Hearing Liu Yun's words, Ye Tian scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, not knowing what to say for a while. So he sullenly followed the group.

The more in-depth Ye Tian's understanding of this city in the sky is, the more clearly the shock in his heart will be stronger.

The entire Sky City doesn't look like it does not look like a whole, in fact, it is composed of countless small parts.

Each part is directly connected by the magic portal of space, this design can greatly avoid the damage caused by the invasion of the enemy.

In addition, he also discovered that the countless gunboats on the periphery of the entire city are not simple, even with Ye Tian's current cultivation base, he can feel a kind of heart palpitations on it.

I am afraid that even if it is attacked by a group of great magicians, it will not get much benefit.

Since Ye Tian and their final destination command center was in the deepest part of the entire Sky City, Ye Tian also memorized all the scenery along the way in his heart.

What an amazing city...

Ye Tian said with emotion in his heart.

Since they had already greeted each other, Ye Tian and the others had no obstacle on their way, and in just a quarter of an hour, they had already passed through this huge city and reached the command center.

"came back!"

"You two brothers are really amazing. According to the energy detection, you have made a lot of noise this time!"

"Hurry up and collect the reward, maybe this time you can transfer back to the headquarters to work!"

The three of them had just filed in, and the surrounding working horses surrounded them, their tone was very cordial, and it seemed that the two brothers should be old acquaintances.

Since Ye Tian's intelligence belongs to the two brothers of Gaoji, each of them has their own opinions.

Since there were still two brothers in the three of them, they just exchanged a little greeting and pulled Ye Tian through the crowd.

"We'll see Dean Long Kong next. Except for the leader of the alliance who sees his head but does not see his tail, he is the highest person in charge of this city. You should pay attention when you talk."

Seeing the solemn expression on Liu Yun's face, Ye Tian also nodded and walked out of the elevator.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in!"

After hearing the answer, Liu Yun carefully opened the door, and the two shouted loudly after a military salute.

"Liu Yun and Liu Yu of the 37th Division of the Second Army came to report!"

At this time, Ye Tian was also able to follow the gap between the two bodies to see the middle-aged man sitting on the chair.

The old man had white hair and beard, wearing a large magic robe, with a kind smile on his face, giving people a very kind feeling.

It was an image that looked like a good old man.

"Okay, you two brothers don't need to be so rigid. Let's talk about the two of you later. I'm very interested in this little brother behind you."

Hearing the words of Dean Long Kong, the expressions on the faces of the two also changed, but a channel flashed out quickly.

After seeing Ye Tian, ​​the old man's eyebrows moved slightly.

In an instant, I felt as if I was swept away by a majestic spiritual force. That feeling was like ripping off my clothes to make all my secrets invisible!

That feeling made all the hairs on Ye Tian stand up!_

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