In the end, this special correspondent also failed to get any information.

Jiang Hui thought that the other party would cut off the communication directly, but the person on the other side suddenly said: "I know you, he trusts you very much."

She froze for a moment, nodded in acquiescence, because the other party was right. If it wasn't for this accident, she wouldn't know that the other party trusted her so much, which made her feel a little heavy.

But... is it really right for her to do this?

She tried her best to be worthy of the other party's trust, but she didn't know the result of her doing so.

Jiang Hui was in a mess. She was caught in an inexplicable struggle. On the one hand, reason told her that she shouldn't be so stubborn in fulfilling a promise that didn't even point to it. On the other hand, it was principle-she had promised the other party to believe.

Probably because the emotion on her face was too obvious, the tone of the person opposite was a little slow: "I know that there are indeed many things these days, but we have no choice, please understand."

"So I hope -- if you have any news, please contact us immediately, it's very important." That he was so important to them.

"Also, I heard that you are going to take the driving test soon. Then I wish you all the best."


The communication on the other side was cut off, and Jiang Hui was stunned for a while. If it weren't for someone shouting behind her, she would probably have been in this state for a long, long time.

"Student Jiang?"

She stood up slowly and called out "Student Taylor".

"We are about to arrive at Atlantis, and it is estimated that we will gather soon."

"You..." The other party hesitated to speak, and then said: "It's nothing, why don't you clean up first, and you can leave directly when someone comes to notify you."

Jiang Hui nodded, thanking the other party for the reminder.

After the two chatted for a while, Jiang Hui went to the single room equipped on the other side, preparing to change into clothes suitable for the week environment here.

Taylor watched the opponent's back, and then slowly returned to his side, planning to tidy up and get ready.

The young man who didn't want to occupy a corner of the living area sneered coldly: "Look at our Master Taylor, there is still a day when he dare not speak. I thought you dare to ask anything, and no one can get rid of you." As for this mouth, it seems that this time it failed."

"I said, can you stop staring at what other people are doing and pay attention to yourself? Who do I talk to, what to do, and what does it have to do with you? If you want to get in touch with that classmate Jiang, you can do it yourself , but you don’t have to stare at people’s every move and then have to say a few words to show your presence.”

"Who wants to associate with such civilians?! I don't know what the reason is, but they can also sneak into the final trial. This grade exam is really getting looser and more general."

"Yes, I know that you are the noblest and the most powerful. If you feel that the grade test is not worthy of you, you can go back home. We are happy to have one less person to compete with."

"Taylor, I think you are taking advantage of the situation... You are much more energetic than when you first boarded the ship. It seems that the commoner really has a bit of ability to make such a useless person like you look arrogant. Let me tell you, civilians are just civilians after all, even if they rely on a little ability to stand out, they will show their feet in front of the real nobles sooner or later."

"I'll wait and see what kind of abilities this new civilian friend of yours has!" The boy stood up abruptly from the sofa, turned around and entered the attached room, closing the door heavily.

This person was inexplicably chattering a lot... In fact, he had been talking about classmate Jiang all the time. He said he didn't care, but he was really curious.

Speaking of which, what does it have to do with the other party when I make friends with that classmate Jiang? It seems that the other party really cares about Jiang Hui's treating him as nothing. But didn't he show his disdain for Jiang Hui? Could it be that he was still thinking about asking Jiang Hui to take the initiative to come up to him?

Did this young master think too much, thinking that the whole world is like the central star region, and there are people clinging to him everywhere.

He doesn't look at the purpose of those people who cling to him around him, don't they all ask for his family. Classmate Jiang is not from the central star area, and he has no interest in them, so why should he cling to him? Be funny!

Could it be that the other party was angry that Jiang Hui chose him instead of him? Taylor was a little speechless, unable to understand the other party's logic.

On the contrary, the girl who hadn't spoken much since the dispute with Springer the day before said abruptly: "That guy has been waiting for you to come and talk for a day."

Sanger Taylor is a little sluggish, what do you mean by "waiting for him to go talk for a day"? What spy? What are you talking about? Wouldn't it be waiting for him to ask classmate Jiang?

Taylor also ignored this Miss Ji who was not familiar with her, so she cast a questioning look on her.

The girl with a delicate face said coldly, "It's the one you want."

This, this is too, too...

"It's shameless." The girl said this, which happened to be aimed at the boy's thoughts at this moment.

Taylor suddenly exploded. Springer wondered why he didn't ask? There is no reason to accuse him of not being able to ask anything...

It turned out that the other party was still trying to eavesdrop on his conversation with Jiang Hui. Is this the character of the Springer family? Sure enough, as my grandfather said, there are not many good seedlings in the Shigui family, and many of them were originally robbers, so they are naturally shameless.

"Then you..." Taylor turned his gaze to the girl in a strange manner.

"So why don't you ask?" the other party said.

Taylor was so angry that he almost fell on his back. Sure enough, what my grandfather said was true, there were really not many good things, especially those of his generation, each one was darker than the other, much darker than his heart.

"If you want to ask yourself, I can't ask!" That was his new friend. Taylor was furious, and also turned into the attached room.

Then only Ji Yunshan was left in the room, and she didn't show anything about the several people leaving the scene one after another, she was still as indifferent as ever.

Yes, why not ask? Ji Yunshan also wanted to know the origin of this "civilian" who received five or six direct communications with the military headquarters within two days of boarding the ship? Jiang... so, is she missing something?

More than an hour later, the Tenglong arrived at Xinghaiyun Port of Atlantis Star on time, and the staff in charge of the test had already met them at the port.

Prepare to land on this planet by wearing the clothes made of Chlorine that the test guide prompts candidates to prepare.

Atlantis is a typical water planet, 99% of the surface is covered by liquid, and the plates are uneven, and there are many plate movements. It is difficult to build a standard terrestrial cluster civilization, and most of them are scattered settlement cultures. However, after these years of development, a complete set of special transportation system has been constructed to connect scattered small areas to form a unique set of planetary features.

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