The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 501 Interstellar Travel

Time can change a lot, but it cannot completely change a person.

Just like now, Zhou Xiuwen is the only person who can sit and read books with her peacefully in the library on a Saturday afternoon.

That fellow Hillman is not someone who can sit still. He has always been a person who can stop studying if he can. If it weren't for Clarence and Jiang Hui who pressured him to study these years, the other party's grades would have fallen. Even if there are so many troubled friends around him, his grades can only stay in the upper middle of the grade, and he is always hindered by the written test.

According to his absurdity, as soon as he saw the words put together, he would start to have a headache.

As for Clarence, he is a very planned person. His life is full of various schedules, the most irregular of which is probably the time for their gatherings.

And probably because of his family's arrangement, Clarence would go back to the central sector almost every month, and there would be some public activities or training schedules every other week. The other party's life circle and social circle are much wider than those of them, so the other party is generally not in school at this time.

Huan Xian was even more elusive. He should be the most busy among all the people, and he often can't find anyone. It is said that he has not studied in school since the last school year. The command information Jiang Hui received from the other party was also becoming more and more difficult.

But the amazing thing is that when a few people get together, the other party will arrive as soon as they can, and there are some group outings that often come to make up the number of people. It feels like the other party gave them all their private free time, which is really touching and friendly.

So there were only Jiang Hui and Zhou Xiuwen left, and they were the regular partners of this library. I would come over during the week, and often on weekends, and then the library was expanded into a library, and the library would also come after every round of rest, and even came together as if they were going to the market as soon as they were new.

The administrators and gentlemen of the library are very familiar with these two, and now they are basically face-to-face. They sometimes remind them when the school plans to update a new batch of books, which shelves are new books and so on.

Although the two read books together, they have completely different styles.

Jiang Hui is a sweeping style, turning pages is like playing, swiping dozens of times to get a book, devouring everything, I don’t know if I taste it or not, anyway, at her speed, there is no one in the library Books can escape her "poisonous hands".

Zhou Xiuwen is much more normal, with a very gentlemanly style. He picks slowly, reluctantly takes out a book he wants to read from several shelves, and then reads it carefully, reading it word by word. Compared with the other party, he is more like a scholar who enjoys reading, while Jiang Hui is at best a ruthless scanning copier...

Of course, no matter what it is, both of them are used to the quiet atmosphere of studying together, and they rarely interfere with each other's thoughts. This distance of mutual understanding and trust makes both of them feel at ease and relaxed.

"I guys are planning to arrange an interstellar trip." In the quiet noon, the boy slowly turned the page, as if remembering something, slightly raised his head to look at the tall and thin girl opposite.

Jiang Hui was reading a new book of new materials, because it involved relatively unfamiliar content and it was difficult to digest, so the speed of turning pages was much slower. Now she can’t just sweep everything into her mind and read it the next day, because she finds that it will pile up more and more, and the learning efficiency will be reduced a lot. It’s better to study it first and then record it in her mind. This works even better.

But her "slow" is probably still fast that many people can't understand.

Although she was analyzing the content in her mind, it didn't affect her response to Zhou Xiuwen's question: "Yes." She said.

"I heard that at the end of this month, the class group is already submitting materials."

"It's great, you arranged interstellar travel so quickly. We don't know when our major will be. Maybe we won't hear about it until next semester." Zhou Xiuwen shook his head and said with emotion.

next semester? They will be graduating next semester, how can they be in the mood to travel...

The so-called interstellar travel, as the name suggests, is tourism. This thing is not surprising. When Jiang Hui used to go to school in Blue Star, elementary school, middle school, high school, and university would organize students to travel, saying that "reading thousands of miles is worse than traveling thousands of miles", so that everyone can increase their knowledge and relax while traveling. .

The interstellar side is similar, but this side is naturally not limited to the same planet, they can go to other planets or even to other galaxies, it depends on the arrangement of the school.

"Then where have you decided to go?"

Jiang Hui nodded: "It seems to be Atlantis."

"Didn't you all submit the materials?" Zhou Xiuwen was a little surprised why he still said it seemed.

"I don't know if I can go." Jiang Hui shook his head and smiled wryly. She did submit the materials together with everyone, but now she is the only one who has not submitted the application, because she is still waiting for the approval result of a certain institution.

Zhou Xiuwen completely stopped what he was doing, and looked at the girl in front of him. He also didn't ask the superfluous words 'why', only said: "Are you worried about something?"

"I'm going to take the test for mech driving certificate." Jiang Hui didn't tell anyone about it, but Zhou Xiuwen was the first to know about it.

The young man was a little surprised, a smile floated on his clean and elegant face: "Congratulations."

"...I haven't taken the exam yet, why do you start congratulating me so much and have so much confidence in me?" Jiang Hui was a little dumbfounded.

"Then you think you're not good enough?" Zhou Xiuwen raised his eyebrows, this action made his usually gentle demeanor reveal a bit of hidden sharpness.

"It's just that... I'm not ready." Jiang Hui shook his head.

To be honest, she didn't feel that she was incompetent or nervous or anything, she just felt that it was so sudden that this matter seemed to come to her head all at once, and she didn't feel prepared at all.

In fact, Stark had mentioned this to her a month ago. At that time, Jiang Hui didn't think too much about it, but just submitted the relevant materials as required, and submitted the intercepted grades and video information of the past few years.

Because those who are not fully awakened need several more layers of review and special approval to obtain a driver's license, so Jiang Hui didn't have much hope at first.

She didn't expect that everything would go so smoothly, and she passed the first trial very quickly. Then there were multiple cumbersome audits. The second review of additional materials was passed, and the third was the teaching survey, that is, to collect evidence and obtain evaluations from all the teachers who had taught her, and then she passed.

The fourth round is the final review currently under review. She still submitted all kinds of cumbersome materials, together with the previous records and some newly required demonstration data, and there may still be information such as backtracking.

If this round of review is also passed, she will be allowed to take the mech pilot test.

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