At this time, Yue Tianming began to miss his gem staff again.

The bottom end of that thing is really sharp, and even the jaw of the forest snake can be pierced with a single blow.

It would be great if it could be used against monitor lizards.

Without continuing to think about it, Yue Tianming took a deep breath, jumped out of the door in one step, followed the big tree next to him, and directly climbed onto the roof.

Ni Man saw Yue Tianming appear with an axe, and was so frightened that he immediately lowered his head.

Your mother, every time I meet you, it's not good.

Yue Tianming scolded secretly, directly ignored Ni Man, lowered his head and shouted, "Bingbing can start."

"Okay, you have to be careful. "

With Bai Xiabing sitting in the tree house, Yue Tianming doesn't need to worry about Ni Man making ghosts.

Bai Xiabing skewered a piece of fish meat with a branch and swayed continuously at the monitor lizard, like teasing a dog.

The monitor lizard was also very face-saving, got up slowly, and crawled over lazily.

However, in the eyes of the monitor lizard, Bai Xiabing's tender flesh is obviously more attractive than that salted fish.

Yue Tianming saw that the time was almost up, found the blind spot of the monitor lizard's sight, and gently fell to the ground along the trunk of the tree.

There were branches all over the ground, but Yue Tianming needed to find the right thickness.

If it's too thick, you can't hold it, and if it's too thin, you can't do it, and you have to go farther, so as not to alarm the monitor lizard.

He tiptoed backwards and left, until he was completely out of the monitor lizard's field of vision, and then let go of his steps and hurried to find the guy who took advantage of him.

Most of the remaining branches on the ground were not suitable, and Yue Tianming aimed his gaze at a branch on his head.

Tree climbing was a breeze for him, and soon he jumped up a large tree, rode on a branch, and began to chop wood with great difficulty.

The branches are not thick, and it didn't take long for them to break.

Yue Tianming used an axe to cut the branch into a suitable length again, sharpened one end with a dagger, untied the shoelaces, and tightly wound the dagger around the front end, which can be regarded as a double insurance.

Only then did he come back cautiously.

Everything went very smoothly until Yue Tianming returned to the tree house again, and there were no accidents.

All three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Whew... I was scared for a while, damn, hurry up and get rid of this big guy, or I'll have nightmares if I don't sleep. "

Wait a while, and put your arms around my waist, lest I be dragged down by it."

"Well, don't worry.

"Be careful, Tianming.

Yue Tianming rubbed the cold sweat in his palm, and he was ready to dry.

This branch is more than two meters long, almost the thickness of Bai Xiabing's wrist.

Yue Tianming had already stuck the fish meat on the dagger, stood at the door of the hanging tree house, and poked the branches out.

The monitor lizard was directly below, and Yue Tianming tried to poke the long branch near the monitor lizard, trying to attract it.

As long as the other party opened his mouth and wanted to eat the fish, then Yue Tianming could go straight into its belly with one blow.

Huh, why didn't you react?

Yue Tianming stared intently from above, and the monitor lizard just shook its head casually, sniffed with its forked tongue, and was not interested in fish meat at all, but looked up at Yue Tianming.

What do you mean? Is the fish salty, don't you like it? Or do you just like to eat Lao Tzu

? Yue Tianming was depressed, he tried his best to prepare a big meal for you, and you dared to refuse?

You can't use myself as bait, this bastard monitor lizard.

"Tianming, doesn't seem to work?" Yan Xiaoxiao looked down at the small window, worried and disappointed.

"Uh... By the way, the monitor lizard seems to accept carrion, why don't we go to the place before and pick up some animal carcasses and come back?" Bai Xiabing suddenly remembered this.

The animal carcasses that were scattered around before, Bai Xia Bing was all thrown into the quagmire of the lake downstream.

"Hey, why didn't you say it earlier. Yue Tianming complained.

"I..." Bai Xiabing's face was a little uncomfortable, this can't be blamed on me, who knew that your tricks were so simple.

"Forget it, just go. Yue Tianming waved his hand helplessly.

You have to be scared to go out once, and now there is a second time. Yue

Tianming climbed onto the roof again, ready to do it again.

Before he could tell Bai Xiabing to start preparing, he heard the other party already shouting, "Tianming, the monitor lizard has run away!"

"What the hell?" Yue Tianming was a little confused, and hurriedly leaned on the edge of the roof to look down.

Isn't that right? Yue Tianming frowned.

The monitor lizard did run away, but it didn't go far.

To be precise, the monitor lizard ran into the river and hid, only exposing its mouth to breathe.

Yue Tianming scratched his head, what does this mean? I'm tired of playing, take a shower first?

Just when Yue Tianming was secretly confused, he heard Ni Man behind him, trembling with a frightened voice, "Over there... Over there..."As he spoke, he was still patting Yue Tianming's shoulder.

"Get out of the way! Lao Tzu doesn't have time to pay attention to you!" Yue

Tianming raised his hand to shake Ni Man away, and he was so irritable in his heart.

I didn't bother you, and you took the initiative to provoke me, believe it or not, Lao Tzu ......

Yue Tianming's thoughts were only halfway through, and he also looked into the distance with a shocked expression.

Oh, I'll go! What is this! A dense, black patch is rushing towards this side at a very fast speed.

"Bingbing, smile?" Yue Tianming's voice also began to tremble.

"What's wrong?" "Tianming?" There

are really not many things that can make Yue Tianming afraid, and the second daughter in the house sensed that something was wrong with Yue Tianming.

"Hurry up and make the fire prosperous!The bigger the better!!" With

Yue Tianming's loud shout, he also quickly turned over and went into the house.

"Hurry up, hurry up, this guy is even more terrifying!" The

distance was still a little far, Yue Tianming didn't see what it was, but it was dense, black, and full of mountains.

It is not good to make monitor lizards feel frightened and hide in the water in advance.

"They were all stunned, making a fire, making a fire, and lighting all the wood that could be burned!" Yue

Tianming was in a hurry, and he couldn't care about being polite.

The scene I just saw from the roof was too shocking.

Yan Xiaoxiao and Bai Xiabing's vision was blocked, and they didn't realize the seriousness of the situation at all.

"I'm here to help, too!" another figure descended from the roof and scurried into the treehouse.

Ni Man was also panicked, the things that came this time were not able to escape with two legs, because many huge ants had been found near the trunk, and it seemed that the direction of the woods was also occupied.

As far as the eye can see, only the waters of the river are clean, but dare to go there? The monitor lizard is in the water.

And she is still fantasizing that as long as she takes the initiative to come over to help, she may be able to stay.

"You go out!" Bai Xiabing was even more angry when he saw Ni Man.

"Leave her alone, hurry up and make a fire! I'll talk about it later!" Yue Tianming grabbed Bai Xiabing, who was about to start.

There's really no time to explain, now is not the time to fight, it's important to save your life.

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