The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1198: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Fusu wandered on the street, not wanting to return to the Qin Mansion quickly. After all, this kind of time was rare, especially when she was standing alone on this deserted street, admiring the surrounding scenery. Feel your surroundings.

But no matter how slow he walked, Fusu would still arrive in front of the Qin Mansion. He slowly walked into the Qin Mansion, turned around and closed the door, and then walked inside again.

Fusu slowly walked into the flowers, saw this familiar scene, and recalled that he and Diao Chan had expressed their feelings here before, and finally accidentally kissed each other. It was this accident that made it happen. This is what the two of them look like now.

Diao Chan has opened her heart to Fusu, and Fusu has accepted her feelings. Although it is not said that they are inseparable, they are still affectionate.

Fusu stood here, recalling the scene between the two of them before, and fell into a smile. He stood there alone and smiled stupidly. No one around him saw his stupid look, otherwise it would definitely subvert their hearts. Regarding Fusu's image, after all, Fusu is so gentle and approachable in normal times. This image of his has completely subverted the situation in their hearts.

In other words, even if Fusu knew that he would still look like this at a moment like this. After all, who is Fusu? He is not an innocent man who has never experienced big scenes. Why bother with such a trivial matter? Take it to heart, not to mention that these are the memories of him and Diao Chan, so how can they tolerate others disturbing them.

The moonlight slowly shone down from the sky and fell on Fusu's body, making him look so handsome and yet so weak. He was completely different from his usual appearance.

But Fusu couldn't always be lost in memories like this. But after a while, Fusu came back to his senses. Then he shook his head helplessly, laughing at his own concentration, and then slowly left. garden.

At this time, Fusu slowly walked around the Qin Mansion, and unknowingly came to Diao Chan's residence. Standing here, Fusu didn't know what led him to come here. He was standing here. He hesitated whether to go in. After all, he didn't know if Diao Chan was asleep at this time. It would be bad if he disturbed her.

But Fusu looked at the lights in the room and found that the lights were still bright inside, and there was no sign of turning off the lights at all, but he still didn't dare to enter. After all, in this world, he still understood the principle of intimacy between men and women.

He didn't know if Diao Chan would let him in, or if he could control the look he saw when he entered. Now that the two had just accepted each other, it was a bit inappropriate to take Diao Chan's virginity like this.

But Fusu only hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, turned around and walked to Diao Chan's door, knocked on the door a few times, and stood there waiting for Diao Chan's response.

Diao Chan did not disappoint Fusu. She saw Fusu standing outside, but after a short while, she heard Diao Chan's sweet voice.

"It's so late, who's standing outside? If nothing happens, I'm going to sleep."

Fusu heard Diao Chan's reply and quickly responded to Diao Chan, asking Diao Chan to open the door and let him in.

But Diao Chan was a little confused. He had no idea what was going on when Fusu wanted to come in at such a late hour. In other words, he didn't want to leave tonight and wanted to stay here.

There was slowly no sound from Diao Chan. After all, she misunderstood Fusu's meaning. It was understandable to think more, but Fusu was a little anxious. After all, Diao Chan didn't reply after such a long time. Fusu was standing outside. A little bored, he stood there and waited for a while, then opened the door and walked in.

Diao Chan was still thinking about something, but suddenly she saw Fusu coming to her room like this. She was very panicked and wanted to push Fusu out.

But Fusu, how could he let Diao Chan push him out? He suddenly came to Diao Chan's side, dodged her attack, turned around and directly hugged Diao Chan's waist, pulling her into him. In his arms, he directly put his mouth to Diao Chan's ear, blew lightly into it, and then said to Diao Chan:

"My good Diao Chan, what's wrong with you? Don't you want me to come in? Are you so unwelcome that you won't even let me in, my husband?"

Diao Chan was still angry with Fu Su, but when she felt the hot wind blowing into her ears, she shivered and went limp, unable to stand there with her own strength. At this time, hearing Fusu's obvious words again, she could only shyly say to Fusu:

"What are you talking about? Don't you know that men and women cannot be intimate? Even if you and I express our feelings, you will still let others gossip when you come to my room at this time. You are a man who is not afraid of those words. How can I, a little girl with a thin skin, not avoid suspicion?"

When Fusu heard Diao Chan talking like this, he smiled and said softly to Diao Chan:

"What are you afraid of? Who am I, Fusu? How can others dare to gossip about me? But you have always been so shy. What will you do when the day comes when you and I get married? So, there is no way to adapt in advance. Disadvantageous”.

When Diao Chan heard Fusu say this, she felt even more shy. She didn't know why Fusu was so thick-skinned and could say such shameless words, leaving her with no way to respond to him.

Fusu waited for a long time and didn't hear Diao Chan in his arms respond to him. He knew that Diao Chan must be shy and didn't know how to react to this kind of reaction, so he had to take the initiative to let go of his hands and let him go. Diao Chan broke away from her embrace, and then Diao Chan turned around and looked into her eyes.

Diao Chan was a little surprised when she saw Fusu let go of him so easily. He thought Fusu would shamelessly hug him for a while, but he didn't expect to let him go so quickly.

But this kind of thing is also a good thing for Diao Chan. The two of them finally don't have to stand in that embarrassing posture anymore. ..

Chapter 119 Expanding the Army

Diao Chan stood on the ground, wiping her long hair that was floating in front of her eyes with her right hand, and then turned to look at Fusu.

Fusu found that Diao Chan was still blushing, just like the apple, and had not broken away from the previous state at all. He had another idea of ​​his thin skin, but he would not say it at this time. Come out, you can only change the subject.

When Fusu was about to say something to Diao Chan, he didn't expect Diao Chan to speak first.

"I don't know, General, why you came to me so late. If you just say these embarrassing words, then you can leave. You have also seen my reaction. How about you, are you satisfied?"

When Fusu heard Diao Chan say this, he knew that she was still angry with him, and he quickly started to please Diao Chan.

After a while, Diao Chan gradually stopped being angry. After all, Diao Chan was not that kind of messy woman. In modern times, she would definitely be a gentle and virtuous wife. How could she do such a thing? After all, where is Diao Chan's nature, he cannot be so angry at others for no reason.

Fusu was relieved when he saw that Diao Chan was no longer angry with him. After all, pleasing a woman was still too tiring for Fusu, even though he already had seven wives.

But he is still a little helpless about this kind of thing. After all, Fusu himself is not a love saint. It is impossible for him to let other women like him with peace of mind and then abandon him cruelly. In Fusu's heart, that kind of person is a complete lover. A complete scumbag who doesn't deserve to live in this world.

After all, Fusu's consistent tenet is not to hit women if he can avoid hitting them. But if that person is his enemy, he will definitely not show mercy. After all, Fusu is not a bad person. Dafa Zhengchun , If you see something you don’t like, you just go up and complain about it. Such people will not live long.

For Fusu, although he does not claim to be a good person, he is not a ruthless murderous demon. He still has his own view of good and evil in his heart, otherwise he would not have lived so long. time.

When Diao Chan saw Fusu, she was lost in thought, feeling a little unhappy in her heart. After all, Fusu was trying to please her just now, but now he doesn't care about her. No matter how gentle she is, she is just a woman. She is a woman who needs others to comfort her.

Fortunately, at this moment, Fusu suddenly came to his senses and stopped the farce from ending. Otherwise, what awaited Fusu would be Diao Chan's anger again.

The two of them just became affectionate in the room, and no one knew how long it took.

But at this time, Fusu suddenly had a bold idea. He wanted to see what Diao Chan thought of the direction of the war during the Three Kingdoms period. After all, as the saying goes, the authorities are confused and the bystanders are clear. Maybe Fusu himself Didn't notice.

Some small details were forgotten. If that was the case, Fusu would feel regretful, so he had to turn to Diao Chan and ask:

"There have been wars in the past few days. Since you are a woman and cannot go to the battlefield, how about you give me some advice at home and analyze your grasp of these wars to see how you are doing."

Diaochan was very panicked when she heard Fusu say such a thing so suddenly. After all, she knew that she was just beautiful and had no outstanding military skills. She had no idea what the situation of the war was. She didn't know, but since Fusu had already asked herself, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and answer:

"I am a woman, and you men have the final say on war matters. I don't have such an outstanding resourcefulness to analyze for you, but I have been in Luoyang for so many years, and I have always had these ministers' speeches around me, and I was born since Although he has a scholarly family background, he doesn't have any brilliant ideas.

But I also know one thing, that is, war is about money, and war is about numbers. As long as you have more money and more people, you can crush others to death even if you suppress them. But after these few days of observation.

But I found that the number of soldiers under your command, General, is a bit too small. Even if they are all elites, they can't stand up to other people's armies. After all, there are so many of them, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, even if yours A soldier can fight ten soldiers alone, but he cannot spare enough time to manage that many.

I hope you, General, will take this matter to your heart, but this is just my opinion. Whether it is correct or not depends on you, General."

When Fusu heard what Diao Chan said, he was a little surprised at her observation skills. After all, he himself knew that the number of his troops was a flaw. It was indeed too few to compete head-on with other people's troops.

Besides, Fusu has never been open to recruiting troops. Although he has always had this idea, he has never had the time to do it. It seems that it is time to recruit some people.

Fusu talked for a while in Diao Chan's room. He looked outside and saw that it was getting late, then turned and left the room and walked towards his own.

Time passed little by little, and in the blink of an eye it was the morning of the next day. Fusu ate breakfast in a hurry and walked directly to the military camp.

After arriving at the military camp, he directly gathered all the soldiers, and asked his cronies to check the number of soldiers, and found that there were indeed some missing. Then he turned to Bai Qi and told him his thoughts.

When Bai Qi heard what Fusu said, he looked at his soldiers and found that what Fusu said was absolutely correct. If he wanted to really fight with others in the future, his soldiers would not be enough, so he agreed. He understood Fusu's idea and wanted Fusu to recruit soldiers and horses by himself.

But how could such a lazy person as Fusu do it himself? He turned around and left the matter to Bai Qi. He just had to be a hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind and let Bai Qi have full authority over this matter. He was responsible and wanted to escape his identity as the general.

Bai Qi didn't expect that Fusu actually wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper, but he had no choice but to smile bitterly and shake his head, taking the matter on himself.

Fusu was very happy when he saw Bai Qi taking over this matter. After all, he didn't have to spend so much time recruiting soldiers and horses, and he had more time to do his own things, so he just took the picture. He patted Bai Qi on the shoulder, turned around and left the military camp.

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