The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1178: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

But the more anxious Fusu became, the more God failed to fulfill his wishes.

Fusu originally thought that as long as he kept marching, he would be able to reach Luoyang and gather with the coalition forces before the time came, but he never thought that his journey would be so extraordinary.

The first few days were fine. Although it was not sunny, it was still cloudy. It was most comfortable to travel in that kind of weather. However, it didn’t take long for Fusu to feel that he had thought too much. The weather here changed. When you come there, everything changes at the drop of a hat, without giving you any chance to prepare.

Since then, the weather has never been better. It's either raining or windy. We can't go all out and can only stop and go, waiting for the weather to improve.

When it starts raining, it's a torrential downpour. It's been raining for several days. In this kind of weather, let alone rushing, you can't even go out. The ground is covered with mud, which makes people slip and slide. If you hurry up, you'll slip to the ground.

It has been raining for days, and the water level in the riverbed has risen. Some low-lying areas have been directly flooded. It is impossible to pass people, so we can only change the route. This time, the detour alone takes a very long time. , for example, Fusu’s estimate was several days longer.

But Fusu didn't have any good way to solve this problem, he could only go around it again and again, and the time was dragging on longer and longer. Fusu saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart, and there was no good way at all. After solving it, Fusu had a bubble on his mouth. Even if it was like this, the weather had not changed at all.

After all, God wants to make things difficult for you, and you can't do anything no matter how anxious you are.

In this kind of weather, Fusu still asked the soldiers to travel as much as possible, or to march at full speed in bad weather, so as to reduce the consumption of time. They could only march when the rain stopped. , or rushing on a cloudy day, no matter how muddy the ground is, they march at full speed regardless, hoping to reach Luoyang before the time comes to join the large army.

At this time, maybe God also heard Fusu’s prayers and expressed his kindness. The weather of the past few days finally changed. At first, the rain only became smaller and smaller, and then it gradually stopped raining. It's just that the dark clouds that have been gathering linger in the sky for a long time.

Even in this state, Fusu is very satisfied. After all, as long as it doesn't rain and no longer affects his speed, everything will be fine. No matter how muddy the road is, he will find a way to get over it. After all, the road is wet. Slippery, as long as you are careful, nothing can go wrong.

But the weather changes far exceeded Fusu's imagination. The dark clouds in the sky dispersed little by little, revealing the long-lost sunshine. The sun began to hang high in the sky, exuding gentle warmth.

The sunshine that heals people's hearts has swept away the terror of being dominated by the continuous rain. Even Fusu himself felt that his bones were about to rust. Now, the warm sunshine shines on his body, as if he has suddenly recovered. As if he had gained vitality, his body was no longer so stiff.

The mood was getting better and better, especially those soldiers. Some soldiers even started to cheer to the sky, celebrating the passing of the continuous rainy season and letting themselves feel the long-lost sunshine again.

When Fusu saw this, he didn't send anyone to manage the commotion. He just sent someone to tell them to go as far as possible in this rare good weather, because Fusu himself He didn't want to miss the rare sunny day, otherwise, it would be Fusu's own dereliction of duty.

Fusu hurriedly issued an order, asking all soldiers to do their best to increase their speed in this rare weather. No one can be lazy, otherwise don't blame Fusu and he will be dealt with according to military law.

After the soldiers listened to Fusu's order, no one refuted, because they all knew that this kind of weather was hard-won, and they were all very willing to travel in this kind of weather. Moreover, they had traveled in the continuous rainy days before. , the mood is very depressing.

Suddenly it turned into a sunny sky, and everyone's mood changed, releasing all the potential pressure on themselves, and turning this pressure into the driving force for advancement, making the army move faster day by day.

Fusu also discovered this, and he was always happy in his heart, because he knew that the soldiers could not refute him and turn pressure into motivation. This was the reason for trusting Fusu. So in this case, Fusu What can I say? I can only keep this incident in my heart forever and repay them bit by bit in the future.

After that, the weather was always sunny, not too hot, and there would be a few gusts of wind from time to time. This made Fusu very comfortable, and he felt happier and happier, along with the sweat on his crotch. The bloody horse also snorted a few times happily and ran tirelessly behind the army.

In this situation of unity, no problem cannot be solved. Everyone turns pressure into motivation, gathers everyone's wisdom, and solves the problem together. Under this situation, the army is getting closer and closer to Luoyang. , Fusu's heart also lifted little by little.

Because he knew very well that even if he marched for several days without rest, he would not be able to get back the delayed journey just like this. Even if he rushed to Luoyang at this speed, there would still not be enough time. By then, Zhang Miao would be back again. It's time to make things difficult for him.

But Fusu looked at the soldiers around him and found that their faces were full of enthusiastic expressions. However, in this case, they would inevitably feel tired and their bodies would not be able to hold on bit by bit.

It's useless for Fusu to be anxious, because he has seen everything you did in the past few days. They are already so exhausted, and Fusu can't continue to be cruel and let their speed increase again.

Time passed little by little, and Fusu and his army finally arrived outside Luoyang in the last few days and joined the alliance army.

Fusu was still thinking of a way, hoping to stop Zhang Miao from embarrassing his soldiers.

Fusu led his army and slowly merged with the coalition forces. They camped on the spot outside Luoyang and began their rest time. ..

Chapter 82 Allies in History

The army began to stand there and rest, but Fusu himself did not rest with them, but slowly walked towards Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu.

Fusu slowly walked to Zhang Miao, only to find that he was leading his cronies towards other armies.

Fusu didn't know why he didn't stay in his army, and he was very confused in his heart. However, no matter how hard he looked, he didn't look like he wanted to stay in his army, so he could only shake his head and quickly followed Zhang Miao. From behind, he walked towards other armies bit by bit.

Fusu followed Zhang Miao to someone else's army, and then discovered that Zhang Miao was not the only general here, but many people gathered here to attack Luoyang from here.

Fusu followed Zhang Miao and slowly walked into the military camp. Only then did he realize that five armies were united and stationed here.

Fusu did not make any noise, but hid his identity even more, making himself more cautious, and slowly followed Zhang Miao to their side.

Until this time, those people didn't know what Fusu did. They all thought he was a confidant who followed Zhang Miao. No one was wary of him. Only at this time did Fusu start to take it seriously. looked at them.

Fusu found that there were a total of five people standing there, and each of them was surrounded by several of his cronies. They were held in the middle like stars holding the moon. Only at this time could their identities be revealed. .

If you look carefully, you will find that each of them has a different aura, such as arrogance, indifference, disdain, indifference, coldness, enthusiasm. They are all different. You don't know what they are like at all. , I only know that what they look like now is all disguised by them, and there is no way to distinguish the true from the false.

It was impossible for Fusu to tell them apart, because he was just a time traveler and had never seen their photos before, let alone any historical introduction. All he had was the knowledge in his own mind, which was also incomplete.

But so what, even if he doesn't know them, it won't affect Fusu's plan. Whether he doesn't know or knows, it has no impact on Fusu at all. But today, he followed Zhang Miao here. It would be a pity not to get to know each other.

Fusu still stood there and listened to their speech, without any movement or thought. He just pretended to stand there respectfully, imagining himself as his confidant and standing there.

Zhang Miao didn't care about Fusu. He just stood beside the four people and chatted with them. He laughed while talking. He didn't know what happy things they said that made them so happy.

Time passed little by little, and now, the interest of the five people was still so high, and it did not disappear at all due to the passage of time, but Fusu stood there and became a little impatient.

He had no idea what those five people were talking about. They could chat for so long that Fusu's legs were numb, but they were still chatting happily, not caring about the opinions of the people around them.

Fusu didn't care. He felt that if he continued like this, he would become even more impatient. If he really did something, he would not be able to take any responsibility.

Fusu slowly walked up to them and stood there, but the five people noticed his arrival, stopped talking in a tacit understanding, and looked at him with a look that made Fusu cringe.

Fusu didn't know that his arrival would make them make such a gesture, but he had already done it, so how could he back down, so he had no choice but to take another step forward and came to their side, thinking The five of them spoke:

"My Qin Fusu, I have admired the reputation of all generals for a long time. When I saw them today, they are indeed well-deserved. I hope you, sir, can take care of me so that I can get more benefits in this war."

After Fusu said this, he said nothing more and stood there looking at the five of them.

The five of them didn't expect Fusu to say this at all, and they were all stunned for a moment. No one answered him immediately. Only Zhang Miao slowly turned around and faced Fusu with a very impatient tone. explain:

"How did you get here? Don't you know that what we are discussing here are all military secrets? How can someone like you interfere in our conversation? Get out of here!"

After Zhang Miao finished saying this, he shook his sleeves, ignored Fusu, and continued to look at the four people as if he didn't exist.

Fusu ignored him and still stood there, looking straight at the remaining four people.

After the remaining four people discovered that Zhang Miao had said such words, Fusu was still standing there without retreating. They became more and more interested in him, but no one started to talk about it and only regarded him as a thought. The little people who want promotion and fortune just need to curry favor with them.

Fusu found that none of them paid attention to him, and he was very disappointed, but then he thought about it, even if it was their own plan, it would not fail, so he turned around and left slowly, treating this as an unpleasant event. Dream, forget about this matter little by little.

After they saw Fusu leave, the sound of conversation started again, but the focus of the conversation began to revolve around Fusu.

Fusu slowly returned to his camp. By this time, he had almost forgotten about this incident and no longer thought about this annoying thing. He returned to his own camp bit by bit. In the tent.

It was only then that Fusu recalled that this incident did happen in history, but the place it happened was not here, but in Zaoyang. But even if the place changed, the characters should not have changed. , probably still the same five people, excluding Zhang Miao who accepted Cao Cao, the remaining four people should be Liu Dai, Qiao Mao, Yuan Yi, and Bao Xin.

Only then did Fusu know that in history, the five of them had stationed troops in Zaoyang, using it as their base, and gradually sent their troops to Luoyang to fight Dong Zhuo, but they failed in the end. Everyone must know the reason.

That was because of Dong Zhuo's cowardice and the conflicts within the coalition forces, which made Dong Zhuo's crusade unsuccessful, but he had to do it himself. At this point, there is no way such a thing could fail. ..

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