Everyone filled in the corresponding test information according to the guidelines, and soon after submitting it, someone arranged for them to have a full-body examination to issue the basic data report required for the driving test.

It is said that this test is very important, and those who do not participate in this test or find abnormal physical data during the test cannot take the next test. Jiang Huiqi understands it as a test before taking part in a large test.

The tester is supposed to want to check whether they have taken illicit drugs earlier or concealed a history of serious mental illness. These will affect their grade test scores, so they must be strictly screened in advance.

Jiang Hui spent the whole afternoon here, and the instruments and items used are more complete and more complicated than those experienced in the past few years.

After the full set of tests, Jiang Hui even felt his forehead twitch and his mental strength felt a little tense, which probably consumed a lot. But it is still within the acceptable range. After all, they will have a round of preliminary exams for the grade exam tomorrow, and it is impossible for the exam party to really weaken the mental strength of the candidates before the exam.

By the time Jiang Hui came out of the physical examination room, it was around three or four o'clock in the afternoon. It turned out that a full half day had passed, no wonder she was so exhausted... She pressed the center of her eyebrows and felt her head hurt more and more.

It's just that today's itinerary is not over yet, people have checked... the mecha also needs to be checked.

When she came out of the physical examination room, she had to go to the mecha parking area to deliver her mecha. After all this was done, she could take the exam tomorrow.

Jiang Hui took the elevator to the parking area on the second basement floor. It is said that all the mechs used in the exam will be parked here. There will be a dedicated team here to be responsible for inspection and maintenance, and they will solve any problems during the period, which can be described as "one-stop service".

Jiang Hui didn't meet anyone along the way. She thought she was early, but she never thought that she was late.

The receiving staff told her that the people who came with her had already arrived two weeks ago, and there were only one or two scattered references left who hadn't been sent for inspection.

Jiang Hui: ...

The other party's complexion was erratic, and he was a little surprised when he saw Jiang Hui, and then he suddenly realized. No wonder the other party came so late. The inspection procedures for those who are not fully awakened here are really cumbersome, just to ensure that their mental power is stable.

"Besides you, there should be another..." The other party looked at the list: "It seems to be Taylor, Sanger Taylor, and he hasn't come yet."

"Hey, are you here?" The person who was talking to her seemed to have seen something and looked up in a certain direction. Jiang Hui followed his gaze and saw another staff member leading Taylor this way.

Maybe they were planning to pack them together as two people, and the staff member was not in a hurry to take the next step, just waiting for his companion across from him to bring Taylor over to join him.

Taylor didn't seem to be in good condition either, he looked tired, and he had probably been tortured during the test, so he only waved hello to Jiang Hui when he saw someone.

The two staff members looked familiar and told them that this is a normal situation after the test, especially for people with high levels of mental sensitivity. But there will be no real loss, and it will be fine after a night of sleep. If you feel that you have not recovered before going to bed, you can contact the accompanying therapist in time to help prescribe some supplementary drugs, as long as you avoid taking stimulant drugs.

Of course they are not here to chat. Under the instructions of the staff, Jiang Hui and Taylor released the spare mecha they had brought on the spot.

The pine and cypresses brought by Jiang Hui are naturally not bad. No matter how many times you look at this mecha, it has a peculiar shape. It has both the characteristics of a mimetic linear shape and an ordinary humanoid armor. With the fresh color, it is particularly eye-catching when it appears.

These staff members are professionals hired by the organization. In the past, countless mechas have been handled by them, and there are very few mechas that surprise them.

Of course, Songbai is not at that level, at most it is a little eye-catching, because there are really very few mechas that completely deviate from the standard parameters like this.

Even for a mecha master who is good at making mechas, the energy and computing power required to create a mecha with brand new data is immeasurable. The popularity of standard parameters has saved a lot of effort for mech manufacturing.

And the one in front of me obviously contains multiple ingenuity of the maker, not to mention the craftsmanship, but on the whole it looks very exquisite. Thinking of recording such a mecha operation test, even the staff was a little bit happy.

Taylor beside him looked slightly surprised: "Student Jiang, is this your mech?"

In fact, there is no need to ask too much, such a mecha must be owned by a person. Anyway, there are not a few rental houses that would rent out such a waste of money after obtaining such a mecha, so this must be a mecha owned by an individual.

This classmate Jiang is really not simple. Although considering his family background, A-level mechas are naturally not a problem, but not every family can equip those who have not fully awakened with such A-level mechas.

What's more, the other party is studying at an intermediate academy resident in the galaxy. Not only can he apply to pass the preliminary examination, but he can also hold such an A-level mecha... The other party is really full of contradictions.

Jiang Hui didn't say anything, but just looked at the other party silently, because he also really wanted to see what kind of mech Taylor planned to use to take this level test.

However, Taylor rubbed his nose in embarrassment: "They said that I am temperamental, and I have never been equipped with a mecha. This one was... spared for me at home." He seemed a little shy, and his expression was a little uncomfortable.

Compared with Jiang Jianghui's pines and cypresses, the mecha released by Taylor is a bit ordinary, with a gray-white shell and an ordinary humanoid armor with no characteristics.

From Jiang Hui's point of view, this mech is heavily used and a little worn, obviously being used frequently. The overall materials are very good, and basically reach A-level or above, so this is a very good and typical A-level mech.

Although it was a bit different from what I imagined, the person in charge of the inspection still made a preliminary inspection responsibly, and judged: "This is a mecha that is usually used for practice."

Because although there are deep traces of use on the top, and various parts have different shades of wear, it is obviously not caused by gunpowder smoke and war, and there are no traces left by living things. Those wear and tear are more likely to be caused by the same kind, so it is easy to judge that this is a mecha used for practice.

Hearing that Taylor nodded slightly, yes, this mecha is indeed a practice mecha that his brother used to use at home, and it was only passed to him in the past few months.

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