The Strongest Demon Front

117. Rejection by Real Madrid



Kearney Training Base.

The training base of the world's most famous Arsenal club is located here, just 45 minutes' drive from their Emirates Stadium.

The season has just ended and there are not many people in the training base.

The players have all gone on vacation, and many of the staff who do logistics for them have also been on vacation.

The summer sun, through the dense green trees, printed golden spots on the grass one by one.

A middle-aged bald-headed man in a white shirt and tie walked quickly under the shade of a tree.

He is Ivan Gazidis, born in South Africa in 1964, moved to the UK at the age of 4, obtained a law degree from Oxford University in 1986, and set out to create Major League Soccer in the United States in 1994. In 2011, he returned to the UK and came to London to join Arsenal Football Club as chief executive.

Every player transfer period is a very busy time for him.

This year is no exception.

After a few steps, the phone rang.

As Gazidis walked, he picked up his phone and looked at it, then clicked to answer.

"...Well, I know. I'm talking to Real Madrid."

"But, Arsena, you have to give me some time. I have to talk to Chelsea about Cech and Basel about Mohamed Elneny. Also, I have to find a way to find a new club for Podolski. "The German didn't do well at Inter last year and the Italian club is not ready to buy him."

"It all takes time."

Gazidis looked worried, and he continued to walk quickly.

"Well, um, I'm listening."

"That's it. I made a tentative bid and they turned it down. Then I made another £8 million offer and, guess what. They turned it down."

"I think they may be crazy. A Chinese who didn't even play the national team, just played in the league for the reserve team for a year, and the offer of 8 million pounds was rejected without negotiation! This is too outrageous. Bar?"

"...I may not have heard clearly. The signal was not very good just now, can you say it again?"

"What? £15m? My God. When we took Walcott from Southampton, it was only £12m. That price shocked the world at the time. A seventeen-year-old Chinese child, £15 million, Arsena, are you also..."

"Okay okay, I'll think about it. Let me think about it first, I'm a little confused right now."

"Hmm. Hmm. I'll contact you later. Don't worry, I'll contact you again soon, and I won't keep you waiting."


Pushing open the office door, Gazidis threw his phone on the table.

He walked quickly to the desk, picked up the landline microphone, and ordered, "A cup of iced coffee, no sugar, thank you."

Then, Gazidis closed the office door, walked back to his seat, and sat down.

He turns on the computer.

Call up that player's profile.

"Twenty B-League games, 27 goals, 5 assists, 1.35 goals, 0.25 assists per game, 9 dribbles per game, 5.8 violations per game, and 0.7 ball losses per game. Averaged 1.2 threats per game."

"Four promotion play-offs, 6 goals and 0 assists, 1.5 goals per game."

"European Youth League, 6 games, 13 attacks and 3 assists, 2.17 goals and 0.5 assists per game."

"Seven games in La Liga, one goal and zero assists."

Gazidis held a pen in his hand and tapped lightly on the table habitually, frowning a little.

"From the data point of view,

It's a gorgeous piece of data, but the level of the game is a little lower. "

"The only high-level La Liga league, this young man has only played for more than ten minutes. It is difficult to have any reference price for the data."

"That's about £15m? I don't know what Arsene thinks..."

dong dong dong!

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Gazidis didn't turn his head, he still looked at the computer screen.

A cup of coffee was handed to him.

Gazidis didn't look up. He took the coffee and said, "Thank you."

After a while, before the visitor left, Gazidis was a little strange.

He looked up. "I said, thank you... uh, it's Steve. Excuse me."

Gazidis quickly stood up.

Steve Rowley is a long-time employee of the club.

Steve Rowley was already a scout for Arsenal in the early 1990s.

The legendary captain in Arsenal's history, Tony Adams, was unearthed by him. At that time, even Wenger was not the manager of Arsenal. The Gunners manager at the time was the legendary manager George Graham.

For such a club veteran, Gazidis must be respectful.

"I thought it was Miss Watson just now. I'm sorry to ask you to bring me coffee. Please take a seat."

"By the way, what about Miss Watson? Why are you here?" he asked curiously.

Steve Rowley smiled and sat down across from Gazidis, "I came back from outside and happened to meet Miss Watson bringing you coffee. I thought, I'll talk to you and drop by. Bring the coffee."

The delicate coffee spoon is slowly stirred clockwise, and the rich aroma of coffee beans slowly evaporates in the air.

Gazidis raised his head and raised his eyebrows, "Looking for me? Is there anything?"

"Well, it's like this." Raleigh put his hands and knees on the table, looking at Gazidis, "Some time ago, I recommended a Real Madrid Castilla player to the club. I want to ask Ask the club how it is going, and what is the response from the other side."


Gazidis rubbed his temples with both hands, looking a little surprised.

"Is that the Chinese player named Ge Chu? Arsena and I called me just now and were talking about him. Now you are here for him again. Why, are you so optimistic about him?"


Raleigh immediately gave a positive answer, "Ivan, you may not know very well, but you have to believe me, this player has a very bright future. If you have a chance, don't miss it, or you will regret it later."

"Oh?" Gazidis shrugged, "Every year there are football geniuses, so every year we regret it?"

Seeing that Raleigh was about to speak, he immediately raised his hand, "Listen to me, Steve. I recognize the professionalism of you and Arsena. I believe you can't be wrong."

"But as the team's CEO, I need to think more than you. This season, the transfer budget given to me by the board of directors is not much, and I have to spend it where it is most effective."

"Good players, definitely what we need. But good players have to have good prices, right?"

"I really value this Chinese player. Shortly after the end of the season, I got in touch with Jose Sanchez, Real Madrid's general manager of transfers. But he rejected my £8 million offer. One just turned 17 Year-old boy, a Chinese with no experience in top league competitions, I have made such an offer very sincerely, but he doesn't talk about it, what can I do?"

Gazidis spreads his hands.

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