The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 364 Failed Attempt

"Kang, kuang, kuang——" the center joint bearings were not supported, and the core fell apart. Before she could react, the various parts fell apart and hit the ground.

Jiang Hui kept his hands in the air, staring at the parts all over the place in a daze, his eyes seemed to be a little empty.

...The joints that she worked hard all morning, looked fine just now, but why did they break into pieces all of a sudden. Moreover, there is no connected part, and it is completely scattered. It is obvious that she is also assembled according to the steps and structure.

What is wrong here? Jiang Hui was a little anxious.

Because it took her almost two days for such a palm-sized joint. Unavoidable that his thoughts were disturbed halfway, Jiang Hui didn't even go downstairs today, and ate directly in the room.

It seems that Zhou Xiuwen and Huan Xian are very busy these days. These two people are also like the dragon who can't see the beginning and the end, and they don't meet people all day long.

Hillman seemed a little frightened. He felt unwell the first day, and then fell ill the next afternoon as soon as he went to bed. Fortunately, it was only a minor illness similar to the seasonal flu. According to him, it was an old ailment since he was a child.

He didn't want his parents to be more worried, so he obeyed the doctor's orders these days, obediently stayed in the room to rest and recuperate, and tried his best to recover before returning to school. Otherwise, if I go back and run into his parents who went to visit him, it will be bad for them to see him in such a haggard state.

So Jiang Hui simply nestled in the room to rest.

After the star network returned to normal on the second day after the incident, they were able to contact the outside world normally. Of course, what followed was an explosive burst of news after a day of confinement.

Perhaps it is the same no matter which era, even if mankind enters the interstellar era, news that catches people's attention will always be the focus of mankind.

During the mission, in order to achieve the purpose of differentiated management, the military adopted a high degree of information control on the 732nd star. From the day before the incident to the moment when the network restrictions were lifted, most of the network routes were controlled and intercepted.

Except for the military, the rebels, and the people who survived this chaotic war, no one knows what happened to the field that is almost called flat ground today.

But it must be something big. The people on planet 732 were restricted at a certain point in time that day, and the soldiers in military uniforms politely but forcefully asked them to stay where they were.

The people indoors are naturally guarding in place, while the people outside are gathered together and moved to a certain place to wait for the matter to settle. But no matter what kind of situation, there are a certain number of sergeant guards outside, even the most stupid guy knows that the environment he is in is going through some kind of huge twists and turns.

There were people who escaped from the disaster scene before, and there is no completely impenetrable wall in this world, word of mouth... The news naturally spread more and more exaggerated. It even really caused some smart people to dig out a lot of similar inside stories. Now people from all walks of life on the star network are having a good time, mixed with true and false, and they have restored many details in the incarnation of contemporary Sherlock Holmes. Something like that.

For example, the army liquidated a certain spy family behind the scenes, in order to alleviate the crimes of each other, and I heard that even the pets were convicted in the end, which is like a funny drama. For example, some people vowed to witness a large number of warships and troops dispatched during the chaos in the arena.

No matter how demonized it is on the Internet, how outrageous it is spread... The official news channels are still relatively serious and single, and they are all formulaic descriptions, such as "A rebel army appeared in a certain area on such and such a day, near the station Several armies are dispatched together", such as "The rebel alchemist conspired to destroy the network communication base station, intending to cut off the external communication of No. The family was originally a rebel camp, the patriarch and a group of family members were arrested" and so on.

At first, Jiang Hui was more open-minded, to see if he could get some useful information.

However, the nearly two days of network disconnection also caused the optical brain to accumulate a lot of lingering information, including automatic push, attention push, and some lingering text messages, all of them went online after swiping, and then kept pushing and pushing... She didn't know how long she clicked , my hands were almost numb, and then I just let it skip there automatically.

Hell, she didn't read the message. The ghost knows how long it will take to watch, and in the end, she may not know as much as she herself...

Although he said so, after two weeks, Jiang Hui couldn't help but look at it. Then I struggled to find some authoritative media information in the 9999+ information, and probably clicked in to read it. Sure enough, it was exactly the same as she thought, and it was not as much as she had heard from Zhou Xiuwen.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hui instantly lost interest in continuing to read.

Then she looked at the historical communication records below, and found that Stark had made countless optical-brain communications on the way. But the message may have been truncated at that time, so it could not be received. Then Hillman's, all from when she and Clarence were running around the arena. There is still no news from Clarence, and she sent her to ask about her physical condition, but it was also "received", and she may not be awake yet.

Jiang Hui sighed, and immediately sent a text message to Stark to report that he was safe. However, it is estimated that the other party is busy, and there is no follow-up reply, so she doesn't care, and stays peacefully at Zhou Xiuwen's house to rest and wait for news.

After An An read the book vigorously for a day, Jiang Hui suddenly remembered the pile of materials he got back from the second-hand trading company the day before yesterday.

On the night before the competition, she spent a long time tidying up there, gearing up, thinking that she would start studying these materials when she returned to school. Who would have thought that something like this would happen in the middle of the road, and all plans would naturally be put on hold.

Originally in such an unstable environment, he should have waited peacefully until the school's notification. There is no rush to study mechas. However, she just couldn't hold it back, that feeling was like buying a bunch of things she liked but couldn't eat, her heart was itchy, and she kept remembering it, which made her unable to sleep at night.

So after repeated "struggles", Jiang Hui couldn't hold back and pulled out the basket parts to assemble his mecha for the first time.

The only time she used a genuine mecha material, although it was old and most of it was parts eliminated from abandoned mechas, but it was really different from those model blocks that were so delicate and standard that they had no texture in the past. Different.

Jiang Hui felt this way when she actually touched the first mecha part. It was so cold and cool, but as always, it gave her an indescribable throbbing feeling.

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