I saw this officer, who seemed to be able to do a job with ease since meeting him, straightened up suddenly.

At this moment, Jiang Hui didn't have time to care about the gaffe of the person next to her, she also jumped forward and couldn't believe her eyes.

The news came at this time!

Almost at the same time, both of them unconsciously wanted to touch the optical brain, and when they bumped into each other, the two of them recovered almost at the same time.

Zong Ting withdrew his arm, and seemed to realize that he had lost his composure: "I'm sorry." Even though Jiang Hui's optical brain needs to be stored in the military department due to procedural problems, it still belongs to Jiang Hui's personal property. In theory, except for investigation, no one has the right to bypass her and use this optical brain on her behalf.

"But I hope you can clearly explain this matter, this is very important to us."

It was not the first time Jiang Hui heard such words. The army commander who contacted her before said the same thing, but for the first time she agreed with it in her heart because it was also very important to her.

This secret letter is nothing but from the long-lost Huan Xian.

After so many days of holding back and not using it rashly, nor explaining the secret chain, the other party finally made a move.

Thankfully, she finally let her know that the person is still alive...at least for this moment.

But why did you choose this time? He was actually caught by the people from the military department. But looking at this completely clueless secret letter, one can tell that this thing is definitely not for her to read, and it should be intended for her to convey it on her behalf.

As for who to convey... isn't that obvious? !

Without concealing anything, Jiang Hui revealed what Huan Xian had told her at the beginning, which she didn't even mention when Zhou Xiuwen asked about it.

Why didn't she say it then? Jiang Hui also thought about it.

Especially in the case of the person missing for a long time, the existence of this secret chain is particularly important, and she almost couldn't resist using it herself. But thinking of the other party's confession at the time, Jiang Hui finally chose to believe in Huan Xian, just trusting him.

Speaking of this secret chain, it was about two years ago, and it was also when Huan Xian began to behave erratically.

The other party was better in his first year at Beska Intermediate Academy. Jiang Hui and others were able to get in touch with him from time to time, and occasionally heard him talk about academic matters when sitting together. Then around the end of the first half of the second grade, the life of the other party seemed to be accelerated.

No academic references appear in his speech. Those scattered people or lives hidden in his few words seemed to disappear in an instant.

Every time Jiang Hui saw him, the other party seemed to be changing, becoming more mature and upright day by day. But correspondingly, the less he spoke, the lightness that only belonged to young people was bit by bit eaten away in front of her.

The other party never said anything, and Jiang Hui never asked anything, but she just knew that this person was going through a growth that she didn't know. It must have been a remodeling process of skinning and bruising, so that the little bit of popularity he had gradually acquired over the past year was polished into a thin layer and melted into the bone marrow, leaving no traces.

Inexplicably, Jiang Hui felt a little sorry for the other party, although she didn't know what she was sad about. Obviously that should be something that everyone should experience at a certain time, maybe one day she will experience the same, but Huan Xian's came earlier.

However, what this person owns is so rare, and the time of possession is so short...why should he take it back so quickly?

Jiang Hui thinks that other people probably know about it, maybe her friends are also losing such things in the same way, it's just that when everyone gathers together, no one expresses their sadness...

The only thing she can't clearly recognize is herself, maybe this is because she is in the game.

An incident happened during the second semester of the second grade, which Jiang Hui did not tell the other three.

A week before the start of school, Jiang Hui did not go to a certain summer camp as Stark and his friends thought—it was all a cover.

In fact, she was taken to a military station, where she met Huan Xian, whom she hadn't seen for nearly two months.

The opponent was seriously injured, a photon nuclear fine bullet pierced him through the chest, directly pierced through the heart veins, and almost destroyed one atrium.

If it's just like this, it's okay. Although this is considered a serious injury in Interstellar, it can still be repaired if it is treated and treated in time. However, the other party missed the best opportunity for treatment, and the virus accidentally entered the blood and infected the heart veins.

Before Jiang Hui came, he was in a state of rescue and hanging for a whole month.

When Jiang Hui was brought here, the other party lay silently on a special hospital bed. A special medal hung on the shelf beside the bed, silver and black, and the picture of a beast on it gave off a chilling atmosphere. Although she didn't know much about this aspect, she could tell from the standard that this was a medal of not low rank.

And judging from the way it was placed, this medal should belong to the person on the bed who has not yet woken up. She had a feeling that this thing might have something to do with Huan Xian's serious injury.

But the other party didn't get better after her arrival, and he never woke up.

The first day, the second day, the third day... Jiang Hui would be taken to this ward every day to visit this comatose friend.

She didn't know how to describe the feeling of death. Jiang Hui still can't forget these days, watching people lying on the bed like this, losing vital signs little by little...

Jiang Hui was not afraid, but felt a little sad, for the person who seemed to never wake up again.

Fortunately, it was his life that did not deserve to die. On the seventh day of Jiang Hui's arrival, the day before school started, the person in the bed woke up and saved his life.

She still remembers the look in the other person's eyes when he woke up, it was so pale and empty, not like the state that human beings should have. This is the first time Jiang Hui has truly realized the incurable desolation in her friend's heart.

Jiang Hui didn't know much about what happened that day, she just remembered being confused, and she was sent home safely afterwards.

Then one month after school started, Jiang Hui saw her friend again. Huan Xian lost a lot of weight, but he was still energetic. When he saw Jiang Hui, he didn't explain to Jiang Hui what he had experienced in those few days. He just stayed with her in the laboratory for an afternoon.

In the end, the other party sent her a strange link, and told her that this secret link... can only be used once and is one-way, so she can keep it for now and don't care too much.

In the next few years, Jiang Hui almost forgot about it, until Huan Xian disappeared... She didn't remember the existence of such a thing.

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