The Strongest Demon Front

Two hundred and thirty-five, don't forget the original intention, only then can you always be

Chu Ge appeared at the press conference, which means that he will definitely appear in the Champions League match between Real Madrid and Rome tomorrow.

And it will be the first one.

This surprised the reporters.

They had assumed that in such a high-pressure game, coach Zidane would trust more experienced players, such as James Rodriguez.

"Tomorrow we have to get into shape as quickly as the previous few games. We know that tomorrow's game will be difficult. After all, Roma is a very strong team and we are playing away. But the team's preparations this week are in place. ,We're ready."

Zidane started today's pre-match press conference with the sentence "We are ready".

According to the usual practice, the questions from the reporters start with the head coach.

"Totti? The decision whether to continue playing is Totti himself. We can all see Totti has been playing well. For me, to see a player like Totti playing on the pitch. It's a joy."


Chu Ge sat aside, watching Zidane calmly deal with all the reporters' questions, he thought to himself, if this bald man is not a coach, maybe he can apply for a diplomat.

"This Champions League with Roma is my first time as a manager in the Champions League, which is very special. However, we all know that Real Madrid has a glorious history in the Champions League. I think the most important thing is that we are fully prepared for tomorrow's game. , Adjust your physical condition and go all out.”

"Marcelo is indeed in the squad. I think he can recover to 100 per cent because I see Marcelo is in good shape. He needs to rest now. Tomorrow we will see his state to determine whether he will play. We will not adventure."

"Manchester City are also paying attention to Chu and Kroos? Good players will always be watched by other clubs, it's nothing special."

Soon, Zidane's interview ended, and the reporters all turned their attention to Chu Ge.

The latest winner of the European Golden Boy Award, Chu Ge, who has created the highest net worth of 55 million euros in Asia, the reporters are also very interested in him.

In a sense, the reporters' interest in Chu Ge is not much lower than that of Ronaldo.

Seeing Chu Ge appearing here, they were surprised and excited at the same time.

"I'm so proud to be sitting here today,

This shows that my performance in the team has been recognized by Mr. Zidane. As a seventeen-year-old player, it is not always possible to start a Champions League knockout game. I am very grateful that the coach gave me this opportunity. It is a great honor for me. I will try my best to give full play to my abilities and do my best to repay the trust of the coach and the team in me. "

Chu Ge started his first press conference before the UEFA Champions League with "Thanksgiving".

Soon, the reporter asked about the competition with James in the team.

This is a very sensitive topic.

Since Zidane rotates between James and Chu Ge, it is inevitable that the two of them will be repeatedly compared by the media and fans.

Before almost every Real Madrid game, the Marca newspaper will send out a questionnaire, asking their readers whether to choose the Chu Ge camp or stand by James.

The Colombian media even criticized Zidane because of the competition between Chu Ge and James.

In fact it's not just Columbia media.

Many media have such doubts.

Chu Ge was Zidane's beloved disciple during his time in Castilla. The first transfer that Zidane promoted as soon as he took office was to buy back Chu Ge. In order to satisfy Zidane, Real Madrid spent a total of 55 million euros to buy a 17-year-old young man with only half a year of high-profile performance at a sky-high price of the top 12 transfer fees in world football.

This transfer was destined to be controversial from the very beginning.

Whether Chu Ge is worth such a high transfer fee, whether Zidane is nepotism, whether Real Madrid is stupid and rich... These are hot topics in the media.

The competition between Chu Ge and James continued to ferment these controversial topics.

Fortunately, Chu Ge's performance has been pretty good all the time, and the media has never found a good opportunity to make trouble. Once his performance declines, I am afraid that the pressure of public opinion will suddenly increase.

As for the reporter's question about competing with James for the position, Chu Ge's answer was also very cautious.

"Beef is delicious, and chicken is also good. Many times, we choose beef for one meal, and we may switch to chicken for the next meal. This is not a question of which one is better, but that under different circumstances, we The choices made would be different.”

"I don't have any problems with James. Whoever plays is the team's choice to respond to the needs of different opponents."

"Today I am sitting here, tomorrow it may be replaced by James. Real Madrid is such a team. There are so many excellent players. No matter who they are, they may be rotated. As long as the team wins, everything else matters. unimportant."

In public, Chu Ge answered very decently.

The Real Madrid media official standing beside him nodded repeatedly when he heard this answer.


"As a player, I definitely hope not to miss any games. I believe that James must also think so. In order to achieve such a goal, James and I will make more efforts." Chu Ge Xiao Little expressed his personal opinion.

"Chu, will you score your first Champions League goal in tomorrow's match?" a reporter asked.

Chu Ge laughed.

"Everyone wants to score goals in the Champions League, and I am no exception. If I score, it will be my first goal in the Champions League. It will be special. The last game against Roma, I had it. Goal, I was still at Inter Milan. I hope to continue the good luck tomorrow."

"If you had to choose between scoring a goal and the team winning, would you choose to score yourself or the team to win?" Someone dug for Chu Ge.

"The games I scored, the teams won."

Chu Ge was not fooled by this.

"If you win Rome, which team do you prefer to meet as your opponent in the next round?"

"Consider Roma first and don't think about anything else. Underestimating the Roma team is tantamount to suicide."

"The final of this UEFA Champions League will be played at the Meazza Stadium, and Meazza is the team you played for before, the home of Inter Milan. If Real Madrid enters the final, you have May I return to Meazza, have you ever thought about such a scenario? Do you think the Inter Milan fans will applaud or boo you?"

Hearing this question, Chu Ge was silent for a rare moment.

"To reach the final with Real Madrid is my dream this season. If I can play again at San Siro, I believe that feeling will be very special."

"If there is such an opportunity, I will accept whether the fans of Inter Milan give me applause or boos. It is the choice of the fans and I respect their choice."

"The short half year I played for Inter Milan will always be etched in my mind. I still remember that on the first day I joined Inter Milan, in the honor room of Inter Milan, Klinsmann once said to me , Blue black for one day, blue black for life. I will never forget the unreserved support they gave me, and that is one of the best memories in my football career."

"There are rumors that Mourinho, the manager of Manchester United next season, and Pep Guardiola, the manager of Manchester City next season, want to take you away from the Bernabeu during the transfer period this summer. What do you think about this? "

Transfer scandals are usually the news that attracts the most attention from fans. It is rare for Chu Ge to appear at the press conference. Of course, the reporters will not miss this opportunity to test his attitude towards the transfer.

Chu Ge smiled and glanced at the bald man next to him, "If I don't answer this question well, I may be left in Madrid by the coach tomorrow."

The reporters burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Zidane laughed too.

He glared at Chu Ge, meaning to speak well.

"Coach Zidane was my mentor, it's no secret."

"Mourinho and Pep Guardiola are both world-class coaches. They are the dream coaches of countless players. They are both excellent, but they have nothing to do with me."

"I came back to Real Madrid to prove to the world that my coach is the best coach in the world and he deserves to be the head coach of any team. Until I prove it, unless the team no longer needs Me, or I wouldn't have left."

Life is a journey that goes away.

During this trip, Chu Ge couldn't satisfy everyone, but at least one thing, he was worthy of his heart.

The most important thing for a person is to be grateful.

Do not forget the original intention, only then will it be done forever, Chu Ge has always believed in this.

( = )

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