The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 263 Sudden Change

Jiang Hui remembered that there were still more than 300 contestants on the list at the beginning of the second round of supply. As a result, only three stars have passed, and now there are only more than one hundred and sixty contestants left... The drop rate is really high.

So is the situation too chaotic or is everyone feeling overwhelmed at the end? Jiang Hui's eyes turned around on Huan Xian's personal points, thoughtfully.

But in the end, she didn't say anything, and calmly asked about Hillman's other situation.

Then Huan Xian withdrew his fake looking elsewhere, and glanced at Jiang Hui's pale face like a superficial glance.

It can be said that Jiang Hui's feeling is not wrong. The rhythm of this battle was indeed brought down, and it was Huan Xian himself who brought the rhythm.

To say that Huan Xian is really not interested in this competition, he neither wants to gain any glory, nor is he interested in rewards, the competition is just a requirement of the school, just to make up the number.

It was Jiang Hui and others who were so serious that he gradually entered the state, and his ranking was raised step by step. But if you want to say how serious he is in the game, that's not true, it's just a little bit of care.

However, the changes in the situation were far beyond his imagination. Many things happened and changed a lot of his thoughts. Huan Xian's feeling now is also very different from when he came in.

He seemed to understand Jiang Hui's feelings. The idea of ​​wanting to defeat the enemy, want to win, and want to protect teammates... Although he can't fully understand it, he also wants to help the opponent win.

And this point was pushed to the peak after Jiang Hui was injured again in order to save him.

Now Jiang Hui is in trouble, but her enemies are still active in the arena. Huan Xian couldn't let it go on, he had to remove as many obstacles as possible as soon as possible, so as to ensure that his teammates remained invincible.

So Huan Xian began to score points crazily.

This time he didn't hold back any more, he hit one, hit another when he saw one, and scored points like crazy. Later, the list was refreshed twice, and the scores rose so high that people thought there was something wrong with the list. Otherwise, why would the scores of Jiang Hui and Huo Li rise so slowly, but the scores of Clarence and Huan Xian kept skyrocketing.

Most of the contestants who were eliminated after Jiang Hui fell into a coma were killed by Huan Xian alone, and Clarence took the other half, and the rest were the points for the rest.

As for Huo Li... No one knew why the opponent fell silent for no reason, and watched helplessly as the prey stored in the arena decreased in large numbers until it was reduced to the point where the opponent could no longer threaten Jiang Hui's first place.

These are all Huan Xian's actions——

As for his thoughts on this, he didn't tell anyone in the team, and no one found out.

Perhaps Clarence had a slight sense of it, but he didn't delve into it. On the contrary, Jiang Hui read something wrong from the information after waking up, but in her condition, she still didn't have so much energy to investigate carefully, so the matter was covered up like this.


"Muscle damage, translocation of tendons, inflammation, infection, high fever..." The deep-eyed, high-nosed but exquisitely browed woman frowned, wearing a large white coat, stepping on a pair of eye-catching red high heels, standing in the Faculty seat.

She was looking up at the girl on the screen... for her injuries.

"It's still separated by one floor, so I can't see it clearly, but looking at it like this, the injury is already serious, and I have to send the person out for emergency treatment immediately." The woman slightly disagreed: "What's going on, aren't you guys messing around in the school?" Sai? How can you hurt a child like this. It's becoming more and more disproportionate."

All the teachers in the teacher's seat looked at each other, some didn't know how to answer.

Yeah, they don't know how the kid did it. The little guys are making a fuss... Isn't it too caring?

Of course, they "dare not" to speak more because of the woman in front of them. This hot-looking medical staff was actually older than the average age of everyone present, only a few dozen years younger than Teacher Tan.

The other party is a very senior mid-level therapist in the military. He also served in the battlefield in the early years, but later retired and chose a medium-level planet to stay, which is regarded as retirement.

Although all the teachers present may not have worked with this senior therapist, as long as they have taught in this school, they all know each other.

Unlike Lu Jin, the head of the medical office who was transferred to Beska Intermediate Academy just now, this one has a no-nonsense temperament.

Even though he is a healer, he hates seeing other people get hurt the most. Every time a wounded person goes to his place for treatment, even if he is not criticized, he has to be talked about. Especially those "recidivists" who are used to being injured are basically afraid to go to her place for treatment, for fear of being caught and taking ideological lessons.

But the therapist was quite responsible. For every wounded person who has been treated by her, she will earnestly create a file, stage analysis, and long-term follow-up...until the recovery is confirmed. So even now that she has been out of the army for so long, there are still many veterans who come to her for treatment, and she will follow up from time to time, resulting in a heavy daily workload and unable to stay in the school.

For this competition, she specially launched two special line visits to stay in the school, just in case of accidents.

The competition went smoothly all the way, and even if there were children brought in, most of them were slightly injured. Sylvie thought that the school finally knew how to take care of the cubs and improved its protection, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen again when the competition was approaching. This leg is badly injured—at least it will take more than a month.

That little idiot didn't know how to cherish herself, and insisted on staying in the arena, foolishly playing with her toy guns.

Sylvie looked at it and wanted to go in and fish him out, so she pressed her head to teach her clearly whether she would dare to spoil her body in the future.

However, she was doomed to be disappointed. The little fool on the screen didn't want to end, and the teacher of the little fool off the screen didn't seem to have any plans to stop. So she can only wait outside, and when the person is sent out, she will be brought back to the medical office for processing.


The continuous high fever gave Jiang Hui a very bad feeling. Fortunately, other than that, her spirit is pretty good, but her body is very tired.

So for the next part of the journey, she could only hunt a few enemies while she was there, and didn't get many points.

Of course, the rest of the teammates were dissatisfied with her extremely stubborn behavior but couldn't stop her, so they could only turn a blind eye. I just hope that the time will be quicker, so that this guy can go out of the game to recover from his injuries, otherwise I don't know what problems she will cause.

Jiang Hui and his party were "killing" time here, but the situation on the other side changed suddenly.

With five stars and twenty-one stars left in the game, the data of Hawley's R256 team jumped again, and they only had one chance to survive.

Only this time no one knows who did it.

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