Jiang Hui found a rope and tied the middle of his right leg, not too tight but not too loose, just enough to tie the leg to reduce the speed of blood flow.

Even after resting for more than two weeks, Jiang Hui is much better.

Interstellar medicine is really extraordinary. If he suffered such an injury on Blue Star, even if he went to the hospital for treatment, he would probably be in severe pain throughout the day.

But after Jiang Hui applied the medicine, the pain disappeared in about a week or so. It's just that the wound is cold, numb and itchy, as if it is healing.

However, Zhou Xiuwen, who seems to be very experienced in this, told her that it was not healing, but that the wound medicine powder was forming a low-limit living film, which could protect the exposed muscle tissue and blood vessels, so as not to cause damage to the wound caused by subsequent activities. Overstrain of the wound.

This is also a kind of emergency medicine that is often used by the military. It is usually used together with specific medicines to facilitate the need for non-essential activities for the injured after that.

However, no matter how good the medicine is, it does not have the effect of healing in a second, and it is not a special medicine. It is impossible for her injury to get better without formal treatment and rest for a day. Jiang Hui also needs to be mentally prepared to face all kinds of problems in the next ten weeks of travel, so he must be fully prepared before departure.

Jiang Hui put armor on his ankles, wrists, and waist that could reduce strain and help.

This thing is similar to the protective gear on Blue Star, but the protective gear issued by the school is a quasi-military standard. It is generally used in military training and actual combat, and its specifications are already extremely high for daily use.

Fortunately, Jiang Hui and the others picked up a few sets in that unknown warehouse at that time, otherwise they would not be able to find them now.

But with this whole set of gadgets, Jiang Hui realized why it sounded so good, but Huan Xian and Zhou Xiuwen didn't seem to be too cold - because it was too heavy.

I don't know what kind of material this thing is made of. It feels slippery and does not feel like a fabric. The material is delicate and fits very well with the skin, but it has a certain weight.

After wearing this, it was like putting a 2-5KG load on her wrists, ankles, and waist. For the physique of an interstellar person, each one is not heavy, but together they weigh forty or fifty catties.

Jiang Hui obviously felt that the speed of his activities had slowed down significantly, his flexibility was also affected, and even the precision of his wrists and legs was slightly reduced.

It's a sniper's paradise out here. What is the difference between her running like this and dragging a plane? After Jiang Hui tried it, she refused to use it, but Huan Xian, Zhou Xiuwen, and even the newly arrived Hillman tried their best to persuade her to use it.

She also knew that the current situation where she was hurt was really not a trivial matter. If the operation is not done properly, it will not only affect the subsequent victory or defeat, but may even cause some bad effects on her body.

Jiang Hui is not the kind of person who doesn't listen to advice. She also realized that the previous accident seemed to put her in a very unfavorable situation, and her teammates were trying their best to reduce the impact, taking into account her physical load and follow-up treatment.

She can't be ignorant of good and bad, right? So in the end Jiang Hui dragged such a pair of cumbersome equipment on the road.

It feels like this at the beginning of putting it on, and even more after using it. This thing has a really strong sense of weight and is relatively restrictive. Jiang Hui tried to rush to shoot the gun, but the result was not ideal. She was very worried that it would affect her shooting accuracy at the critical moment.

But Jiang Hui thought she could understand why her teammates insisted on her wearing this set of linkage protective gear. It is heavy, and the restrictions are quite large, but its function is indeed as its name suggests, and it can automatically provide linkage protection for limb adjustment.

When Jiang Hui's right leg is injured, these protective gear will adjust the center of gravity and rhythm according to the frequency of her muscle beating and movement trajectory, reducing the burden on her right leg. And the whole process is very natural. With the help of the protective gear, she unconsciously completed the adjustment and protection. In terms of longevity, it would indeed be more beneficial for Jiang Hui to choose to wear this object.

Alas, in fact, it was her own failure to live up to expectations. If only this leg hadn't been hurt, the current situation would be fine no matter how you look at it.

Jiang Hui dragged his slightly heavy body to continue guerrilla warfare with his teammates, but the efficiency was still lower than before, because the speed inevitably slowed down.

However, with the cooperation of a group of people, the four who adjusted their strategy still ambushed five teams in a row, and it seemed that they had gradually recovered their past rhythm. Jiang Hui also gradually adapted to the feeling of carrying weight, and slowly returned to the efficiency of scoring points like 5v2, which made Hillman very impressed.

Just when everyone thought that for the next nine stars, they would maintain such a relatively "skilled labor" state, the reality quickly dealt them a heavy blow—especially for some people.

"I feel that there are fewer and fewer people left in the practice field. I don't know how many people are left in the field. There are still nine stars left, so we won't have more and more things to do." Hillman was a little bored say.

Joining this team was indeed as he imagined, and everything went extremely smoothly. The few above him are also extremely powerful figures, and the teams fighting against them have little ability to resist. On the contrary, he seemed to be eating and waiting to die in it, which didn't have much effect, and made him feel embarrassed all the time.

Zhou Xiuwen rolled his eyes at the other party: "What you think is beautiful. I also think about it. I haven't rested much in my twenties, and I want to finish it early and go back to rest. But you think the guy who can keep the present will be Simple characters? They'll keep us busy?"

Indeed, as time went by, there were fewer and fewer prey, and the remaining ones were almost all hunter-level characters.

Even if these people don't plan, they will try their best to plan against them. In short, there is you without me, only one side can exist.

If they still want to continue to stand tall in this arena, it is impossible to really relax, otherwise they might as well just lie down and equal the result.

Huan Xian withdrew the mental power scattered around, and turned back to Jiang Hui: "How is the wound?"

Jiang Hui shook his head. It was just the same, the opening was tight, and I lost the feeling because of the powder, so I didn't feel very good. Moreover, the wound will inevitably burst again while walking, and blood seeps from the bandage. From the visual effect, the pressure is still quite high.

She herself was a little afraid to look at it, for fear of recalling the bright red muscle tissue exposed to the air at that time. This really challenged her nerves a bit.


"What's the matter?" Huan Xian asked as if seeing that she was hesitating to speak.

"It's nothing, it's just..."

"The schedule has reached three-quarters of the time, and there are still nine hours before the end of the game. The current total score list of the current participants is announced on the field, and it will be updated in the whole practice field, with each star hour as the unit Publication of the results."

What happens after the results are announced in the arena? How will the game situation change? Added: A certain heart is really sinister.

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