Jiang Hui obviously felt that he was coming back this time. The atmosphere in the class has changed a bit.

Everyone seems to have heard some rumors, and she, who has always been insignificant in the class, suddenly has a lot of observation eyes that she thinks are not obvious.

Of course, most of these people are not malicious, and they are more curious than observing.

Young people can't hide things from their hearts, and this kind of polite and restrained gaze is actually quite obvious. Seeing their hesitation and hesitation every time, Jiang Hui felt a little bit tempted to pick one at random and ask directly, it was better than now hesitating one by one, with more than 20 people looking at you with similar eyes.

Especially that classmate Clarence, who hadn't seen her for a long time, seemed to be passing by her today, and said something nonsense as if inadvertently: "Don't pay too much attention to that kind of trash. Just don’t place orders next time.”

Jiang Hui:? ? ?

Then when the other party asked, it was as if a certain signal had been turned on. Enthusiastic classmates came up one after another, or asked her if she was feeling better, or comforted her not to pay too much attention to some unfriendly guys. What's more, he even came up and patted her on the shoulder with a "sympathy for you" expression.

Jiang Hui: ...

Now she finally understood that these abnormal behaviors were probably related to the surprise attack on her training ground a few days ago. These classmates obviously heard the wind and thought that she had been hurt a lot, and they wanted to comfort her and give her some warmth from their classmates.

Well, she was actually a little warmed up. Most of the young people are high-spirited, but they are also full of enthusiasm. They are most displeased with such bullying things. Naturally, they are also angry when such things happen in the class. Jiang Hui.

It's just that I don't know how these people spread it, or did the story go wrong in the process of spreading it? Why does it feel that she seems to be a poor little girl who has been hit physically and mentally in everyone's eyes.

It is said that even though she was attacked by a sneak attack and her internal organs were injured by kicking with two feet, the result of the other party was not much better. The school also upheld justice for her and expelled her from school.

Expelled from a school like Beska Intermediate Academy, it will be difficult for Carl Jr. to find a good school to accept him in the future. If he wants to continue his studies, he can only transfer to a farther galaxy, or accept some lesser colleges. Interstellar is so big, it is estimated that there will be no more intersections.

Jiang Hui didn't sympathize with him at all, and was satisfied with the result of this treatment, and it was even less likely that he would be hit. Therefore, although everyone's comfort played a little heart-warming effect, Jiang Hui was not hit by this incident, but it also aroused her desire to practice hard to improve her self-abilities.

Then Jiang Hui got the answer when Hillman came to see her at noon, about the incident that was rumored about her in her grade.

The two went back to the dining hall on the second floor as usual, this time it was Jiang Hui's treat.

After eating here once, she feels that the taste here is actually quite good, and the price is expensive but still affordable. So today the child hurried over to care about her situation, Jiang Hui led her here to have dinner together, after all, it was the other party's treat last time.

"What?" The other party was biting the meat in his mouth, he seemed very excited, he couldn't help biting that piece of meat, as if he was treating someone very hateful, he gritted his teeth fiercely: "So that's how it happened."

It's not true that it's worse than the legend...

"I said, Mr. Jiang, you shouldn't let him go so easily? Wouldn't it be better for such a bad character to sue him directly to the Inspection Bureau?"

If the two of them weren't fully awakened, Jiang Hui probably would have chosen to do this without hesitation. But Jiang Hui, who knows the extent of the empire's protection for those who are not fully awakened, thinks it's better not to waste that effort, because the identity of the not fully awakened person naturally gives the other party a layer of protection. Pulling it down is not only a waste of time, but she also has to endure nausea Continue to interact with this pair of playwright father and son.

So simply use the hands of the school to deal with it directly. In the end, Jiang Hui was quite satisfied.

But Hillman interpreted this as Jiang Hui's soft-heartedness, and You Zi said angrily, "Who is this? One-sidedly attacked and beat others, and he had the nerve to slander others, but it turned out for such a nonsensical reason."

"If you want him to think like this, wouldn't he be happy all his life? There are a lot of rich and powerful children in this world, not only in schools, but also outside, even after graduation, there are many who go out to work, the army, and political circles. Doesn't he want to be happy in the future? Seeing one and beating one? I think he is just bullying and fearing the hard, seeing that you are a thin and weak girl who wants to bully you. He also uses despicable means like sneak attack, bah!"

Hillman was a straight-forward person. He obviously didn't think deeply about complicated issues such as the class of the rich and powerful, but he could see the sinister intentions of that little Mr. Carl at a glance.

After he couldn't help cursing in anger, he babbled about "disgusting" and "too bullying." Barabara was even more angry than Jiang Hui, the client.

Then, under extreme anger and sympathy, he immediately went to the front desk and ordered several special nutritious dishes for Jiang Hui, saying that he would nourish her body and so on.

Jiang Hui really wanted to say that she had been lying in bed for three days straight, and the powerful nutrients and supplements were enough for a dozen, so the current situation is better than anyone else. It's just that the other party has good intentions after all, and is not embarrassed to interrupt.

The other party turned back and said to Jiang Wei: "You don't know that some of us heard that there was a fight on the training ground the next day. The punishment notice was only the guy who hit someone, but we didn't know who was the victim. , I also heard from your classmates when I went to your class to look for it the next day."

"They also swear that you were blocked on the training ground by that guy named Carl and beat you, and then you were caught by the head teacher and made a big fuss, so you were expelled from school."

Originally, the matter wasn't such a big deal, the school just wanted to keep a low profile. It's just that Mr. Carl's father is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Seeing that he can't get rid of this crime, the child was expelled from school because of the violation of malicious injury. He broke his defense a bit, standing directly at the school building and hurling insults, refusing to leave no matter what, and then many people heard it.

In addition, the school immediately announced such an announcement, and it was hard for the students not to hear about it. Naturally they pieced the whole thing together, and of course they obviously screwed it up a little.

Jiang Hui didn't expect such a thing to happen later.

Alas, it's such a big scene... Even if the heroic act of saving people last time was out of the circle, now because of being beaten up and become a "man of the hour" on campus, it's really unacceptable.

There will be one more later. Sorry, the exam is coming soon, and it is very slow, but the exam will be over on the 3rd, and it will return to normal by then, thank you for your understanding.

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