And if she took another step forward, the entire fuselage would fall vertically.

This is no longer "forced to the top", but forced to a dead end.

Jiang Hui stuck tightly to the main control lever, almost using his hands and feet and mental force to trigger it in many ways to barely stop the movement of the fuselage, and stood two centimeters in front of the cliff line.

Of course, the next door is not much better, maybe half a centimeter closer than her.

But now is not the time to compare, how the hell does she still have time to think about this - the three people in the back couldn't stop seeing them being forced like this.

Jiang Hui wiped off the cold sweat for herself, and began to think wildly, are they planning to kick them out of here? This is completely out of the scope of the assessment...

Although she hadn't tested the mech's resistance to falling, considering the functions and structure of a D-level standard humanoid mecha, falling from a height of hundreds of meters would still be half scrapped even if it didn't break the body. And Jiang Hui, who is spiritually connected with him, will not be much better.

Jiang Hui was thinking about how she should surrender——

Well, it's a bit embarrassing to lose face, but you can't lose this hard-won life just because of a little stubbornness. She was going to fall from here with this mech, but she was in the rhythm of going to the hospital, even if she knew in her heart that those people must be prepared for protection... But Jiang Hui didn't dare to gamble at all.

I don't think she probably underestimated the guts of the class teachers, but also overestimated their integrity... People don't push it directly—maybe they think it's not exciting enough.

Hearing a sudden sound of breaking through the air behind him, Jiang Hui's mind went blank, and his body made a move first, taking a step forward.

Because she was keenly aware that there was a deadly pointed heavy cannon aimed at her back. If she is hit, not only will she fall, but the mech will most likely be disconnected due to the damage, so jumping down is even more dangerous.

In this case, although there is no good fruit to eat if it falls, Jiang Hui still chose the less dangerous end.

And if the pilots in those three mechas were not some enemies who appeared suddenly and they were definitely those three, then the actions of the other party from the beginning to the present were just for testing, and it was impossible to really kill her.

The person who attacked later probably didn't expect Jiang Hui to be so straightforward. After all, even Huo Li, who was next to him, hesitated for a while, thinking about how to avoid it.

Zou Yi was caught off guard for a moment, reacted and quickly launched a series of conjoined flying cannons according to the plan. This kind of shells is specially designed for flying mechas. Figure change attack.

Although the height is hundreds of meters, the size and weight of the mecha are all there, and it only takes a while to fall.

The strange feeling of weightlessness made Jiang Hui instinctively feel flustered in the cabin, and even began to regret her reckless decision. Will she make things worse by herself?

It didn't take long for her to overcome the psychological barrier, and dozens of "biubiu" sounds came from around her ears. The interval between each link is less than one microsecond, and the total amount of time is only a blink of an eye. Jiang Hui felt that there was something connected to form an invisible void net.

A strange cannonball was suspended above her, and as she fell together, Jiang Hui could even clearly see the finishing structures on the tail of these cannonballs that were similar to reducing resistance, and they looked very well made.

Jiang Hui recognized that it was a type of flying cannon, which seemed to be the airborne type. Although it would not explode immediately, it would follow the wire diagram like a fishing net to lock in the void and then explode. It is said that the more delicate the drawn wire map route, the greater the power of superposition, and the final explosive power can reach an astonishing upper limit.

If her mecha could fly, she could still move flexibly, but if it was her current situation, she could only wait to die - or she would just wait to fall to the ground, or be waiting to be blown up.

It is said that there are such shells around the body, and in such a state of weightlessness... No matter how good Jiang Hui's skills in manipulating the mecha are, it is impossible. But Jiang Hui didn't know whether it was because she broke the jar, or if she was so frightened that her mind went numb. Anyway, the more urgent the situation was, the calmer she would be in her heart.

calm down! There must be another way.

Jiang Hui's pupils shrank suddenly, and the hovering missiles hanging around her were like flashing stars, quickly connecting into lines in her eyes, and then connecting into a strange "net". Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and then...then she saw an unusually bright point with great precision.

That's right there—as long as you start from there...then go down...take off...she can use the airborne properties of the shells to get a certain buffer force.

A series of operations quickly flashed through Jiang Hui's mind. Although he didn't know if he could achieve it, he had to try. From the moment she had this idea, her body started her brain action and pressed several buttons in combination, then bowed her back and raised her legs slightly, preparing to—

"She...Huh?" Seeing that Jiang Hui didn't respond for a while, Lin Qi was about to say something, and then he saw a series of operations that left him dumbfounded.

The opponent really flipped in the air like this, and made a retrograde jump in mid-air with an incredible posture. Although it is theoretically known that the opponent must have used some special principles and structures of the mecha to achieve this operation, let alone ordinary students, even some trained sergeants may not be able to do this operation.

At least Lynch has been in the army for many years, and he has never personally seen this kind of operation. It is not difficult to figure it out, but there are very few ordinary soldiers who can control it with such precision.

And it doesn't count if the other party jumps in the air like this, she stepped on it while the missiles were in the air for a moment, and stepped on a downward spiral along the line of the wire diagram. Then change jumps before each missile explodes, and the heat of the subsequent missile explosion pushes the previous one, presenting a state of descending layers.

The whole process looked like Jiang Hui was jumping down on invisible steps, with a lot of flashing fire and smoke behind him, which added a lot of beauty to the smooth and strange steps of the other party.


"It's amazing. Stark, your student." Seeing that the other party finally landed smoothly on the bouncing surface that had been laid on the bottom floor, Lynch admired sincerely.

If the previous time could be said to be a textbook dodging action, this time it is completely a wonderful operation with both skill and talent, it is really incredible.

"Don't praise her too much." Stark said calmly. However, from the sudden tight breathing of the other party not long ago, it can be seen that he was still a little nervous just now.

And this time Zou Yi didn't say anything.

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