And the person who dialed the optical brain communication for her was none other than Zhou Xiuwen.

In fact, the other party seldom calls in directly without asking. Usually, they will send a short message to confirm that it is convenient for both parties to make a call. Even Hillman would not commit such a reckless act, unless there is an urgent matter...

Is it really urgent? Jiang Hui thought.

The other party is indeed very busy these days. I contacted her before leaving yesterday and hurriedly went offline. Jiang Hui knew that the other party had a job and was not surprised.

In addition, everyone seems to be quite busy recently, and even Hillman, who is in a panic, seems to be busy studying the important affairs of the family, so the few people haven't gathered together for a long time, and they are all working hard for their own futures.

Jiang Hui was anxious to know what was going on, so she wanted to talk outside the corridor, but just happened to meet a patrol team and was "driven" back... Well, she was actually persuaded to come back. The attitude of the other party was quite peaceful, but it cannot be questioned. She finally knew why the two who had gone out just now came back so quickly, and they happened to have a conversation with Taylor, and they were probably persuaded to come back.

She couldn't stay outside, so she had no choice but to go back to the lounge to answer the optical brain communication, and she didn't care whether others would hear her.

The three people in the lounge seemed to be a little surprised that Jiang Hui turned out and then turned back quickly. But Jiang Hui could no longer care about their staring eyes, and immediately connected to the communication.

Because this continuation is a bit too long. She wanted to know what kind of situation made Zhou Xiuwen send such a communication that lasted for three minutes and refused to disconnect?

"Ahui." The person on the other side of the screen looked very tired, wearing a military uniform, although there was no rank badge to show his identity and position, but after years of influence, he already had a bit of a high-ranking aura.

The other party seemed to be in a meeting room or something, with dense communication equipment and instruments behind him. Zhou Xiuwen seemed to realize that his background was inappropriate, so he turned around and continued on a pure white wall.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hui frowned.

The person on the opposite side looked really extremely haggard. Obviously, I wished her a smooth journey yesterday normally, but why is it like this when we meet today? What happened?

The other party looked a little indescribably gloomy: "Huan Xian is missing."

He knew that Jiang Hui cared about this, and this was the culprit that had been making him uneasy these days, but today he finally had to tell Jiang Hui the news himself.

The girl opposite was silent for a while: "Where did he go?"

At that time, Jiang Hui didn't mean to ask him where Huan Xian was. How could the two ask questions knowingly when they knew that the other was missing? So what she meant was to ask where the other party was before he disappeared...

"After the mission ended three days ago, he inexplicably disappeared near the Vientiane Star." Zhou Xiuwen sat down and frowned, as if he had reviewed this matter countless times.

Yes, Huan Xian disappeared after completing a special mission. Now no one can contact him, even the basic image sensor of the military department handling the case has lost its effect, and many parties cannot contact each other.

The mission that Huan Xian was in charge of was directly under the military headquarters, and had no direct relationship with Zhou Yuanjing's legion, so it would not have spread to Zhou Xiuwen's ears.

But Huan Xian's nominal guardian couldn't find anyone, so he approached Zhou Xiuwen and asked him if he knew Huan Xian's whereabouts.

How could Zhou Xiuwen, who heard the news, just stand by and watch his friend's disappearance? In order to find friends these days, he is exhausted physically and mentally.

He didn't dare to tell his friends about it, for fear that they would be worried along with him. Fortunately, since several people are busy recently, Huan Xian often does not see the tail of the dragon, so the few people have not noticed anything unusual.

Today is the third day since Huan Xian disappeared. After all, he couldn't hold back the pressure in his heart and found Jiang Hui. He knew that what he did was very unwise. Jiang Hui is going to take a very important exam on this trip, and telling Huan Xian the news will definitely affect the mood of the other party's exam, or else... a dilemma.

The disappearance of Huan Xian became bigger and bigger. His friend is very important both in terms of identity and symbolic meaning, and it is impossible for the military to let him go at will.

Right now this person has disappeared silently under everyone's noses for three days, who knows what accident happened.

After all, someone couldn't sit still anymore, which shocked the attractiveness of several people in the military department. Not only him, but even his father received related rumors frequently, which shows how much the military attaches importance to Huan Xian.

If it continues to evolve, those people may find Jiang Hui and the others, and Jiang Hui will also be alarmed by then, adding to the panic, so it's better for him to talk about it himself.

Moreover, among the few of them, only Jiang Hui and Huan Xian have a different relationship. There is a tacit understanding and concept between the two that the rest of them don't have, and they often understand it without saying much.

Zhou Xiuwen also got angry at first, worried that Huan Xian had encountered some accident, or was detained by some interested people.

But as time went on, his initial guess gradually changed. Zhou Xiuwen began to wonder...whether the other party's disappearance might be a unilateral move by Huan Xian.

Because his disappearance came so suddenly and weirdly, without any warning signs, but there was no corresponding bad news, so such a big man disappeared suddenly.

He began to realize that perhaps Huan Xian had disconnected himself from the outside world...or something happened that forced him to disconnect.

So which one?

Zhou Xiuwen was restless, and even wondered whether the other party would contact Jiang Hui, maybe Jiang Hui would have news.

It's a pity that he still thinks too well. Jiang Hui also did not receive any text messages from Huan Xian, and the communication records of the two of them were still at the time when they sent her command information last time.

Vientiane Star is a first-class star in the resident galaxy. It is about half a galaxy away from No. 732, and half a galaxy away from Atlantis. Both sides are not sticky.

Even knowing that he might not be able to help find someone when he arrived at the scene, Jiang Hui still felt a heavy haze covering his heart.

Zhou Xiuwen's heart was disturbed, and his heart was in a state of confusion. But I still don't forget to remind Jiang Hui that some related people may contact her to inquire about the situation these days, so she doesn't have to worry. Then he will continue to look for Huan Xian, and will contact her immediately if there is any news.

Finally, I hope she can eliminate distracting thoughts as much as possible and successfully complete the exam.

The two comforted each other, and both hung up the phone worriedly.

She leaned heavily on the back of the chair, slightly closing her fingertips, lost in some kind of thought.

Huan Xian, where the hell are you now?

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