Jiang Hui immediately remembered, took out the necklace he was still thinking about not long ago from his bag, and handed it to Huan Xian: "This...is yours."

Although it was a questioning sentence pattern, Jiang Hui's tone and even his questioning eyes were almost certain. Because she saw the other person's line of sight before she took out the things, and the moment the necklace in the pocket flowed, his attention was attracted there, and he was obviously very familiar with this kind of sound quality.

Coupled with the familiar corner she had seen on the neck of the other party, and the slightly familiar spiritual power attached to it, Jiang Hui could already confirm that this thing belonged to him.

The other party's gaze followed her wrist, and finally landed in the middle of the necklace.

"You should have lost this, right? I brought it back just now, and I forgot to return it to you in the arena. I didn't know until I got to the healing point."

When Jiang Hui saw that the other party's eyes were stuck, she remained motionless and moved completely along with things, and she already had the answer in her heart.

So she put the necklace back into the other's half-open palm, and fastened it for him: "...such a beautiful gemstone necklace, you have to put it away."

'...you have to keep it. '

The similar words reappeared in such subtly similar scenes years later, although the speaker was different, and what he brought to him was no longer such a heart-piercing result. But the line of defense in a certain part of Huan Xian's heart was suddenly broken, and it was instantly shattered.

Once he really thought that if he didn't say he was relieved, at least he had accepted that reality.

But mother... I've already collected them all—well, those damned people can't die anymore, but what about you? Can I come back again?

Huan Xian also couldn't explain the reason for the momentary collapse in his heart, obviously, he already knew the answer, didn't he?

Um? Jiang Hui looked at Huan Xian with drooping eyes suspiciously, inexplicably feeling that there was something wrong with the other party's current mood, but he consciously held the necklace in his hand again.

Fortunately, the other party recovered quickly, responded in a low voice, and carefully put the necklace back into the space button.

While they were talking, the door of the emergency room opened suddenly, and someone came out. It was one of the therapists brought by August.

As soon as the other party came out, he was a little surprised to see so many people gathered in the emergency waiting area, and then he looked around suspiciously, and he relaxed when he saw August in the crowd confirming that his superior was still there. : "Major Clarence."

August could only hastily nodded to the Zongting and greeted him.

Although Clarence's injury dragged on for a long time, fortunately it didn't get worse halfway through, and it was dealt with in time afterwards, so the follow-up preparations went relatively smoothly. Right now, he just needs to be sent to the observation room for observation for a period of time. .

The therapist told August that the teenager's injury would not cause any sequelae, and the elder brother finally felt relieved, and then asked the other party to follow him to the observation room first, and he would arrive later.

Jiang Hui and the others waited here for so long because of this news, and now it finally came, and they finally spared time to worry that their adults had also reached the "endurance limit".

"Children, it's all right. My younger brother has passed away, and you have a heart. You have been tired all day, and it's time to go back and rest. It's time to go home." August said to Jiang Hui.

It was eleven o'clock after all this tossing, and it was really a whole day. It was impossible for Jiang Hui and the others not to be tired, maybe it was because of Theofir's situation.

He hadn't thought about this before, and Theophile was in critical condition, so he couldn't spare time to send Jiang Hui and Hillman home. It was also a mess outside, unless Jiang Hui and Hillman's family came to pick him up, he was even more worried about letting the two children leave alone. It would be safer to keep them by your side, at least it would ensure the safety of the two of them.

But these probably don't need to be considered right now, it's safest for a few people to act together with Zhou Xiuwen in such a situation, and there are... August glanced at the person who came here inexplicably, guessing that the other party should be going to report to Marshal Zhou and stopped by for a while.

August is Clarence's elder brother, and he can be regarded as the elder of the family. The other party is reasonable to them. They looked at each other and hesitated.

"What's wrong?" August wondered. Didn't they just tell them to go home and rest, why the expressions of the crowd became a little strange.

"The Traffic Control Bureau of the 732th Star Center has forwarded an emergency decree. From 10:00 to 2:00 tomorrow afternoon, all traffic passages are prohibited, sea, land, and air ports are strictly prohibited from entering and leaving, and all citizens in industries except for special regulations are suspended for half a day..." Zong Ting Said quietly.

Not long ago, this information was sent to every citizen on Star 732 through various communication tools and the Internet, and everyone should know it by now. At present, all the transportation systems and hubs of the planet have been temporarily taken over by the army. If someone can walk outside now, they will find that the streets are full of solemn military uniforms and sergeants.

Not to mention the rebels in this situation, even flies can hardly fly over.

But the same created a new problem, the roads outside were blocked, so it was difficult for the group to go back.

August didn't care, "Isn't this a ban imposed by Commander Zhou? It shouldn't be a problem for Mr. Zhou to return to Zhou's residence."

That's true, it's not a problem. Take Zhou Xiuwen as an example, not to mention whether the ban was issued by Zhou Yuanjing, even the star number 732 is the zodiac star of the Zhou family, Zhou Xiuwen must have no problem going home.

Even if Zhou Xiuwen didn't want to go home, Zhou Yuanjing probably wouldn't.

Zhou Xiuwen can go back, but what about the others? He wanted to take his friends back home for a while to rest, but his house is now... I don't know what kind of complicated and chaotic situation it is, and it's afraid that there will be complications when bringing non-military people back.

"I will send them back." Zong Ting next to him said. Zhou Yuanjing had contacted him as early as the match was over, not only to understand the situation, but also to ask the other party to escort his only son back to Zhou's house, because tonight was destined to fall into chaos, and he was not at all assured that Zhou Xiuwen would go home according to the normal process .

The little accident on the field finally aroused Zhou Yuanjing's vigilance. Those rebels were too capable of demagoguery, and they unknowingly inserted their own hands in every circle.

Even if Zhou Yuanjing thinks that he is strict enough to govern the army, seeing the end of the Central Army dressed like a sieve, he can't guarantee whether he has such people under his command.

If it really happened, it happened just this time, as long as one or two of them could kill Zhou Xiuwen. Zhou Yuanjing didn't dare to gamble with his beloved only son, so he thought about it and asked Zong Ting who was there for help.

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