After Yu Xiangyang finished speaking, he found that everyone was looking at him in surprise. Then he scratched his head and looked at Liu Chuan innocently: Captain, did I say something wrong? "

Liu Chuan laughed: That's right, magic milk. "

Yu Xiangyang: Hehe. "

The reporters didn't want to argue with the boastful young man, so they went to interview Li Xiang: Master performed very well today and was very brave, but many people want to ask you a question. Every time you are abandoned by your teammates and can only sacrifice yourself during retreat, you Will you feel uncomfortable? "

Nope. "Li Xiang said with a smile, I am a human shield, and my role is to protect my teammates. Therefore, every time I start a group, I rush to the front and stay behind when retreating. This is what I should do, as long as my sacrifice can bring benefits to the team. If it brings advantages, it's worth it. Doesn't it sound particularly selfless? Actually, you don't need to praise me."

Qin Ye couldn't help but said: You say you don't need to praise you, but in fact you are looking forward to someone praising you, right? "

Li Xiang turned around and said: Yeye, you really understand me, why don't you praise me a few more words. No one has praised me today. I always feel that something is missing in my heart. "

Qin Ye pushed his head away: Go aside. "

Everyone was amused, and the place where the master was was indeed full of joy.

I would like to ask Zewen, is he not nervous at all in the finals? In the end, the combination with the Sichuan team's ultimate attack was perfect. Do you practice it regularly? "A female reporter wearing glasses stood up and asked a question calmly.

Wu Zewen adjusted his glasses carefully and answered very academically: The captain and I often open alt accounts to compete in online games, or we open alt accounts to play against humans and machines together to practice some coordination, because he and I are both remote, pet Summoning and puppet summoning are the remote output modes of our team. No matter how the lineup changes, if the two of us happen to be on the field at the same time, then I must cooperate with him and keep up with his rhythm. "

It seems that Zewen has worked hard to keep up with the Sichuan team. "The reporter asked, how does the Sichuan team evaluate Zewen as a partner?"

This question has been asked before, let me answer it again today. "Liu Chuan looked at Wu Zewen with a smile and said, Zewen is the partner who allows me to show off my back with confidence. Getting Zewen is like finding a treasure."

This answer made Wu Zewen's ears turn slightly red. The reporters at the scene burst into applause. Some sensitive reporters even felt that the atmosphere between the two looked at each other was too ambiguous. However, Liu Chuan quickly looked away and was busy doing the interview. The reporters didn’t pay much attention.

I want to ask Qin Ye two questions. "A reporter suddenly stood up and said, today Chang'an's Lin team came forward to commentate on the finals. Did it have an impact on your performance? What many people are also concerned about is that if Lin team wants to reorganize Chang'an, what will you do? How to choose?"

Qin Ye was silent for a moment and then said: I was really surprised by Captain Lin's sudden appearance. However, this did not affect my state during the game. As an experienced player, I am relatively confident in adjusting my mentality. As for the second question, I think everyone's worries are a bit unnecessary. It is impossible to reorganize Chang'an. There is no need to forcefully bring together the old team members of Chang'an. Yang Jian, Xu Xinran, and Song Siyuan all have their own teams now. Although the disbandment of Changan is regrettable, everyone can find their own place after the disbandment. I think Team Lin will also be happy for us. "

The reporter asked: Are you saying that Chang'an is already in the past for you, and you will regard Longyin Team as your new belonging? "

Yes, Chang'an Team is the most precious memory in my heart, but Longyin Team is my current team and my new home. "Qin Ye paused and said, I like my current teammates very much and have no plans to leave."

Li Xiang immediately expressed his loyalty actively: We like you very much too. "

Know. " Qin Ye smiled rarely, and the reporters also laughed. Many fans of Team Longyin were greatly relieved when they heard this. Before, they were worried that Yeye would leave Longyin to hang out with Team Lin due to love. It seems that everyone is overthinking it. Lin Liming came back just as a friendly guest commentator. How can it be so easy to reorganize Chang'an? Just dealing with everyone's contracts is a troublesome thing. What's more, now Qin Ye, Yang Jian, Xu How could people like Xinran get back together and cooperate? Yeye has Longyin, Yang Jian has Xuelang, and Xinran has also become the vice-captain of Guose. For them, this is a new starting point. They just Will move forward courageously and never look back.

A reporter stood up and handed the microphone to Lan Weiran: Finally winning the championship, how does Si Lan feel now? Lan Weiran said: Of course I am very happy. I have never won the award before. This time I won the championship. The biggest regret in my heart is finally fulfilled today. "

This answer made many fans feel very distressed. Lan Weiran, who had lost consecutively in the playoffs and never touched a trophy, finally won once today and finally won a championship. It was so touching that he wanted to cry.

The reporter asked again: Now that you have fulfilled your wish, what are your plans for the future? Have you ever thought about when you will retire? "

Lan Weiran said with a smile: This question... is not sure yet, let's talk about it later. "

The Four Blues' answer made many fans watching the live broadcast feel very uneasy. With the Four Blues' temper, will they run away after winning the championship this season?

This is indeed very similar to his personality. He has always been carefree and comfortable, and can leave whenever he wants. Now that the regret in his heart has been fulfilled, he really has no reason to continue to stay in the Longyin Team.

Liu Chuan was worried that if reporters continued to ask Si Lan, he would say irrevocable words, so he immediately interrupted the question and said: Dear reporters, today’s interview will be here for now. If you have any questions, please wait for the press conference later. Besides, let us go back to rest first, thank you all! "

When the Sichuan team said this, the reporters naturally didn't want to embarrass everyone, so they simply sent all the members of the Longyin team away with applause.


Everyone was very tired when they returned to the hotel. Liu Chuan asked everyone to go back to their rooms to sleep without saying a word. Lan Weiran, on the other hand, yawned and was about to enter the room when he was grabbed by Liu Chuan: Si Lan, come with me. "

Lan Weiran looked reluctant: What are you doing? I'm so sleepy. "

Liu Chuan said: I will only spare you a few minutes, and Qin Ye can come too. "

Qin Ye and Si Lan looked at each other and had no choice but to follow Liu Chuan. The three of them took the elevator to the rooftop of the hotel.

The cool night breeze made the three of them wake up a lot. They lay on the guardrail and looked at the night scene in the distance. Although there were not many stars in the sky, the city with tall buildings and the colorful lights still made the night scene of Shanghai stand out. It is beautifully decorated, like a prosperous dream.

Lan Weiran looked at it for a while and couldn't help complaining: "Liu Chuan, you called people up, wasn't it to see the night view?" "

Liu Chuan suddenly became serious: I want to ask you a question that the reporter just didn't finish asking... When are you going to retire? "

Compared with the joy of winning the championship, this problem seems too realistic and too heavy.

The three of them are all veterans at the end of their careers in the field of e-sports. Retirement is inevitable. They have brought newcomers along the way this season. The hardships are naturally unspeakable, especially in today's finals. Liu Chuan Allowing Qin Ye to rest in the fourth game was obviously because he saw that Qin Ye was not in good condition. Lan Weiran also took the initiative to ask to leave in the decisive game. Liu Chuan persisted in playing four games, and even his fingers were a little numb by the end.

…How long can they hold on?

In fact, they all had their own answers deep in their hearts. However, Liu Chuan formally raised this question for the first time, which still put Qin Ye and Silan in a bit of a dilemma.

Liu Chuan looked back at the two people beside him and said softly: When the team was first created, you could trust me and join this new team. I am actually very grateful in my heart. You have worked so hard during this period, so now, It's up to you to decide. If you feel tired or not in the mood to play anymore and want to leave, let me know at any time and I will respect your choice. "

After a moment of silence, Qin Ye said: I can play another season, let's talk about it at the end of the year. "

He couldn't bear to part with this team that made him feel warm, and he couldn't bear to think twice about it. Staying in Longyin seems to have become a habit. Even the biological clock has been adjusted under Erxiang's supervision. The insomnia and headaches have improved a lot. My life is much more comfortable than before, and I don't want to move away yet.

Qin Ye made his position clear, but Lan Weiran squinted his eyes and didn't speak for a long time.

Liu Chuan whispered: Silan, your dream has come true. When I recruited you to join the team, I used the provoking method to anger you, saying that you were my loser and had never won a trophy... Now you have won the championship. , I really can’t think of a reason to keep you. What are you thinking? Go back to school and be your art teacher? "

Lan Weiran touched his chin and said: I thought about it carefully just now and found that this problem is too complicated and consumes a lot of my brain cells. I am too lazy to think about it anymore. "

Liu Chuan:..."

Lan Weiran smiled slightly and said casually: Since you are all ready to play another season, I will follow suit. Hmm... I'll play another season too? "

Liu Chuan looked back at him in disbelief: Are you really willing to stay? "

Lan Weiran said: Yes, isn’t the team inseparable from me? "

The three of them looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

——Yes, the team cannot do without me, this reason is enough.

Although they won the championship this season, they knew very well that the current Longyin team could not do without the support of their three veterans.

It is quite difficult to choose a successor due to the tactical changes of Lan Weiran's Xiaoyao three series. Qin Ye needs to find an assassin with a similar style, and Liu Chuan needs to find a young Tang Sect master. These all take time. If they retire now, it will definitely drag the Dragon Roar Team from the peak to the trough. They all have deep feelings for this team, and they cannot bear to see the Dragon Roar Team fall as quickly as a meteor.

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