Coincidentally, I also think you look familiar.

This is not, not that one, that one... Jiang Hui remembered that she seemed to have seen this person when she first arrived in StarCraft, so she felt familiar just now.

Isn't this the teacher I met in the hand-made mecha experience class? ! The other party even guided her a few times at that time, but there were too many things that happened afterwards, and Jiang Hui never thought of it again.

Seeing this face again now immediately awakened her dormant memory. Jiang Hui remembered that this was the teacher who explained the assembly of the mecha model to everyone at the time, and seemed to be an intermediate mecha master.

But she remembered that the other party was not from Wanhe Middle School, so how could he be in their school? Today should be the school day. It is said that Beska Intermediate Academy has strict management on weekdays. It is not possible to allow teachers and students from other schools to enter the campus at will.

Seeing the nameplate on the opponent's chest clearly bearing the school emblem of Beska Intermediate Academy, Jiang Hui quickly had a guess in his heart. Could this be a teacher of their school?

Carlo also felt that this student was very familiar, and he didn't notice it at first glance, but the vague familiarity that followed was lingering, which made him a little concerned about where he had seen this student before. student's.

This Mr. Carlo is quite famous even in the central star area, and most of the people are begging to see him on weekdays. Whatever questions I encountered right now, I asked them in a calm and generous manner, without any ambiguity at all.

"Teacher, if you have participated in the handicraft class of Dongbo Group before the start of school, then we have indeed met." Jiang Hui replied.

Dongbo Group? DIY class? This direction is very clear, without thinking about it, it clearly points to an activity.

It was not such a grand event, on the contrary, it was a bit small, and it was even arranged by the Wanhe Middle School gang to deliberately humiliate him. But what happened that day also left a deep impression on Carlo, and he has never forgotten it.

And it was with that day as the prelude that in the following months, the 732nd star and even the resident galaxy were not safe, and the rebels made trouble in the resident galaxy as if they had been stabbed in a hornet's nest. , to the annoyance of the authorities.

Carlo looked at Jiang Hui, and only then managed to dig out a very shallow memory from the corner of his memory.

No wonder he felt that the other party was a little familiar but not so real. It turned out that it was just a one-sided relationship... At that time, he saw that this little classmate was very agile, and he even gave him some guidance. Meet here.

"It's you, little classmate, so you are a student of the Intermediate Academy, and you just entered this year?" Carlo is now a teacher at Beska Intermediate Academy, and the other party is also his student, so he asked by chance.

Jiang Hui nodded: "The student is a first-year student."

The other party's appearance of fourteen or fifteen years old is indeed a good time to enter an intermediate college. Carlo has seen the roster of the mecha department, and they are basically around this age, or even older.

At this time, Carlo didn't think about the possibility that Jiang Hui might not be a student of the mecha department. Because it was the first time he met with the other party in handwork class, he had preconceived ideas, so he naturally agreed that Jiang Hui was a student of the mecha department.

"What books are you here to borrow? If you want to look for them in the mecha section, it would be better to wait a few days. There may be a little lack of books these days." And more importantly, Carlo didn't want to These students continue to bewilderly borrow a reference book with obvious fundamental errors and omissions.

Mecha manufacturing is a very delicate subject, requiring learners to have a solid foundation and very deep accumulation, and it is also a typical occupation that requires high mental strength. And everyone in this industry basically has a certain level of spiritual power and strength.

This subject with obvious technical characteristics is not something anyone can learn. A suitable teacher, a huge amount of reading, and the ability to draw inferences from one instance to another and draw inferences from one analogy to another are indispensable. Many people often can't even enter the threshold, so they have to give up the ambition of peeking at this door, accepting that not everyone can do it.

The extremely taboo foundation of mecha manufacturing is not solid and even full of mistakes and omissions. Because the mech itself is an "extraordinary combination" composed of countless basic modules spliced ​​together, no matter how powerful it is, it still starts from the basics.

Therefore, if the maker misunderstands a certain knowledge point, or fails to understand its essence, it is likely to cause a series of mistakes. It would be fatal if enlarged to the mech assembly.

Carlo has always taught students to have a solid foundation, to correct mistakes, and never to be arrogant behind closed doors. In Carlo's view, such wrong editions or books mixed with outdated technology are simply cancers that delay students' learning and must be dealt with immediately without delay.

But even though he was advising Jiang Hui, because the statement of the facts was a little bit hard, it sounded like a bit of an order.

Fortunately, Jiang Hui didn't care too much about this, she just shook her head honestly and said: "No, it's this one. I don't know which classmate accidentally put it elsewhere. I'm worried that other people won't be able to find it, so I just I brought it here." She pointed to the tome that had just returned to its original place.

She has almost turned over the mecha area here. It was this area that was "conquered" at the beginning. Unfortunately, there are not many useful things. It's also different, so she didn't go shopping much later.

It turned out that it was divided into the wrong area, no wonder he just searched for a long time and couldn't see it, and there was no record of being loaned out in the system.

Carlo eased his eyebrows and said: "Thank you, I was looking for it just now." He glanced at the number data on the book and raised his eyebrows. This is actually an out-of-print edition, one of the best among all its editions .

At the beginning, due to some controversial issues, the author of the original book made some deletions, and the subsequent editions were simpler than the previous editions, which were not so easy to use. This version is the best version selected by Tarot from more than a dozen versions in the past, and he also uses this version at home.

This is also a blessing in disguise for the library management here. Although there are many wrong and missing editions, and it is better to dig out junk books that have been misunderstood, but there are dozens of out-of-print books that are hard to find on the market, and some of them have to participate in small auctions if they want to buy them now.

As long as it is well taken care of, the library of Beska Intermediate College will not be inferior to other colleges and universities in the future, and it may even be even better. Carlo has the self-confidence that he can help the students of Beska Intermediate Academy in this regard-only a small change in detail is needed.

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