The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 4 Horse Seals and Ordnance Control

"Your Majesty, I have something to report to you." The military vizier, who was thinking in silence, suddenly said to Ibrahim. He turned his attention from the secretary to the vizier: "What's important?"

"Originally, I followed orders to control armorers and stockpiles of military supplies in all provinces across the country. Now the reserves in various arsenals are being restored. Ordnance workshops also give priority to supplying officers and soldiers. Royal stables in various places also have enough war horses and pack animals. But I think this is the only way to do this. There are still some shortcomings, so I put forward some suggestions that I think can be improved without permission, and asked Your Majesty to take a look." The military vizier took out the draft and handed it to Ibrahim.

"Omissions?" Ibrahim thought carefully about the shortcomings of the current system, then took the draft and read it carefully.

The first was to propose to the King of Kings that he institute the Horse Marking System, which was the branding and marking of military horses throughout the country. In the proposal, the military vizier believed that horses, as important military supplies, should be strictly controlled. All war horses should be controlled and branded by the palace as much as possible. Horses marked with horsemarks were not allowed to be traded in any bazaar. Reliable royal merchants are responsible for international trade.

The horse prints of military horses cannot be printed casually. Only relevant officials of the royal racecourse can mark them. In addition to marking the selected war horses in the racecourse, they are also responsible for registering the horses of each tribe and conducting regular inspections.

After the horses comes the ordnance, which mainly includes various types of weapons and armor. The vizier knew that it was unrealistic to count or even confiscate existing civilian ordnance. Outside the palace, there was also a lot of civilian demand for ordnance. He followed Ibrahim's vague instructions to control the ordnance manufacturing guild and planned to start from now on. Manage the Ordnance Bazaar.

The first is to restrict the types of weapons that can be circulated among the people. The regulations are very strict. At the same time, they also expand the definition of weapons in the scriptures. With the tacit approval of the high officials, the non-Muslims of the Ottomans relied on firearms, a new era product, to bypass the relevant regulations. ban.

Only knives, swords, bows, and shields of prescribed standards are allowed to be traded in the bazaar. Crossbows that are rarely used by people, emerging firearms, and armor that have always been important can only be produced in accordance with government regulations. However, in terms of specific supervision methods, maintaining Zir didn't come up with any good ideas, because the industrial and commercial management within the city walls were all autonomous by the trade guilds.

Although the guilds in Tianfang World are controlled by officials and have not been able to develop further urban autonomy like in Western Europe, it has always been regarded as a natural privilege for the guilds to manage their own internal affairs. Even if they cannot resist the officials, the bureaucrats Their numbers and capabilities are limited, and they still have to rely on the cooperation of guilds to manage the bazaar and collect city taxes. Hasty intervention can easily cause resentment, and there is no way to start.

Under such conditions, only market surveillance officers can monitor open arms transactions, implement a weapons ban within the city walls, and prohibit non-official and privileged personnel from carrying controlled items in public places. In short, the prohibitions originally directed against non-Muslims were applied to all governed within the city walls.

When Ibrahim saw this, he felt that he was off topic. As a military vizier, the focus of his work should be the supply and reserve of military supplies, but the part about ordnance was focused on maintaining public security and stability.

The management of the ordnance manufacturing industry still needs to start from the guilds. The guilds in the Tianfang world are closely integrated with religion. Ibrahim used violence to eradicate other religious organizations and made the guilds in various places temporarily comply out of fear. This is Religious infiltration creates a vacuum.

The rest was about the layout of firearms manufacturing. He boldly speculated on Ibrahim's future military direction and advocated the establishment of firearms workshops of the same scale as Tabriz in Khorasan and Hormuz. Then the issue of gunpowder control was also mentioned. Gunpowder is currently used in fields other than military, and some mines are trying to introduce gunpowder to increase production. This is the largest demand for gunpowder among the people.

Seeing that the military vizier proposed various management systems very decisively, Ibrahim handed the draft back to him and praised: "You have thought very carefully, and you have put forward various suggestions in it. I think it can be used as a ready-made decree." Issued.”

"Thank you for your permission." The military vizier was overjoyed when he saw that his suggestion was adopted and left a good impression on the King of Kings, and expressed that he would continue to dedicate himself to the King of Kings.

After the military vizier withdrew, the Grand Emir, who had been standing by for a while, discussed Ibrahim's family affairs in a more private environment. This scene reminded him of the teacher's office in the school. He came to understand the situation. Parents and the class teacher in front of them evaluate their children's performance in the class.

Fortunately, Ismail is not a child for parents to worry about. Hussein directly used the word genius to evaluate Ismail, and the subsequent praises were endless.

After hearing this, Ibrahim was happy, but also felt jealous for no reason. After reacting, he secretly cursed himself for being so naive and wanting to compare academic performance with children.

In short, Ismail's current performance is that of an all-round academic master. In terms of religion, he is familiar with scriptures and hadiths, and is very pious;

Next, Ibrahim had to consider what official position he would be given when he came of age. Should he become a bodyguard first? Or just go out to the local area to suppress the rebellion, although there are no rebels to fight now.

In the midst of his constant struggle, he had ended the meeting and walked to the harem. The eunuchs who did not dare to neglect quickly went to tell Mira and Ismail the good news, and let Khanum and Mirza see it. My long-awaited husband and brother.

"Mira, there were no accidents in the palace while I was away." Although he had always been in contact with the palace through letters, Ibrahim couldn't help but want to confirm with his wife.

After all, during his personal campaign, the person in charge of replacing him in the court was Khan Noum, who had only funded charity. Fortunately, all the viziers' business capabilities were online, and there were no sudden attacks from internal and external forces. These days were still very stable.

"Oh, why are you still worrying about these things when you arrive in the harem? If something happens, your viziers will inform you immediately. How come it is my turn as a woman to tell you." A somewhat helpless Mira wanted to Take Ibrahim to have a good rest.

"As the owner of the world and the father of all peoples, I naturally have to take care of everything." Ibrahim suddenly lowered his voice and said to her: "Of course, one of the most important responsibilities is to produce heirs for the empire. There is also , I have kidnapped several jewelery craftsmen, gems, and pearls from the east. Just order the eunuchs if you want them."

Mira immediately understood what Ibrahim meant, but Ismail beside him started to make a fuss without knowing the current affairs, pestering his brother to tell him about the conquest of Khorasan and the destruction of the Qureqani states. deeds.

Ibrahim had no choice but to postpone the most important but not urgent task, and work with Mira to coax the junior high school students. It just so happened that Ibrahim could be Ismail's military teacher and instill in him the powerful power of firearms and a bright and broad future.

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