The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 103 The Disaster of Peshawar (Part 1)

The caravan guards were definitely unable to fight against the Safavid Army. Their leader was quickly taken to the temporary camp of the Safavid Army, and the other members, goods, and livestock were "concentrated".

"Master, Master, what crime has this villain committed?" The Indian businessman entered the tent and saw the torture instruments being prepared and the interrogator beside him, and he trembled all over.

However, the interrogator ignored him and just went about his own work. The Indian businessman turned his head and looked outside the tent, but was yelled at by the two soldiers who were escorting him in a language he did not understand.

He had to stop for a while, waiting in fear for these people to deal with him.

Then the interrogator first showed him the torture tools and asked the caravan leader many questions with the help of an interpreter. He did not dare to hide it and answered them all in detail. During the period, he stuttered and paused due to panic, and the interrogator did not force him to help. He "recovers" his memory.

This caravan leader is not a wealthy businessman who is famous in India. He is regarded as a powerful dog. He is just an agent for long-distance trade and business for a certain big shot in Peshawar.

At the same time, the red heads outside also checked the goods carried by the caravan, which were mainly luxury goods and other goods, and the amount was very large. Two reports were sent to Ibrahim. Before they crossed the Hindu Kush Mountains, the army robbed a wealthy Indian caravan.

Thinking of this, maybe we can make use of this Indian caravan.

With an order, the soldiers ran errands, and the senior officers gathered in the big tent to accompany Ibrahim in questioning the Indian businessmen.

As soon as the Indians saw the clothes of the senior officers in the tent and the equipment of the soldiers, they knew that these were no ordinary bandits. They were absolutely certain that they were an official army. But whose officers and soldiers are there? The emir of Kabul's men did not have the bad habit of plundering passing merchants.

"Can you speak Persian?" Ibrahim asked the Indian first.

The Indian was stunned for a few seconds, and then replied in Dali: "Dear Sir, I can speak it."

Due to the wide distribution range and long time span of Persian, dialects are inevitable. In modern times, there are roughly three varieties: Iranian Persian, Afghan Dali, and Plains Tajik.

In Ibrahim's court, Iranian Persian and Azerbaijani were the official languages.

After all, Afghanistan itself is a transit point, and Hindustan's westward-extending trade network still has to be connected to Iran, which requires Indian businessmen who go to Iran to do business to learn to use Persian.

Seeing that the Indian gave an affirmative answer, Ibrahim nodded and continued to ask: "Let me tell you first, a businessman from Hindustan."

He did not dare to hide: "The villain Javichand is the commercial agent of the Governor of Peshawar. He is a Gujarati and follows the teachings of the ancestor Mahavira."

I have never heard of Mahavira's name, Ibrahim, and it seems that Javichand was not a Muslim or a Hindu. Among the minority religions in Hindustan, the only ones Ibrahim knew were Zoroastrianism brought by the Parsis exiles to Gujrat and Buddhism, which declined in its place of origin.

But Ibrahim doesn't care what he believes in. The key is his identity as a business agent.

"Then you are really unfortunate, because the master you serve happens to be my enemy." Just when Javichand thought he was falling into the abyss, he changed the subject: "But I can give you a chance to live now, and It’s possible to get more, can you catch it?”

Javichand, who had already knelt down, directly lowered his face to the ground and said, "You little man, I will do as I please."

Ibrahim first asked for specific information about Peshawar, and then revealed his idea - to use Javichand's identity as the commercial agent of the Governor of Peshawar to deceive the city defenses and conduct a surprise attack.

When he heard this plan, the Indian's face turned pale. Regardless of whether this army succeeded or not, he had to say goodbye to everything in the past. Perhaps returning to Gujarat was the best way out.

But what right does he have to refuse? I can only agree obediently in front of Ibrahim.

The senior officers did not trust him: "Your Majesty, I think this infidel should not be trusted. We have no idea how loyal he is to the Governor of Peshawar. If he tipped off the guards, then we would not have lost a team in vain." warrior?"

Javichand could only watch the senior military officers communicating with Ibrahim in Azerbaijani. The only thing he could do was to look at Ibrahim, hoping that this young nobleman would show mercy.

But soon, the dissidents also quickly split within themselves. Many people thought that using tactics to break the city was not a bad idea. The two sides argued endlessly. After listening to their discussion for more than ten minutes, Ibrahim decided to make a decision: "Okay. Now, just do as I say, count the number of caravan guards and servants, and then call for volunteers to replace them."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Knowing that Ibrahim had made a decision, he went to Shuyuan www. They had no choice but to obey.


In less than two days, the Indian businessman returned to Peshawar. The officer stationed at the city gate naturally recognized this agent. He simply put down his vigilance and started chatting with Javichand. The soldiers on the side were doing nothing. How dare they really inspect the Governor's property?

Unfortunately, these beasts of burden happened to be carrying a batch of sensitive ordnance.

"Why did you come back so soon this time? Although the journey is not far, buying and selling will take time." While chatting, the officer suddenly thought of something and asked casually.

Javicchand sighed: "This time I am very unlucky. I heard that Kabul was hit by a military disaster, the city was looted, and there were many more bandits on the road. Now the road is full of defeated troops and bandits. If you don't run back, you will have to go back." Being robbed.”

Business is not the foundation of the Governor. Naturally, he will not mobilize his elite to form caravan guards. These trivial matters are handled by each agent. What he does is to let the agents enjoy the protection of political power and collect money. .

Therefore, even if a strange face appears in the caravan, the city gate guards will not be surprised, as long as the leading agent is still an acquaintance.

Javichand successfully entered the city and mixed more than a hundred red heads into the city. At the same time, he learned from the castle guard that the governor was not in the city at this time.

Entering the city does not mean freedom for him. No matter what he goes out to do, the entourage disguised as a red head will accompany him, and his loyalty to the governor is not enough to sacrifice his life.

In addition, Ibrahim also sent several other groups of people disguised as herdsmen from surrounding areas who came to the city to sell agricultural products, and they successfully blended into the city.

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