The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 17 New trade partner?

Apart from the war in the Persian Gulf, Ibrahim had no major issues to worry about at the moment, and he turned his energy to reviewing previous plans, including the initial implementation of legislation and falsified family trees.

Sadr organized jurists to compile a new code based on Ibrahim's instructions. The King of Kings' requirements for the new law were roughly based on Sharia principles, but they must be applicable to all subjects.

It was possible to make do with the original laws, but Ibrahim decided to pursue such a project that would hardly see any benefits - he didn't know whether the implementation of the new code would be beneficial to his rule and social development, he just wanted to Toss around like this.

After several years of work, the new law was finally implemented, and all subjects, regardless of whether they were Muslims or Christians, or whatever language they spoke, were included in the jurisdiction. It was also declared that all previous statutes and customary laws were no longer legally binding.

In order to implement the new laws, Sadr will also start to transform the judiciary. The empire's current judiciary is fragmented, divided into two parts, the Muslims and the Dhimmi. Ibrahim appointed Qadi to manage the judicial affairs of the Muslims, while the Dhimmi does his own thing.

After that, Sadr had to manage a judiciary that spanned different religions. The autonomy of the courts organized by Dhimmi was tightened and could only handle civil cases within the community. Judicial power was basically concentrated in the royal courts established according to administrative regions. .

These royal courts are still in charge of the qadi appointed by the palace, and there is basically no room for non-Muslims. After all, Dhimmi is only a second-class citizen.

The implementation of the new code also provides new material for propaganda. The work of forging genealogies to obtain noble bloodlines has already been done - the King of Kings has the blood of Ali, was the acting Imam before the advent of the Mahdi, and was the King of Justice on earth.

"The King of Kings has been committed to eradicating the tyranny imposed on the people by warlords such as the Aries Dynasty and Gulegheni. Isn't it the most conspicuous fact to abolish the old and establish the new?"

"There are also stable and safe trade routes, ever-expanding water conservancy facilities and farmland, the introduction of gunpowder in mines with rising output, and a booming urban handicraft industry... All of this shows that good times are still to come!"

When Sadr explained to Ibrahim one by one the propaganda of the ulema in various places, he felt that he was going to become a winning scholar. From now on, the key to Safavid is only whether it is a small win, a medium win or a big win. .

In the end, he calmed down. The actual situation was still very serious. His only way out was to win, win, win, but not to lose everything.

At the same time, the secretary sent a report from the supervisory department, which listed the stains of all the viziers since they took office. Among them, the Grand Vizier accepted gifts from foreign envoys, which is considered solid.

It was just that when facing the Venetian envoys, he only sugar-coated it and did not do anything for them afterwards. And since he surrendered and stayed in office, the Grand Vizier has been very obedient and has not planned any evil things.

After thinking about it for a while, Ibrahim decided to put the materials back on the desk, planning to find time to summon the two of them separately in the future, and then decide whether to keep them or arrest them and replace them.

A few months after handling these affairs, until the spring of 1501, Ibrahim spent a lot of time playing around Azerbaijan with Mira and Ismail, or sponsoring artists to create poems and paintings based on his deeds. There was also an observatory in Tabriz built entirely by the King of Kings that was also completed and put into use during this period.


Different from the relaxed atmosphere in Tabriz, in the business hall of the Iranian community in Aleppo, several royal merchants who control trade with Europe gathered together with sad faces.

The war between the Ottomans and Venice is still going on. Compared to the King of Kings, they know more about the ongoing war in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The ongoing war in the Eastern Mediterranean has seriously affected trade between Venice and Safavid. The Ottomans seized control of the sea through the Battle of Zonzio. Even if Kemal Reis could not completely block Venetian shipping, the increasingly rampant Turkic pirates caused Venetian shipping to suffer increasing losses.

Under such circumstances, the number of Venetian merchant ships coming to the Levant dropped significantly, and the gold and silver that royal merchants exchanged for silk and spices was significantly less.

This issue was also closely followed by the Mamluk governors of Syria, but it was obvious that neither the royal merchants nor the Mamluk governors had the ability to appeal to the consuls and Padishahs: "Don't fight, don't fight, what are the benefits of trade?" ?”

Previously, the merchants were looking forward to Cairo and the Venetian envoys heading to Tabriz, looking for However, there was no end in sight to the chaos in Saladin Castle for the time being, and the news from the country clearly informed them that ——The King of Kings has no intention of using large-scale troops recently. He prefers to use silver coins to maintain trade networks and expand water conservancy facilities.

This grim fact forced them to find another way.

"You tell me why we have to wait for the Franks to come." An Armenian took the initiative to break the deadlock. He then looked at the other Armenians and Jews present.

"But this is very problematic." Another person expressed his concerns worriedly: "None of the ports leading to the west belong to our masters. If the use of Mamluk ports is considered a threat... Also, we But there’s not a single ship.”

These worries have failed to stop everyone's determination. Will there be businessmen who make money from international trade who will be intimidated by these risks? No, no, no.

"You have said that we have a master. In this case, Mamluk officials cannot be as casual as they are with the Franks. They must believe in Shah's prestige and strength."

"No ships? Aren't there many ships in the ports of Beirut and Antioch?"

Several Armenians immediately reached an agreement during the exchange. They would take the initiative to go to trading destinations to sell goods and rely on chartering ships to open up transportation to Western Europe.

In the end, what they need to worry about is their destination. Venice is in conflict with the Ottomans. It seems undesirable for merchant ships to sail directly to Venice. However, they don’t know much about the geography and political conditions of Western Europe. They have completely different ideas about which port to dock at. His eyes were darkened.

"Didn't the Franks who came here to trade come from another port? That seems to be a city called Genoa..."

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