The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 256 Dissatisfaction


Huan Xian, who was standing shoulder to shoulder with Jiang Hui, suddenly let out a muffled snort, and unconsciously covered his eyes with his palm.

Jiang Hui next to him immediately saw something was wrong: "What's wrong?"

"Good boy, you actually cut off my mark."

The girl was a little taken aback: "Did he find you?"

Huan Xian nodded and said: "That guy is very sharp, and I don't know how to do it. He didn't release any mental power. I can only capture the mental force field of his companions. But the distance is too far to read. things are weak."

To sum up, it is "unmarkable, difficult to lock".

Now it's tricky.

"Don't worry, can they hide their spiritual power for a lifetime?" Huan Xian sneered.

Mental power, which is more sensitive than eyesight, is undoubtedly the best weapon to protect oneself in a chaotic battle. People who cannot be seen by the naked eye, and sounds and movements that cannot be heard by the ears, can be captured as long as there is enough mental power. Huan Xian has a deep understanding of this.

To put it bluntly, they still hit with a hammer without mental strength? !

"Don't use your mental strength yet, don't let him notice your aura for now." Huan Xian said to Jiang Hui.

Hearing this, Jiang Hui nodded, without saying anything, and saw that the other party turned his head and continued to look at an enemy covered by layers of bushes through the void.

This person seemed to be slightly aroused. Jiang Hui thought to himself.


After cutting off the seemingly invisible spiritual thread, Holly's expression was a little bad: "Put away your mental power, hurry up!"

Others don't know why, some people don't know whether to follow it, like Xiao Li, and some people are not happy and want an explanation.

To say that in this small team, the five players are all attackers, and the top tier of food must be Holly, which is beyond doubt. However, the second place is not Xiao Li, who obviously holds the second-in-command position of the team, but Mu Kun.

Her spiritual level is comparable to that of Holly, even faintly higher. She was born in a military family and has been well-educated. She is more knowledgeable and experienced than ordinary students. Her physical fitness, physical skills, and shooting ability can be said to be strong, and she is only on par with Holly's ability.

However, Holly has to see the big picture and has Xiao Li at his side to fully support him, so this team is still fully controlled by Holly for the time being.

But in terms of the strength of the whole team, this one is definitely far above Xiao Li.

Mu Kun has been dissatisfied with this unprecedented state of distress for a while. At the beginning, everyone came together because of similar abilities and the same desire to win. She felt that she couldn't beat that guy Holly, so she retired from the offline.

Indeed, for a long time, under the leadership of the other party, they have always had the upper hand, much smoother than her fighting alone, and quickly climbed to the front.

But this situation seems to have changed after meeting the R186 group, and the situation suddenly went downhill.

They are no longer as sure of victory as before, and Holly seems to be a little bit out of control, and even the field that seemed to them to have no threat at first seems to be against them. God knows how many people are waiting to see their jokes in the arena.

Such a change made Mu Kun extremely uncomfortable, and he was hovering at the critical point of the attack.

Now she finally couldn't take it anymore: "Holly, what do you mean?! Put away your mental power and wait to die? If someone is ambushing as you said, wouldn't we all put away our spiritual power to raise our weapons and surrender? "


"What exactly do you want to do? You've been completely out of control since just now. I remember that it wasn't like this when I first met you. Now it's just like this when you encounter a slightly trickier enemy. Where's your arrogance? What about your arrogance? "Mu Kun couldn't see the other party's demeanor, what kind of awkwardness was this.

"Tell me, I didn't accuse you of anything. Since you are our captain, you should take up the responsibility of leadership. You didn't say anything, and you were muttering in that person. Who knows what happened. God knows me Is it because you are not clear about your brain or why you were appointed as the captain, and now you are still passive and sabotage. It is too late for me to quit now."

"What are you talking about?" Someone grabbed her wrist suddenly, and said condescendingly above her head, his tone was as cold as ever.

"...You finally remembered to respond to me, I thought you were dumb."

"Holly, let me tell you, Xiao Li is afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you. Everyone is racing against time, thinking about how to maximize the chance of winning, but you don't know what to think... Do whatever you want Hypocritical thing. I said you should wake up, wake up quickly, it’s time to work! I’m not being fooled by others like this when I follow you.” Mu Kun said confidently, and output.

She thought it was finally refreshing. If she continued to suffocate, she might not be able to wait until the end of the game, and she would suffocate to death. Mu Kun has never been so angry at his age...

As for whether Holly will settle the bill later, it's not in her scope of worry, anyway, this person can't do anything to her. At most, she would be expelled from the team and eliminated from the competition, but it was just one game... If, if the other party really dared to treat her like this, they would never end in the future. Mu Kun thought to himself.

"The person in ambush has a different mental power. He marked the range near us. Once your mental force field expands, his spiritual connections will expand, and then you can easily locate us." Holly said quietly.

He lowered his eyes, and his messy hair covered half of his face, making it impossible for people to see his expression clearly. Only a glimpse of his true psychological state could be glimpsed from his tense wrists.

Mental body marks... Unheard of, never heard of someone being able to mark someone else's mental force field. What kind of person is that? It can also change with their spiritual power... Then what kind of monster is it?

No wonder Hawley has been abnormal since just now. Even now, she was a little bit uncomfortable when she heard that there was such a monster that could mark the spiritual power lurking in the dark nearby. Mu Kun didn't think about why he believed Huo Li's words all of a sudden, but he was a little scared.

For them, spiritual power is an existence beyond the five senses. In many cases, they are even more willing to believe in spiritual power than their own eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Without the perception of spiritual power, no matter how strong a fighter is, he will lose a lot of confidence.

"Then, then we will be like this." Mu Kun came over slowly, a little unwillingly said. Xiao Li next to him also had an ugly expression, looking around more and more vigilantly, it seemed that the terrifying person that Holly mentioned might emerge to attack them at any time.

"...Let me think about it again." A strange look suddenly appeared on the young man's face.

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