The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1107: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

Xu Jingzong said: "The farmer harvested ten more bushes of wheat, so he wants to change his wife. What's more, the emperor wants to establish a queen. This has nothing to do with others, so why bother to discuss it?" Wu Zetian asked the people around her to tell this. Emperor Gaozong.

Emperor Gaozong then deposed Queen Wang and made Wu Zhaoyi his queen.

Wu Zetian became queen and was determined to take revenge on those who opposed this.

Jingzong and Li Yifu, the minister of Zhongshu, falsely accused Changsun Wuji, Chu Suiliang, and Han Ai of plotting evil, so they were exiled outside the mountain and died there.

In the first year of Xianqing's reign, Jingzong served as a guest of the crown prince. In August, Xu Jingzong moved to serve in the palace and supervised the compilation of national history because he advocated the meritorious service of establishing a military queen. The following year, the Jin Dynasty granted him the title of Duke of Gaoyang County and the title of Zhongshu Ling.

In the third year of Xianqing's reign, the Jin Dynasty granted him the title of Duke. Soon after, the imperial court posthumously awarded his father, Xu Shanxin, the title of governor of Jizhou.

In February of the second year of Longshuo, he became the Right Prime Minister and was granted the title of Doctor Guanglu. The following year, he became the Prince's Young Master and, together with the third rank of East and West Taiwan, still supervised the compilation of the history of the country. Up to this point, the importance and treatment Xu Jingzong received was unparalleled by anyone in the dynasty. In the early years of Qianfeng's reign, because Jingzong was old and could not walk, the imperial court ordered Jingzong and Sikong Li Ji to ride ponies through the forbidden gate to the inner province every time they came to the court for an audience.

In the first year of Xianheng, Jingzong petitioned to resign and retire. The emperor's edict allowed him to retire, but he still held the special post and his salary remained the same.

In the third year of Gong Xianheng's reign, Jingzong passed away. Emperor Gaozong mourned for him and stopped going to court for three days. He ordered all civil and military officials to go to Jingzong's residence to mourn. He was conferred a posthumous title on the third division of Kaifu Yitong and the governor of Yangzhou, and was allowed to be buried with him. Zhaoling.

It can be said that he lived a distinguished life.

After summoning Xu Jingzong, Fusu used the "stunning beauty summoning privilege" again.

This time, Fusu brought the rumored stunning beauty—Meixi.

Mei Xi, the queen of Xia Jie, the last monarch of the Xia Dynasty.

There is a poem praising Yu Xi's beauty: "With good care, Yu Xi's features are clear and her eyes are clear. Her colorful makeup and colorful clothes make her graceful and graceful. The crystal rain and dew make people feel compassionate."

Yuxi is the daughter of the Shi family. When Xia Jie was in power, he launched a large army to attack the Youshi family. Youshi was defeated and sued for peace, and sacrificed their cattle, sheep, horses, and beautiful women, including Yuxi.

After Xia Jie got Ruxi, he doted on her very much.

Yu Xi has three hobbies: first, she laughs at people drinking in the wine pool that is big enough to row a boat; second, she laughs and listens to the sound of tearing silk; third, she likes to wear men's official hats.

Historical records record that when Xia Jie was building a wine pool large enough to accommodate rowing, he first ordered the execution of Guan Longfeng, a loyal minister who prevented him from building the wine pool, and then "invited" three thousand drinking masters to drink in the pool amidst the sound of drums. As a result some of them drowned due to drunkenness.

Because Yu Xi laughed when she heard the sound of tearing silk, and Xia Jie liked to see Yu Xi smile, so he ordered the palace servants to bring in exquisitely woven silk and tear them apart one by one in front of her to win Yu Xi. of joy.

In the early days of the agricultural era, when the silk weaving industry was just emerging, destroying this rare and expensive item was tantamount to a waste of natural resources.

After Shang Tang destroyed the Xia Dynasty, Yu Xi and Xia Jie ran to the south nest together and died.

It is said that Yu Xi was the first example of the disaster caused by beauty in later generations. After that, Daji in the Shang Dynasty and Bao Si in the Zhou Dynasty appeared one after another in three generations.

Therefore, when King Gou Jian of Yue sent Fan Li to present Xi Shi to King Wu Fu Chai, Wu Zixu said: "I have heard that when the Xia Dynasty died, I was happy with my wife, when the Yin Dynasty died, it was Daji, and when the Zhou Dynasty died, I praised Si. A beautiful husband is the object of the country's subjugation. The king cannot accept it." ..

Chapter 1505 Big Mac British Duke——Li Ji

After Fusu summoned Meixi, he then gave birth to her.

Fusu arranged for Meixi to be Daji's younger sister.

Then, Fusu used the random summoning privilege.

The random summoning privilege this time was because Fusu completed the plot of "Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage" and asked Jiang Ziya to come out three times to complete it.

Among the random summoning privileges, Fusu summons only one big character - Big Mac!

Big Mac is really a person. He was a giant in the reign of King Mang of Han Dynasty.

Wang Mang's Biography in the Han Dynasty: "Han Bo said: 'There is a strange man, who is 10 feet long and is as big as ten surroundings. He comes to the minister's house and says he wants to attack the barbarians. He calls himself a giant. He wants to win with the wind and recklessness. Mang hears evil. Therefore, he left Ba in Xinfeng and changed his surname to Juwu, saying that he became Ba Wang Fu because of Wen Mu, the Queen Mother."

Chapter 52 of The Scholars: "That Hubaluanzi thought about it and saw that Father Feng Si is not a King Kong or a Big Mac. Why are you afraid of him?"

Zhao Yi's Big Stone Buddhist Song of the Qing Dynasty: "The giant has a big head and a big pillow, and Di Qiao is as tall as Shi."

Later it was used to describe huge things.

There is another very detailed record about giants in the ninety-ninth volume of Hanshu: In the sixth year of Xinmang, the world was in chaos, the Xiongnu invaded the border, and rebel armies were everywhere. Han Bo, the prefect of Suye, recommended generals to Wang Mang: "There was a strange man, tall and tall. He was more than three meters tall and had a waist circumference of ten. He came to the minister's home and said that he was willing to fight against the Huns for his majesty. He claimed to be from Penglai, Shandong, and his name was Big Mac.

An ordinary car cannot fit him, and three horses cannot pull him. Your Majesty, I used a special cart pulled by four horses and hung a tiger flag to bring him to the capital to see His Majesty. He sleeps with a big drum as a pillow and eats with iron chopsticks. I hope Your Majesty can greet him with a tall car, clothes made of tiger and leopard skins, and a guard of honor of a hundred people. If there are some doors in the capital that are too small for him to pass through, I hope Your Majesty can order them to be made taller and wider. "

The first volume of the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Chronicles of Emperor Guangwu, says: Wang Mang recruited all the geniuses and strangers from all over the world to fight for him, and this giant was one of the generals.

The book says that Big Mac is not only more than three meters tall, but also has a special ability. He can drive and control tigers, leopards, rhinoceros and other beasts to fight. In June of the first year of Gengshi, Wang Mang's army fought against the army of Han Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu at the foot of Kunyang City.

Liu Xiu and the three thousand death squads defeated Wang Mang's team. The tiger and leopard army controlled by Big Mac was also defeated and fled in all directions. Big Mac ended up nowhere.

Fusu really didn't expect such a surprise.

Then he summoned Big Mac, and then he was born under Xie Xuan's hands.

Xie Xuan is attacking Tianzhu, and Big Mac comes in handy.

Fusu looked at the two conditions for victory, and after thinking about it, he still used it.

The first character Fusu summoned was called Li Ji, who was also the Duke of Xu Maogong in the novel.

Li Ji, the British Duke of Zhenwu, was originally named Xu Shiji.

Li Yuan, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, gave him the surname Li, and later changed his name to Li Ji to avoid the taboo of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin. He was a native of Caozhou Lihu, a famous general in the early Tang Dynasty, and was named the same as Li Jing. He was named the British Duke and one of the twenty-four heroes of Lingyan Pavilion. In his early years, he conquered all directions from Li Shimin, and later became one of the main generals in the Tang Dynasty's expansion of territory. He once defeated the Eastern Turks and Goguryeo and made outstanding achievements.

Li Ji served in the three dynasties of Tang Gaozu, Tang Taizong, and Tang Gaozong throughout his life. He served as a general and became a prime minister. He won the trust and important responsibilities of the imperial court and was relied upon as the Great Wall by the imperial court.

In the second year of Xianqing's reign, he compiled and revised 20 volumes of Materia Medica with Su Jing, Kong Zhiyue, Xu Jingzong, Yu Zhining and others, which is considered to be the earliest pharmacopoeia in the world.

On Wushen Day, the third day of December in the second year of the General Chapter, Li Ji died at the age of seventy-six. Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty retired from court for seven days and presented Li Ji as Taiwei and the Governor of Yangzhou with the posthumous title Zhenwu and was buried with him in Zhaoling.

At the end of Emperor Yang's career in the Sui Dynasty, Li Ji was only seventeen years old. Seeing the chaos in the world, he joined Zhai Rang's army nearby.

The Sui Dynasty sent the famous general Zhang Xutuo to attack. Zhai Rang was so frightened that he ran away. At that time, Pu Shanggong Li Mi participated in Yang Xuangan's rebellion and was defeated and fled. Li Ji and Wang Bo from Junyi knew that Li Mi was a hero in the world, and together they persuaded Zhai Rang to serve Li Mi as the leader in order to win people's hearts and expand their influence.

The Sui Dynasty ordered Wang Shichong to attack Li Mi. Li Ji refused to fight many times and defeated Wang Shichong several times on both sides of the Luoshui River with strange tactics. Li Mi therefore made him the Duke of Donghai.

At that time, there were floods in Henan and Shandong, and hungry people were everywhere. The Sui Dynasty did not provide adequate relief, and tens of thousands of people starved to death every day.

Li Ji advised Li Mi: "The chaos in the world is caused by hunger. If we capture Liyang Guocang, great things can be accomplished." Li Mi listened to the plan and sent Li Ji with 5,000 people to voluntarily cross the Yellow River to cover the Sui Dynasty defenders of Liyangcang. That day After conquering, warehouses were opened to recruit people to receive food at will. Within ten days, more than 200,000 soldiers were recruited.

More than a year later, Yu Wenhua and Jiangdu killed Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. King Yang Tong of Yue was located in Luoyang, Tokyo. He pardoned Li Mi and others, named Wei Guogong, and paid homage to Taiwei. The Sui Dynasty also awarded Li Ji the title of General Wuhou, and ordered them to attack Yu Wenji together. Li Ji defended Liyangcang City, while Yu Wenhuaji led his troops to attack the city from all sides. The situation was critical. Li Ji dug tunnels from the city and suddenly appeared outside the city. He defeated Yu Wenhuaji and escaped the siege.

Li Ji distributed all the gold and silk he obtained from his previous victories to his soldiers.

When we first arrived in Liyangcang, there were hundreds of thousands of people going to receive food.

Wei Zheng, Gao Jifu, Du Zhenglun, and Guo Xiaoke all came to Liyangcang as guests. As soon as they appeared among the crowd, Li Ji treated them respectfully and led them to the bedroom, chatting and laughing without being tired, and went to Pingding Hulao Pass. , captured Shi Daizhou, the puppet governor of Zheng, and soon released him after learning about his character and talents. These people were recommended by Li Ji one by one, and they all became high-ranking officials. At that time, people said that Li Ji had the ability to know people. ..

Chapter 1506 Return to Earth (Finale)

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