The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1002: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

The victory at Luojian boosted the morale of the Jin army. The Jin army took advantage of the victory and pursued it, pushing it to the east bank of Feishui River and confronting the Qin army across the river. Fu Jian climbed to the top of Shouyang City and was secretly surprised when he saw the Eastern Jin army well-organized. I also saw the vegetation swaying on Bagong Mountain to the east of Feishui River. I thought they were ambushing Jin soldiers, and I couldn't help but sigh: "This is a strong enemy, and the stream is weak."

After the defeat at Luojian, the Qin army deployed formations along the west bank of the Fei River to prevent the Jin army from counterattacking. Xie Xuan, the general of the Jin army, sent someone to Fu Jian's younger brother Fu Rong and said: If you pull back a little and make room for the Jin army to cross the Fei River, the two armies will have a showdown!

The generals of the Qin army thought that the Jin army could not cross the river, but Fu Jian asked the army to take a step back, and waited until the Jin army was halfway across the river to suddenly attack, and then attacked with hundreds of thousands of iron cavalry.

So Fu Rong commanded the Qin army to retreat.

The Qin army was originally internally unstable. With this retreat, the Qin army thought that the forwards had been defeated. They suddenly fell into chaos and collapsed thousands of miles away, which was unstoppable.

The Jin army crossed Feishui with eight thousand elite troops and launched a fierce attack. Fu Jian was hit by an arrow and killed Fu Rong in front of the battle.

The Jin army took advantage of the situation to attack, and the Qin army's horses trampled on each other. The dead who were thrown into the water were incalculable, and the fat water did not flow away. The other armies abandoned their armor and retreated day and night. When they heard the roar of the wind and cranes, they thought they were the pursuers of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. They slept in the open, hungry and cold, and seven or eight out of ten of them died. By the time Luoyang arrived, there were only more than 100,000 people left.

Fusu also sent several elite soldiers to Xie Xuan.

First, Fusu sent "Xiong Kuo Hai" to Xie Xuan.

Xiong Kuohai was the fourth most powerful general in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. He was extremely powerful and wielded a cooked copper stick. He was known as the "Purple Faced King".

The majestic and vast sea can withstand a thousand-pound gate. Even if you die, you will still be honored.

Second, Fusu sent the old and strong Huang Zhong to him.

Huang Zhong is not only a sharp archer, but also a knife master who wants to be famous.

When Huang Zhong was old, he could compete with Guan Yu, which shows his bravery.

Huang Zhong even killed Xia Houyuan with his sword on Dingjun Mountain.

Third, Fusu sent Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan there.

According to official historical records, as a general capable of fighting in bloody battlefields, Zhang Liao should be the first person in Cao Wei's camp. The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms also lists Zhang Liao as the first of the five generals of Cao Wei.

Wang Xin even more praised: "Cao Wei has many famous generals, but Zhang Liao is the first."

This article not only talks about Zhang Liao's extraordinary martial arts, but also praises Zhang Liao's command of the army.

Be brave and resourceful.

The biography of Zhang Liao in the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms once mentioned that Zhang Liao "changed his surname after Ben Nie Yi to avoid resentment." Zhang Liao's ancestor Nie Yi was the initiator of the famous "Mayi Conspiracy" during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

In the first year of Yuanguang in the Western Han Dynasty, Nie Yi, a wealthy merchant in Mayi, Yanmen, was familiar with the Xiongnu and worried about the constant border troubles of the Western Han Dynasty. Through people, he suggested to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: After the marriage, the Han Dynasty had gained the trust of the Xiongnu. If you use it to your advantage, you will definitely be able to defeat it.

So Nie Yi was ordered to use himself as bait, go to the Xiongnu camp in person, and pretend to surrender to the then military minister Chanyu. He even claimed that he could kill the magistrate of Mayi County and force the whole city of Mayi to surrender, and then he could get all the city's property.

Shanyu believed his words and was greedy for his benefits, so he immediately planned to launch an army.

After Nie Yi returned to the Han Dynasty, he lured the Xiongnu army into deep areas.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent five generals with a total of 300,000 chariots, cavalry and infantry to set up an ambush in Mayi. These five generals agreed to attack Shanyu when he entered Mayi.

The plan was going smoothly, but when Chanyu walked to the Zuoyun area, he found that there were only livestock and no one in the city and countryside, so he became suspicious. He sent troops to capture a bunker and captured a lieutenant.

The lieutenant Shi revealed the truth that more than 300,000 Han troops were ambushing near Mayi. Chanyu, who discovered the plot, was shocked and retreated, leaving no room for the Han troops to set up an ambush. The "Mayi Plan" also ended in failure. Nie Yi was so devoted that he risked his life in the weeds. Not only did he achieve no success, he also became a person suspected by both Han and Hungarian parties.

In order to avoid disaster, he changed his surname to "Zhang". ..

Chapter 1368 Land and water army Gan Ning Gan Xingba

After Zhang Liao surrendered to Cao Cao, he followed Cao Cao and fought in the north and south, fighting Yuan Shao, pacifying Hebei, conquering Jingzhou, and fighting Sun Quan. He made many military exploits and was called Cao Cao's five good generals together with Cao Ren, Xia Houyuan, Zhang He, and Xu Huang. After Cao Cao wiped out Yuan Shao's forces, he sent Zhang Liao to take charge of the counties of Lu. He followed Xiahou Yuan to wipe out Changxi in the East China Sea and successfully persuaded him to surrender. Later, he followed Cao Cao to Liyang to destroy the coalition forces of Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, and was promoted to a backbone general due to his military exploits.

Cao Cao returned to Xu and ordered Zhang Liao and Le to attack Yin'an, and then follow Cao Cao to capture Ye. He also captured Zhao and Changshan.

Zhang Liao followed Cao Cao to successfully annihilate Yuan Tan, capture Haibin, and defeat the rebels in Liaodong. When Zhang Liao led his army back to Yecheng, Cao Cao personally went out to meet Zhang Liao. He even shared a cart with Zhang Liao and named Zhang Liao the general of the Dang bandits.

Of course, it was Zhang Liao's battle at Xiaoyaojin that shocked the world.

They counterattacked Sun Quan with 800 infantry, and then defeated the 100,000 troops led by Sun Quan personally in Xiaoyaojin, thus lifting the siege of Hefei in the famous battle of defeating more with less.

Xiong Kuohai, Huang Zhong, and Zhang Liao were the generals sent by Fusu to Xie Xuan.

In addition, because there are many mountainous areas in the south, Fusu also transferred Qu Yi's soldiers who died first to Xie Xuan to help Xie Xuan climb the mountain and attack the city.

Fusu conquered the land of Baiyue in the south. The land of Baiyue was full of mountains and forests. Fusu sent two more infantry combat masters to Xie Xuan.

One is the tiger fighting hero - Wu Song.

After Wu Song spent five years guarding the city, recuperating and honing his martial arts, he developed a pair of iron and snowflake swords, full of lethality.

Wu Song followed the path of killing to stop killing.

The iron sword in his hand was made for "killing".

Wu Song is as fierce as fire, unyielding, loyal, and loves to fight against injustice.

There are many stories about Wu Song, including three bowls of failure, killing a tiger at Jingyanggang, killing the bully Ximen Qing, and Pan Jinlian, but now Pan Jinlian is in the Epang Palace in Fusu and has nothing to do with Wu Song. The relationship, I have to say, is fate.

Wu Song also beat Sun Erniang on the Cross Slope, beat Jiang Menshen while drunk in Happy Forest, made a big fuss in Feiyunpu, splattered Yuanyang Tower with blood, walked on Centipede Ridge at night, killed a man, broke off an arm when begging Fang La, and spent his old age in the temple. , was named the Patriarch of the Qing Dynasty.

It can be said that Wu Song's every sound was spent in "killing".

Therefore, it is classified as "Heavenly Suffering Star".

The second infantry combat master is Black Whirlwind Li Kui.

Black Whirlwind Li Kui killed even more. Li Kui with double axes and Li Kui without double axes were completely on two levels.

Li Kui's martial arts skills are basically all on a pair of axes.

According to rumors, Li Kui once made a big fuss in Tianchi in his sleep.

At first, after Song Jiang laid down Gaicheng, he held a grand feast to celebrate.

Li Kui was a generous man. He picked up the wine and drank it during the banquet. After drinking too much, he fell asleep. Drunk Li Kui had a dream. In the dream, Li Kui was taking a leisurely walk alone. When we reached a high mountain, we met a Taoist priest wearing a yellow robe.

The Taoist priest told him that the place in front of him was Tianchi Ridge.

Later, Li Kui saw several thugs robbing civilian girls in Tianchiling. Li Kui became furious, stepped forward, swung his axe, and killed all the thugs. After that, Li Kui continued walking and somehow reached the "Wende Hall". Li Kui met Cai Jing and other four traitorous officials again. Li Kui went up and killed these four people one by one.

Then, Li Kui started walking back. When he reached Tianchi Ridge, Li Kui met the Taoist priest again. The Taoist priest told him: "If you want to get rid of Tian Hu in Hebei, you must first kill Tian Hu's right-hand man Qiongying."

After Li Kui woke up from his dream, he told his brothers about his dream. The heroes of Liangshan were all surprised. Afterwards, Li Kui told Song Jiang what the Taoist told him. Song Jiang really defeated Tian Hu according to what the Taoist said.

It's a pity that Li Kui trusted someone wrong. Later, Li Kui was dragged down to the underworld by Song Jiang with a glass of poisonous wine.

In addition to Xie Xuan's army, Fusu also sent an army.

The commander is Zhou Yu, who is known as Mei Zhou Yu.

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