The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 994: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Chen Lin, courtesy name Kong Zhang, was from Sheyang, Guangling.

A famous writer in the late Han Dynasty and one of the "Seven Sons of Jian'an".

In the last years of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, he served as General He Jin in charge. In order to punish the eunuchs, He Jin summoned the generals from all over the country to Luoyang, the capital. Chen Lin tried to stop him, but He Jin refused to accept it, and was eventually defeated and killed.

Dong Zhuo was wreaking havoc on Luoyang, so Chen Lin took refuge in Jizhou and entered the Yuan Shao shogunate.

After Yuan Shao's defeat, Chen Lin was captured by Cao's army. Cao Cao loved his talents and did not blame him. He was appointed as the commander of the air force division to offer wine, and he and Ruan Yu were in charge of the recording office. Later he moved to serve as the Prime Minister's subordinate governor. In the 22nd year of Jian'an, he, Liu Zhen, Ying Zhen and Xu Qian were infected with the epidemic and died.

Liu Zhen was also a famous figure in the Eastern Han Dynasty, one of the seven sons of Jian'an, named Gonggan, and a native of Dongping. He was erudite and talented since he was a child, and was friendly with Emperor Wen of Wei. Later, he was punished for being disrespectful and was assigned to the official post. The five-character poems he wrote are vigorous in style and simple in language, and are famous all over the world. Today there is a collection of Liu Gongqian.

One of the seven sons of Jian'an. Literary art is valuable. During Jian'an, Liu Zhen was summoned by Cao Cao to serve as a vassal of the prime minister. He is quite close to his brothers Cao Pi. Later, because he looked at Cao Pi's wife Zhen equally at Cao Pi's table, he was charged with disrespect and served as a laborer. Later, he was exempted from punishment and was appointed as a minor official. In the 22nd year of Jian'an, he, Chen Lin, Xu Qian and Ying Ju were infected with the epidemic and died.

It can be said to be a bit miserable.

Except for Kong Rong, the seven sons of Jian'an are basically unknown people.

Kong Rong is also famous throughout the ages because of the story of "Kong Rong gave up the pear".

But for Fusu, the Seven Sons of Jian'an did not have much effect on him.

So Fusu asked them to govern the place.

Especially Kong Rong, who was also a prince in the late Han Dynasty and a descendant of Confucius.

It is completely easy for him to govern a county.

Among the remaining three fierce generals, there is a master of water warfare, that is Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin, the masters of water warfare during the Three Kingdoms period.

Zhou Yu, courtesy name Gongjin, was a famous general in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

Luoyang ordered Zhou Yi's son, his grandfather Zhou Jing and his uncle Zhou Zhong to become Taiwei. He is long and strong, has good looks and fine music, and there is a saying in Jiangdong that "if the music is wrong, Zhou Lang will take care of it".

Young Master Zhou Yu had a good relationship with Sun Ce. From the age of 21, he followed Sun Ce to the battlefield to pacify Jiangdong. Later, Sun Ce was assassinated and Sun Quan succeeded him. Zhou Yu sent troops to the funeral and shared the responsibility with Chang Shi Zhang Zhao as the Central Protector.

In the thirteenth year of Jian'an, Zhou Yu led the Jiangdong Sun Group's army to join forces with Liu Bei's army, and defeated Cao's army in the Battle of Chibi, thus laying the foundation for a divided world.

In the 14th year of Jian'an, he worshiped the partial general as the prefect of Nanjun. He died of illness in Baqiu in the 15th year of Jian'an at the age of 36.

The official history of Zhou Yu states that Zhou Yu has a "magnificent personality" and "a real genius". Sun Quan praised Zhou Yu for having "the qualifications of a king's assistant, and Fan Cheng praised him as "a heroic hero in the world and a romantic and beautiful husband in the south of the Yangtze River". Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty honored him as his equal. Lupo. Ranked among the sixty-four generals of the Tang Wumiao Temple and one of the seventy-two generals of the Song Wumiao Temple. ..

Chapter 1354 Burning Red Cliff: Brothers Zhou Tianzi

There are many stories left by Zhou Yu, the most resounding is the story of "Burning Red Cliff".

It can be said that Zhou Yu's reputation will last forever.

In the autumn of the thirteenth year of Jian'an, Cao Cao led his army to invade south and occupied Jingzhou. Cao Cao advanced on Sun Quan.

When the army was approaching, Sun Quan wanted to fight Cao Cao and asked for his strategy. However, Sun Quan's ministers were divided into two factions: peace advocates and war advocates. Important ministers and counselors Zhang Zhao and Qin Song even supported surrendering to Cao Cao.

So Lu Su persuaded Sun Quan to recruit Zhou Yu back to Poyang.

Zhou Yu returned to Sun Quan and analyzed to Sun Quan the key to the victory or defeat of Cao Cao and Sun Quan's armies. He first pointed out: Cao Cao's army traveled a long distance and was exhausted; the weather was cold and the horses had no grass to eat; the northerners were used to land warfare and were not good at water warfare. Not convinced; Ma Chao and Han Sui are still in Guanxi, causing Cao Cao's future trouble.

Then he further analyzed the actual strength of Cao's army and pointed out that Cao's army from the Central Plains only numbered 150,000 to 60,000, and that Liu Biao's new surrender of 70,000 to 80,000 people did not support Cao.

Sun Quan sighed: "Cao Cao has wanted to abolish the Han Dynasty and establish himself on his own for a long time, but he just tabooed Yuan, Lu Bu, Liu Biao and me. Now I am the only one left. Cao Cao and I are at odds with each other. What you said is very suitable for me. This is a destiny." You gave it to me!”

Sun Quan finally made up his mind, drew his sword and chopped off a corner of the table, saying: "Anyone who dares to surrender will be like this table!"

Sun Quan ordered Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu and others to lead 30,000 people to fight against Cao Cao. On the way, they met the two armies at Chibi. Cao Cao's army was defeated in the first battle because of illness and not accustomed to water. Cao Cao led his army to the north of the Yangtze River. Zhou Yu and Liu Bei's army set up camp on the south bank and the two sides faced off. Zhou Yu's general Huang Gai suggested using fire tactics to defeat Cao's army. Zhou Yu thought it was feasible and ordered Huang Gai to feign surrender. As expected, Cao Cao fell into the trap and all his ships were burned. Cao Cao returned from the north to Nanjun.

The Battle of Chibi was also a very important battle in history where "the few defeated the many".

Unfortunately, Zhou Yu died not long after the Battle of Chibi.

There are many stories left by Zhou Yu. He was a very talented person.

According to Records of the Three Kingdoms, Zhou Yu was proficient in music when he was young. Even after drinking three cups of wine, he could detect any slight mistakes made by the player and immediately turn his head to look at the person who made the mistake.

Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, "Zhou Lang Gu Qu" has often been quoted by major literary figures as an allusion, often appearing in various poetry, operas and other literary works.

Li Duan of the Tang Dynasty listened to the poem "The zither is ringing with golden millet pillars, in front of the jade house with plain hands. In order to win the attention of Zhou Lang, he always plays the string by mistake."

Zhou Yuren was delicate and handsome, very beautiful, so most of the players were women. In order to win his second look, they often played the wrong music on purpose.

Zhou Yu was a generous man, but Cheng Pu was the only one who was at odds with him. Cheng Pu thought he was older and often insulted Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu lowered his status and never argued with him. Later, Cheng Pu admired him and said to others: "Dating with Zhou Gongjin is like drinking fine wine. You will get drunk without knowing it."

Later, it was used as a metaphor for making friends with generous people, which makes people feel intoxicated and admirable.

Du Mu once praised Zhou Yu: Zhou had Qi Taigong, Qin had Wang Jian, Han had Han Xin, Zhao Chongguo, Geng Gong, Yu Xu, and Duan Jue, Wei had Sima Yi, Wu had Zhou Yu, Shu had Zhuge Wuhou, Jin had Yang Hu and Du Yuankai. , the Liang Dynasty had Wei Rui, the Yuan and Wei Dynasties had Cui Hao, the Zhou Dynasty had Wei Xiaokuan, the Sui Dynasty had Yang Su, and the Guo Dynasty had Li Jing, Li Ji, Pei Xingjian, and Guo Yuanzhen. For such a person, at this time, all the plans he comes up with are based on archeology and proofreading, and their secrets are far-reaching. The strategy is determined internally first, and the success is achieved externally.

Of course, the most famous one is Su Shi's "The great river goes eastward, the waves are swept away, and the romantic figures of the ages"

In the third year of Jianzhong's reign, Yan Zhenqing, the envoy of etiquette, suggested to Tang Dezong that 64 famous ancient generals should be honored and temples should be built to commemorate them, including "Wu Pian General Nanjun Prefect Zhou Yu".

At the same time, only Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao, Lu Meng, Lu Xun, Deng Ai and Lu Kang were included in the list of temple privileges.

In the fifth year of Xuanhe, the Song Dynasty followed the practice of the Tang Dynasty and established temples for famous ancient generals. Zhou Yu was also among the 72 famous generals.

Among the seventeen histories and one hundred generals written during the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhou Yu was also among them.

Zhou Yu is a well-deserved master of water warfare.

In addition to Qi Jiguang, Zheng Chenggong and Zheng He, Fusu had another water warfare master. Of course, Gan Ning and others were not counted. They were at best water warfare generals who used force to conquer their opponents.

And Zhou Yu is handsome, and he is more responsible for commanding generals to defeat his opponents.

Gan Ning, Zhang Shun, Li Jun and others are the arms and fists, while Zhou Yu and others are the brains, directing everyone and letting everyone use their strength in one go.

The identity Fusu arranged for Zhou Yu was not simple either. He was a younger brother of Emperor Zhou.

It's just that Zhou Yu is a concubine and was born by a maid, so he is very unwelcome.

Zhou Yu worked hard to improve himself and strive for self-improvement.

Taking the name "Zhou", he read a lot, watched the art of war, traveled around the world, and learned a lot of skills.

Later, he was discovered by Fusu, and he took Zhou Yu seriously.

It can be said that Zhou Yu has the blood of the "Emperor" flowing in his body.

And Fusu's actions made everyone admire him even more - he is broad-minded! ..

Chapter 1355 Jiangdong——Zhou Yu Lu Su

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