The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 591 Responsibility

Up to here, Stark doesn't play tricks on her anymore, talking about good news and bad news is just teasing her, which is actually one thing, it depends on the angle from which it is viewed——

I have to say that Jiang Hui also caught up with a good time. If it was the normal process in the past, the application for military merit would not come down so quickly, and in the context of such a major event, theoretically speaking, it should take several months to review before it can be confirmed.

But Jiang Hui's matter just caught up with this juncture, and her application went smoothly after all parties competed. It's just that the purpose of the reviewer is naturally not so pure, and it is also a cover for a certain purpose.

But what happened after this had nothing to do with Jiang Hui, after all, she followed the normal process and was reported by Zong Ting's name, so naturally there was no problem. The application was approved naturally.

Jiang Hui's rank is a coincidence. If it were normal, it would be pretty good for her to be a sergeant with these achievements. After all, military rank is not such an ordinary thing for a sergeant. It cannot be obtained without going through bloody wars and facing death with blood and tears.

But in terms of the empire's military system, getting a military rank does not mean that you can immediately become a non-commissioned officer.

In fact, military rank is a product of the military system. It is equivalent to the professional title of military personnel, showing the rank of the sergeant, and also represents his/her achievements during his/her service.

However, the military rank is not permanent. Generally speaking, the rank can be discussed between sergeants during their service. If you fail to obtain a lifelong military rank, you will be just an ordinary full-time retired sergeant after retiring. Although you will enjoy the treatment corresponding to your rank, the so-called military rank will no longer be valid at that time.

Therefore, once all sergeants enter the military system, they will try their best to go up, and if they want to make meritorious service, they will work hard towards the upper officer rank. The higher the rank before resignation, the better.

If they can be promoted to general rank before retiring from the army, their families will be eligible to enter the central star area. And after retiring from the army, you can also get corresponding arrangements, so you don't have to worry about making a living, and your children will enjoy different things in the future. This kind of class-crossing, also known as the interstellar version, is the ending that all sergeants dream of.

Of course, with Jiang Hui's current's still a long way to talk about this issue, and she hasn't even officially entered the military system.

But by chance, she got the rank of sergeant, and was destined to enter the military system, and she began to think about more things next.

As mentioned above, military rank is very important for a sergeant. It is different from specific military positions, and both must have corresponding achievements. The military rank of each sergeant has been approved and certified by the military department, and he also enjoys corresponding treatment in the interstellar society. This is a reward for these heroes who defend the country.

But as the saying goes, "seeking his own government while in his position", Jiang Hui now wants to receive a military rank, and in the future he will really become a person who is paid by the army, and naturally he has to shoulder the corresponding responsibilities.

According to the imperial military system, all those who have initially determined their military rank will have a period of evaluation, and they need to accumulate and complete the corresponding indicators before they can be finally approved and certified as a full-level military rank.

So this means that after Jiang Hui received the rank of sergeant, she had to work. It's just work, this period not only has something similar to the internship period, but also has assessment indicators, a complete set of rules and regulations, so that people can't take advantage of any loopholes.

Jiang Hui: ...

No, is it so troublesome for your empire to get an honorary title?

Although she also intends to join the army in the future, and has made a corresponding career plan for this. But the problem is that she hasn't formally entered a higher military academy yet, and she hasn't passed the full awakening period... Now that she is a minor, she has started a social animal life like this? Or the kind of package distribution.

To be honest, Jiang Hui felt that it was quite unreal.

But after Jiang Hui thought about it, she was actually better. Because Huan Xian and Zhou Xiuwen seemed to be doing the same thing three years ago, when they were younger, it looked like they had been doing it for a while at that time... Didn't they do it well?

So what is wrong with the empire? ! The child soldiers are all out, so there is really no need to roll like this.

No matter how much Jiang Hui slanders her now, the resolution on the issuance of her military rank has been issued, and it has been filed with the military department and the governing government—Jiang Hui's military salary will be settled from now on, and she must also bear corresponding responsibilities in the future , until the day of discharge.

The sergeant is at the rank of non-commissioned officer, which is close to the category of an officer, and the evaluation period is four to six years. That is to say, if she did not make other achievements during the evaluation period, she must complete the corresponding task indicators in the four to six years before she can be officially recognized as a full-time listing.

If there is no accident, Jiang Hui should soon participate in the unified recruitment of colleges and universities. It will take at least four years to enter the corresponding military academy and complete higher education. After graduation, he can officially join the army.

So it means that Jiang Hui's evaluation period almost coincides with her official enlistment time. As we all know, these two points are very important for a sergeant. The former is related to whether Jiang Hui can truly be certified as a sergeant, and the latter is related to her future development camp and the acquisition of a formal military position.

Stark has foreseen a hectic and hectic four years ahead for the little guy.

Jiang Hui, this child in your family is really worrying...and really proud of him.

Jiang Hui hadn't realized the problem yet, so she only asked some questions about the evaluation period standards out of curiosity before turning her attention away.

While speaking, Jiang Hui had finished cleaning up. Although there were some small episodes in the middle, it did not delay the business. Calculating that the whole process did not exceed half a week, the two soon came out of the guest room.

There was already someone outside to meet him, someone sent by Marshal Zhou.

It wasn't that Zhou Yuanjing was narrow-minded, so he had to send someone to monitor them with such little effort. In fact, it is because the rules in the Jian'an are strict, that is, the military in the starship is not allowed to act arbitrarily without instructions. Jiang Hui and Stark are both foreigners. It must be inconvenient during the walk, so a special sergeant was sent to lead them away from the Jian'an.

Before that, Jiang Hui did not forget to go to the medical office to say hello to Huan Xian, so that the other party would know that he had left first.

It's a pity that it has arrived, but... Huan Xian is still in the period of getting used to the medicine. It is said that a whole medical team is monitoring his vital signs. So Jiang Hui didn't want to disturb her, so she sent a text message to Huan Xian's Xinguang brain, and then said hello to Zhou Xiuwen, and then left with Stark and went home.

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