But this kind of reckless and self-righteous brat owes a lesson, you can talk about praise slowly, or let others praise. But as an elder, he had to teach him a lesson, otherwise she might think she was right and be complacent, and make the same mistake next time, and she might not be so lucky then.

"I think you should worry about yourself first. Do you know that the mental strength of those who have not fully awakened may be overdrawn several times and may affect the next awakening period? People? Driving without a license... You two are quite courageous, and your lives are pretty big. I can't kill you like this, huh?" Stark sneered.

Jiang Hui didn't expect the moment of settlement to come so quickly. In fact, let alone Stark, even when Jiang Hui thinks back on the things she did not long ago, all kinds of adventurous actions and omissions caused by her knowingly committed crimes, she is really afraid of her own life.

The Hillman family is a real child, understandable, but is she? Jiang Hui knew that she had committed as many mistakes as Hillman in this matter, she just had the advantage of being more mature than others.

She didn't dare to refute what Stark said, because what the other party said was the truth. Do. If she had switched positions with Stark at this moment, she would probably explode with anger when she saw her younger generation do such a thing.

"Aren't I the one who hasn't waited to come to the school for rescue..." Jiang Hui still couldn't help defending himself in a low voice.

"You must be extremely cautious when making any choice without knowing the details. You should be clear that no matter at any time, you should not trust others casually. Sometimes a small choice is enough to be fatal." Stark said in a deep voice. Said to the ignorant girl You Zi.

Although there was a mistake this time, the development of the whole thing was a matter of course, luck along the way, and a bunch of omissions in the end became a good thing. But who can guarantee that he can be so lucky all the time? What if the next time she meets a caring person who intends to deceive, and she believes it?

Therefore, although taking this incident as an example does not seem to be so convincing, Stark still seized this opportunity to teach others, hoping that the other party should have their own judgment in the future.

Jiang Hui was deeply touched by Stark's words. Because just judging from this incident, isn't it a ready-made good example?

That student Hillman was probably really kind, but his kindness was based on his own pure thinking. He didn't have a clear self-awareness about himself, he just knew he wanted to do it and did it.

Not only that, he even boldly recruited another person to help him complete such a seemingly impractical thing. This person is Jiang Hui.

But the problem is that Jiang Hui, who is an adult at his core, was really fooled. She is not completely without judgment, but is blinded by the situation and the impulse of a certain moment.

So being cheated can't really be said to be someone else's responsibility, it's entirely because she took the bait without thinking.

Even if the last two were lucky enough to save their team leader and instructor after some clever manipulation, this incident also left a deep mark on Jiang Hui's heart.

Looking back now, the scariest thing about this incident was that she was like an idiot, being led by the nose by a young boy without judgment. Just like losing IQ, I was completely dominated by impulse, and I didn't make good use of my normal thinking as an adult.

So when the other party talked about it, she had nothing to say at all, and she felt a little ashamed.

Stark also knew that this kid was still young, and hadn't even received formal training, so it was pretty good to be able to handle things like this. Since she knows she is wrong, she can prove that this is also a clear-headed one.

Forget it, just teach it well in the future.

He said to Jiang Hui, who bowed his head: "Okay, I already know the matter. You stay here and take a good rest. You can go back to the dormitory to rest after Lu Jing's medical doctor comes to check you up tomorrow morning. Tomorrow's You don't need to go to the training for the time being, and resume training after receiving news from the school.

Jiang Hui nodded in confusion, watching the other party leave the tent neatly, and then realized that the question was over? It seems that they didn't ask anything. Could it be that the other party just came to see her situation.

In fact, Jiang Hui's feeling was right, Stark came here specially to check on her situation, and it happened that she was also awake at this moment, so the two of them had a conversation.

Leaving from the temporary tent area, Stark called the sergeants stationed nearby and told them to be careful of the surrounding situation. Then he left the temporary rest area and walked towards the conference building in the center of the campus.

It was late at night, or it should be said that it was close to dawn, but almost all the teachers and officers stationed in the school did not rest at this moment. They have been busy all night, checking the surrounding situation all night, tracing the root cause of the star beast attack, and sorting out the report to the military.

The incident this time was quite a mess, a total of two teams were attacked by star beasts. It's just that one of them was lucky enough to escape in time, but they were also stuck in the valley at the same time. Fortunately, those ant beasts didn't stay for too long and left for some reason. It wasn't until the school's rescue team went to search that they were brought back intact.

The team led by Warrant Officer Mace was not so lucky. His team had more students from the general department, and most of them failed to pass the shooting test, so the final team he led to was also a relatively small team. So it became the main target of this group of acid ants.

The seventh team almost ran into the herd of star beasts head-on, and unlike the lucky team in front, there was almost no room to dodge. Then, as everyone had seen, Mace adopted a method of fighting to the death in order to protect these helpless students.

And Mace was unfortunately hit by a fatal blow from one of the hidden king-level beasts. He was hit to the vital point and almost died on the spot.

If the students in his team hadn't ventured to look for it, and one of the freshmen had mistakenly carried a living cell biomedicine with him, he probably would have died outside before the school received the news to fish it out.

The situation of the other party is very bad. It is still being rescued. According to the famous 12-hour best time rescue theory of interstellar medicine, if the rescue fails to make a breakthrough after another two hours, even if the other party is rescued in the end, there will be residual trauma in the brain, and eventually it may It will affect his future marching career.

I just hope he can be stronger, after all, he is still so young.

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