Everyone here hasn't eaten all day, brother...she is also hungry, but she is not as lively as you, and her stomach is screaming.

Ahhh, I'm really hungry. I didn't feel it just now, but hearing someone's stomach thundering made me even hungrier.

Strange to say, she ate a lot in the mental space, but it didn't have the effect of looking for plums to quench her thirst. She couldn't fall asleep in the real space after sleeping in the mental space. Why can't this appetite be transformed from reality to reality like sleep?

Naturally, Jiang Hui didn't express this thought. Seeing Zhou Xiuwen take out several nutrient solutions, he couldn't help but feel a little headache: "This should be the last one. I still have a few here, but I can only take care of it once. "

But there are still more than 20 weeks before the end of the game, that is, more than 20 hours, one day and one night, if you can't sleep without eating, how uncomfortable is it? As long as he thinks about it like this, Jiang Hui will feel a headache.

Zhou Xiuwen was obviously very hungry, and he didn't care about what was in stock, so he pulled off the lid directly, stuffed one by one into his mouth, and couldn't help but muttered: "What kind of broken nutrient solution is this? The nutrient solution is different? Drinking half a row and half row doesn't work, and I'm still very hungry..." The school won't give them the mixed water.

Of course, he didn't say the last sentence. Because he thought it would be embarrassing if the voice was broadcast and the school leaders heard it?

Hearing this, Jiang Hui, who slowly pushed aside the stopper of the nutrient solution, paused, and also discovered this. Yes, she doesn’t take nutrient solution much. After all, Jiang Hui hasn’t been in StarCraft for a long time. She has eaten it a few times. She remembers taking one as a meal replacement a while ago, and she is really full. Belly.

But how to enter the competition, eating a few sticks or even eating in half a row is not enough.

In fact, she didn't realize it at the beginning, but after taking it for the first time, she had to supplement it every few weeks, and the frequency of taking it was getting higher and higher, so whether it was something wrong or something else.

"These are the organic nutrient solutions of Shilixing, which are developed by combining the effects of replenishing physical strength and satisfying hunger. Although the effect of replenishing physical strength is relatively weak, in order to combine this effect, the effect of satisfying hunger has also been reduced. Again. In addition, you have consumed a lot of physical energy along the way, no matter how much you take this kind of nutrient solution, you will not be able to satisfy your hunger."

"If there is an ordinary nutrient solution, the effect of alleviating hunger should be better.

There is no ordinary nutrient solution, and it would be good if you can pick up the nutrient solution. She didn't see anything clearly at the time, so she just fished it if she could get it back. Later, I was not very lucky in grabbing resources in the arena. I didn't get many things, and there was no nutrient solution among them. The few remaining in her hand were given to her by Zhou Xiuwenyun.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Xiuwen shook his head when he heard the words, and said in surprise: "I still have this? I don't know, I just use what I picked up. But all the ones I picked up were of this kind, nothing else." He said He raised an empty tube in his hand and shook it.

Huan Xian glanced at the nutrient solution tube in his hand, and said in surprise: "Then you are lucky, and all the organic nutrient solutions you picked up are physical strength. Although the effect of alleviating hunger is not very good at the moment, in fact, in the arena We need more of this."

Jiang Hui looked at the nutrient solution in his hand and smiled wryly. If they weren't hungry now, they would probably be more accepting of this good luck.

The next moment, Huan Xian took out two rows of nutrient solution from his backpack and distributed them to Jiang Hui and Zhou Xiuwen, very generously.

"I don't have anything to give you, just this...although it's just an ordinary nutrient solution." The other party seemed a little shy about what he gave.

"This..." Jiang Hui really wanted to say no, because this is not a resource that everyone picked up, so wouldn't it be a waste of their stuff? But rationality told her that she really needed this, because she was so hungry now, and she didn't know when she would faint from hunger if she didn't eat something that could fill her stomach.

"Take it, I can't pay back what I owe you all the way." Now I can only give you this.

Huan Xianchang sighed, he felt a little frustrated, as if he had been depressed since he entered the competition, and he was always in a bad mood.

He never took this game seriously.

Of course it wasn't because he had the chance to win. No matter how proud he was, he was never so arrogant. He felt that his ability was superior to all the outstanding first-year students of Beska Intermediate Academy, but he just thought it was boring.

Nothing interesting, very boring.

He, Huan Xian, is just a wandering soul, rootless duckweed, floating in this world, without a home, and no place willing to accept him.

Maybe it happened in the past, after all, he couldn't have jumped out of a rock, so he was naturally related.

There used to be a family in his fading memory, although there is only a little gray picture left, and the figures in it are blurred, and everything is only faint light and shadow.

But he could still faintly remember the inexplicable strange emotion that faintly remained in his chest. However, until now he has been unable to tell what it is, because Huan Xian has long lost the ability to recognize emotions, and only feels a little sour, astringent, and indescribably boring, a little bit vaguely on his desolate heart. color.

But it's only a little bit, and with the passage of time, the legacy of this idea is about to be completely wiped out, replaced by the situation of the past ten years.

White walls, white people, white world... His world was once so icy, and he was never regarded as a human being. He also has no hope for the world.

Later, he was rescued from there and came to a colorful world that was completely different from before, and everything was different from the place he had lived in for nearly ten years.

He didn't have to cooperate with those boring and strange "activities" every day, but he also had his own identity, and met many people who were different from those people in white...he learned how to be a human being.

However, this human named Huan Xian is still empty under his shell, an empty soul, an empty heart. He still doesn't understand human beings, but in order to integrate into the surrounding environment, he pretends to be a normal person, pretends to be a normal person, pretends to behave and speak, pretends to pretend to have a temperament, pretends to pretend to think, and pretends to have the emotions that a normal human being should have.

He seems to have really fooled those people.

Then it was sent here on an ordinary day. The person who sent him here went through the formalities for him like an ordinary parent, told him to study hard here, and then left—Huan Xian was completely free, really.

But does he really have the ability to be a human being...

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