The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 546: Shopping Mall

The days of waiting were not easy, and even such a planet with a new landscape could not make her feel any happier.

In fact, Atlantis is quite special among the planets around here.

The star site where Atlantis is located happens to be in a zone of thermal magnetic energy. The stars orbiting here are usually very violent, and the center of the earth will also be affected accordingly. However, it is really strange that a water-based planet like Atlantis was produced near a group of large and small planets full of violent energy, and its water content is as high as 99%.

And speaking of water, it is still the most suitable source of life known to human beings.

In fact, after entering the interstellar world for so many years, human beings have discovered new elements of survival, such as liquids that can replace water, gases that can replace air, and even explored and invented a batch of instruments that can help humans completely escape from air and water .

This was once a subject that the interstellar humans were most concerned about.

However, with the passage of time, human beings who have developed to a certain level of technology gradually discovered... indeed, such things also exist. But judging from human genes, perhaps they will never be able to get rid of these two elements of survival.

It's not technology or even human adaptability that determines this, it's human genetics.

At present, the interstellar academic community finally deduces that there is some kind of biological chain in human genes based on the large biological model of the human body. It is this chain that determines what kind of environment they are most suitable for living in, and what kind of life elements they ingest are more conducive to evolution.

It's not that people haven't tried to take in some elements that are similar to the two major elements of life. It can be done, but the human body is prone to various adverse reactions after a long time, which is not conducive to the further optimization of human genes.

People used to think that the so-called biological chains were chains set up by some higher creatures than them.

But later, with the expansion of human beings to the outside of the Alpha universe, they discovered that there are countless intelligent races in this world. They live in different regions and different universes, and they have their own culture and civilization. Some of them may or may not know the existence of human beings, but no race has tried to cross the border in these years.

And they haven't really found that race in this world that can engrave traces in their human blood from generation to generation. As a result, it was gradually replaced by the theory of "natural selection". At present, the academic circle generally believes that human genes are the selection of natural optimization, and have nothing to do with the manipulation of higher creatures.

However, there are not many planets with natural water sources in the interstellar world, and there is no natural water source comparable to the original ecological water of the parent star. The characteristics of most water sources will be affected by the local ecological environment of the planet.

Atlantis is not only a water planet born in a tropical belt, it is said that the water on it is as close as 65% to the original water resources.

Therefore, although the development time of this planet is not long, and the original development environment is somewhat difficult, it is not inferior to other sky-level planets in terms of wealth and heritage.

Concerned about the unfinished exam, Jiang Hui didn't dare to really go to other scenic spots to visit, and the resident military area re-arranged the station for them, and cultivated well.

But the exam arrangement was delayed, and she didn't dare to wander around. Most of the time, Jiang Hui could only stay at the station to attend classes.

Yes, she stayed in Atlantis for too long. Jiang Hui was afraid of delaying her studies, so she contacted the school early to resume online teaching.

Later, as time passed, more and more news came from the military region, and the whole case gradually became clear.

According to Zhou Xiuwen's internal information, they were accidentally involved in a certain political struggle this time.

Of course not for them. What's the use of a group of students who haven't officially entered the army? They came directly for the biggest fish in this exam.

—Colonel Phillips.

On the day of the exam, the other party acted impetuously and full of mistakes, isn't he a good target? It doesn't feel like an experienced soldier at all, but more like a wayward young master.

So I was caught by someone with a heart...

Phillips was born noble, with a proud and assertive personality, so he naturally has some real skills to get to where he is today. But since he was a child, he has been going smoothly, and after joining the army, he was escorted by various forces. This journey has been smoother than anyone else, and he has naturally developed a temperament that doesn't care much about the details.

He actually didn't like this kind of unchallenging task much. If it wasn't for the family's orders, he wouldn't have come here to do the work of the so-called proctor in the current situation.

I really didn't expect to encounter an unstable defense here, and later some more complicated issues were involved, which led to the fraud incident. Although this matter was planned by someone in partnership, Phillips had a lot of problems himself, so he could be taken advantage of.

A person who is not satisfied with his job... Isn't it just the kind of pawn that a caring person wants most?

And Phillips' identity is just right, and after several forces combined, they joined forces to do such a trick in this exam.

In fact, they didn't do it very carefully, they all relied on remote control and provocation, and they didn't even dare to let their own people do it.

But I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or it’s retribution. They originally did it in the examination room, but they were moved to natural shallow waters because of Phillips’ own initiative, and then encountered a series of whirlpools... In the end, many candidates They were all seriously injured and made a big fuss about it.

If you don't check, you don't know. Checking it is simply frightening. Because the depth of the water behind this is unimaginable, and it even involves the change of the executive government... But naturally, this part of the military cannot tell the students.

However, apart from those who directly attacked, it is not easy to deal with and hold accountable for these certain forces and certain families that have been found out. They made various evasion plans when they made the arrangements, so the tails were cut off one by one very cleanly. Although the military department could come to the door to settle the accounts, it was actually impossible to implement specific legal means to deal with them.

Most of the above Jiang Hui knew from Zhou Xiuwen and the others. From time to time, the military department only sent some information about the progress of the case being prosecuted by her group leader, and kept everything else under wraps.

As the fraud gradually became clear, the imprint of surviving that day gradually faded away, and Jiang Hui's life also returned to normal.

For the first time today, she didn't sit in meditation in the station, and planned to visit an antique book shop near the shopping mall.

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