorry everyone, I was saved by that giant." Dagu hurriedly tried to lighten the atmosphere.

"Don't dwell on this now. Let's go back to headquarters! Zongfang said, leading Dagu towards Feiyan 2.

At the headquarters of the Victory Team

"Yiruoai, show us your analysis results."Ju Jianhui noticed that everyone was here and said to Yi Ruoai who was busy typing on the computer.

"OK! I'll display the results on the screen now."Yi Ruoai replied.

A huge screen lit up, showing the scene of Di Jia fighting monsters during the day.

"It's shocking to see it this way."Juejing said with admiration

"It's amazing." Xincheng stared at the screen and couldn't help but express his appreciation.

"Ahem, let's start the meeting."Ju Jianhui saw that everyone was starting to go off topic, so he interrupted them.

"As you may all know, this monster is called Golzan and that one is called Melba."Ju Jianhui pointed at the two monsters on the screen and said

"Please look at this legend about Melba, whose power can split the sky, and the giant named Gorzan, whose existence makes the earth tremble. These two incredibly powerful creatures are no doubt familiar to you"

"Now, let's focus on the main points. This newly awakened giant."Kajumia said, and the scene turned to the mighty Dijia.

In the scene we observed, it can be clearly seen that his strength surpasses Gorzan, and his speed is far better than Melba. What is even more surprising is that , he seems to need to undergo a form change

"Well, does he have other forms?" Horii asked with curiosity and awe.

"It's still unknown. Please pay attention to his comparative data analysis of the two known forms, as well as the data about Gorzan and Melba." Irui announced, projecting complex data charts onto a giant screen

"These numbers are truly astounding."Xinjou exclaimed.

"Indeed, it is comparable to a beast that can shake the earth!"Lina echoed excitedly

"However, this giant's statistics are equally scary."Horii carefully observed the details of Diga's abilities.

"However, according to the Time Machine's chronicles, the giant was believed to be an ally of humanity, which was a rather lucky discovery." Gui Jumia told the team

"But the question is, how could this giant suddenly revive?"Someone raised this question

"The answer to this question is still a mystery"

"While everyone was having a heated discussion, Dagu sat alone, lost in thought, as if thinking about some profound issue."

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