The Strongest Demon Front

One hundred and eighty-two, new record

Chu Ge is preparing for the match against Frosinone.

This is the thirteenth round of Serie A.

The Spanish national derby was over yesterday, but Chu Ge didn't know the score yet. The day before the game, he will take the initiative to turn off the Internet to calm himself down, and all his thoughts are on the upcoming game.

He doesn't get distracted unless something very important is going on.

Every player has his habits before the game, some of which are also metaphysical.

And Chu Ge's habit is to let go of himself.



The game officially begins.

In this game, the opponent's strength was not strong, but Meazza still poured in 50,000 fans.

Enthusiastic fans once again filled the stadium's stands.

Due to the poor performance of the new formation in the previous game, Mancini again used the usual 433 formation in this game.

Chu Ge, Icardi, Liajic and Jovitic started together.

The opponent Frosinone is a relegation team, so Mancini is very bold in his formation. The two full-backs he chose to start today are both players with strong assist ability, one is Nagato Yuto, the other One is Brazilian fullback Telles.

Real Madrid scout Da Silva still appeared in the stands.

The Spaniard was a little gloomy today, knowing that the club might accept an offer from Inter.

He is very optimistic about Chu Ge and hopes that Chu Ge can return to the Bernabeu one day.

But helpless, people are soft-spoken, Da Silva knows that his opinion will not influence the club's decision.

"If you give up on buybacks, you will regret it one day."

As soon as Chu Ge appeared, Da Silva's eyes were only fixed on him, and he thought silently in his heart.


The match between Inter Milan and Frosinone,

It was the last game in the thirteenth round of the league.

In the previous games, Roma was tied 2:2 by Bologna, Juventus defeated AC Milan 1:0 at home, Naples defeated Verona with two goals away, and Fiorentina defeated Empoli 2:2 at home shake hands and make peace.

If Inter Milan can beat Frosinone in this game, they will once again return to the top of the league table.

In addition, in the scorer list, Napoli's Higuain has quietly risen to second place.

He scored ten goals.

After Chu Ge, Higuain was the second to accumulate double-digit goals. The difference in goals between him and Chu Ge is only two.


Not long after the game, Chu Ge dribbled in front of the opponent's penalty area, causing a foul by Frosinone's defender.

Chu Ge held the ball and stood at the penalty spot.

The other players voluntarily walked away.

Standing in front of the ball, Chu Ge looked at the opponent's four-man wall, and then looked at Frosinone goalkeeper Nicola Lealli.

Leali is a very young goalkeeper, 22 years old this year, and another "Buffon successor" who came out of Italy in recent years.

However, for the former Buffon successors, their fates were all "boiled" to death by Buffon.

I don't know what the future fate of Leary will be.

The referee Marco Guida blew, indicating that Chu Ge could make a free throw.

Chu Ge raised his right foot, tapped his toes behind him twice, then stood with his legs crossed, and licked his shorts subconsciously.

Glancing at the door.

Chu Ge started quickly.

After only two steps, he raised his thigh and kicked under the side of the football.


Meazzari was like a thunderous explosion.


The football drew a white practice in the air and went straight to the wall of people.

The ball is very fast!

The players on the wall in Frosinone couldn't help but turn pale when they saw the speed of the ball so fast. However, they still gritted their teeth and jumped up, trying to stop the football.


With wind, the football flies over the head of a Frosinone Wall player.

The speed of the ball is so fast, if it really hits the football, maybe it will have a concussion. The player was subconsciously thankful that he didn't hit the football head-on. However, he immediately realized that if he failed to intercept the football, his team's goal might be in danger.

He quickly turned his head to look back.

On the goal line, Lealli was still standing. The goalkeeper only had time to turn his head and watch the football go over the wall and enter the top corner of the goal.

The ball is in!


Cheers sounded.

In the stands behind the goal, fans wearing blue and black jerseys and holding blue and black scarves have begun to jump from their seats. They shouted in unison.

"Chu! Chu! Chu goal!"

"Only eight minutes into the game, Chu Ge took advantage of a free kick to open the scoring for Inter Milan. Inter Milan had a very smooth start today!"

"With this goal, Chu Ge's goals have risen to thirteen."

"Thirteen rounds, thirteen goals! Let's applaud Chu Ge together, he's in great shape since he came to Inter Milan!"


After scoring the goal, Chu Ge was also very happy.

This goal was the first direct free kick he scored after leaving Real Madrid.

After so long of practice, he finally started scoring free kicks again, which made Chu Ge very excited.


At home, with a direct free kick from Chu Ge, Inter Milan led Frosinone by one goal.

After opening the goal account, Inter Milan's next game became easier.

In the 29th minute, Chu Ge scored the ball in the middle, and Liajic took the ball from the left and cut inside. After attracting two Frosinone defenders to defend, Liajic knocked the ball across the middle, Icardi outflanked in place, shot, and once again pierced Liali's fingers.



Five minutes later, on Icardira's side, he took Frosinone's centre-back out of the box and knocked the ball back to the edge of the box.

Liajic followed.

He didn't stop the ball and hoisted the football directly to the middle of the penalty area.

In the penalty area, Frosinone's defender stared at the incoming ball, ready to take off and push the football out of the penalty area.

At this moment, a figure inserted at high speed, jumped high, grabbed in front of the defender, and smashed the football into the net with a powerful header.


Chu Ge!

It's Chu Ge!

This is his first header!

When Icardi was on the edge, Chu Ge waited for an opportunity to ambush in the middle. This is a routine they have been working with for a long time in training.

When Liajic hoisted the football to the middle, Chu Ge suddenly plugged in at high speed.

Serie A defenders are now familiar with Chu Ge's characteristics, and almost everyone knows that he is not good at headers. Therefore, Frosinone did not deliberately mark Chu Ge for a header. When Chu Ge suddenly appeared in the penalty area and competed for a header, Frosinone's defenders were heartbroken.

Are you not good at headers?

They are a little bit uncomfortable with Chu Ge's sudden style of painting.


Chu Ge would not miss such a good opportunity.

He sped up and jumped a little, but it didn't matter.

Chu Ge adjusted a little, put his head on the football, and smashed the football into the net.

Not surprised.

Congratulations to Frosinone for unlocking Chu Ge's new scoring method and scoring a header!

The Meazza Stadium was once again a tsunami.

Fans chanted Chu Ge's name, celebrating his second goal and a header in his career victory!

Chu Ge is becoming more and more comprehensive.


In the second half, Mancini replaced Liajic with Perisic.

Liajic did not score in the first half, but had two assists and performed very well.

However, the team has a 3-0 lead, and Mancini wants to give Perisic a little more playing time to help him adapt to Serie A as soon as possible and adapt to the team's playing style. In the frontcourt quartet, Icardi, Chu Ge and Jovitic didn't move, but Liajic was easy to bully, so Mancini replaced him.

In the new season, Perisic's performance has been struggling, and he has not shown the level he should have.

The reason for this is actually very simple.

Because he joined the team at the buzzer at the last moment of the transfer window, Perisic did not participate in Inter Milan's summer training, and lacked a tacit understanding with the team. In addition, the styles of the Bundesliga and Serie A are quite different, and it will take some time for him to adapt.

The solution is to let him play more games.

After Perisic played, Chu Ge consciously gave him more balls and let him get more balls.


Sixty-ninth minute.

Perisic made a breakthrough from the wing, passed the inverted triangle, and knocked the football back to the middle.

Chu Ge took the ball in the curved area, and a Figo-style pulling the ball was extraordinary, passed the defender, and directly entered the penalty area.

In the penalty area, he stabbed the ball and scored the ball again.

hat trick!

"The ball is in!"


"Inter Milan's offensive is particularly fierce today, and Frosinone is unable to parry. This is Chu Ge's third goal of the game, and he scored a hat-trick!"

"This is Chu Ge's first hat-trick after his transfer to Inter Milan."

"After coming to Serie A, he scored his first hat-trick in just thirteen rounds. At the same time, Chu Ge also set a new record, seventeen years and two hundred and fifteen days. He became the youngest player to score a hat-trick in Serie A!"

"After breaking the record for the fastest goal in Serie A, he has become the youngest player to score a hat-trick in Serie A history!"

"Amazing achievement!"

"Amazing Chu Ge!"

After scoring the goal, Chu Ge was very excited. Holding the football, he made a three gesture to the camera.

Teammates such as Icardi and Perisic rushed over to celebrate the first hat-trick in his career with Chu Ge.

From the stands, thunderous applause sounded again.

Da Silva also applauded.

"If such a player does not stay with Real Madrid, the director and the president will surely regret it."

He began to believe more and more of it.

An opponent like Frosinone is indeed weaker. However, it is still a great achievement for Chu Ge to score a hat-trick in Serie A at such a young age.

An unprecedented achievement!

A foreigner in Italy's top league has achieved a record that even local Italian shooters can't match!


When the score was changed to 4-0, Frosinone gave up the resistance completely.

Inter Milan's advantage has become more obvious.

Eight minutes later, Brozovic also completed a goal, Inter Milan lead the opponent five goals at home.

Mancini replaced Chu Ge.

After completing the hat-trick, the fans of Meazza stood up again and applauded Chu Ge. Chu Ge's perfect performance once again conquered Meazza.


Soon after, the game was over.

With Chu Ge's hat-trick and goals from Icardi and Brozovic, Inter Milan defeated Frosinone 5-0 at home and won four consecutive victories.

After the game, Chu Ge kept the football of the game.

In football, he wrote a small line to record his first top-flight hat-trick in his career.

"2015, Meazza, 13th round of Serie A, vs. Frosinone, first hat-trick"


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