The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 105 Citizens of Tabriz protest

What Ibrahim did not expect was that when he arrived in Tabriz to preside over the relocation, he encountered some unexpected obstacles - some people opposed the relocation of the capital and were taking action.

Ibrahim was not interested in flipping through the petition letter that was placed on the desk. He was thinking about countermeasures. Judging from the signatures, most of the participants were citizens, and there were also officials from the local area, but the number was not large.

"Your Majesty, the Grand Vizier, Grand Emir and Sadr have arrived." The guard reported to him at this time.

Ibrahim was very curious about the Grand Vizier's attitude towards this matter. After all, his family was rooted here. If the palace were to move away, the political influence of all Taburi sergeant families would be affected.

"Let them come in." Putting the petition to the edge, he watched the three important ministers salute him one by one, and then stood respectfully in front of him, waiting for the monarch's instructions, while Kamran and another clerk Be prepared to record meetings and draft orders.

After Ibrahim cleared his throat, he said to them: "I have made up my mind to move the capital and have invested a lot of resources in preparing for it for many years. This is the most important thing now. I want to know what you think about moving the capital to Isfahan. What’s your opinion?”

Faced with the question, the Grand Emir Hussein and Sadr Yusuf did not panic and replied in unison: "Your Majesty, you are Huda's shadow in the world. I am loyal to your will and firmly support your will." Any decision.”

Only the Grand Vizier later expressed his position: "Your Majesty, I have already advised you on your decision many times before. If Your Majesty does not dislike it, I would like to advise you again on this matter."

In fact, the Grand Vizier had previously expressed his opposition to the move of the capital to Isfahan many times in person or in writing. He first tried to persuade him from an economic perspective, believing that Isfahan's renovation plan took up too many financial resources, even if Promoting urban development is increasing future revenue, which makes current finances very tight.

Ibrahim ignored these objections many times and pushed forward the plan on his own. The Grand Vizier was intimidated by his authority and did not dare to take any practical actions. He continued to silently carry out the will of the King of Kings.

Seeing that the Grand Vizier dared to "unreasonably" oppose his will in person, Ibrahim said very displeasedly: "I have heard enough of your clichés, and I don't need you to repeat them here."

He had some doubts that the Grand Vizier was taking advantage of or integrating all the objections at this time, thinking that he could use this to hinder the plan and keep the palace in Tabriz.

Although it was ridiculous to think so, Ibrahim was already skeptical about it, especially since he ordered the official move of the capital, there were several reports from other senior officials that local bureaucrats, led by the Grand Vizier, tried to hinder the execution of the order. The letter was sent to Ibrahim, and in order to increase the intensity of the attack, previous stains or sensitive points were included, regardless of whether they were true or false.

Ibrahim then picked up the petition letter from the edge of the table and handed it to the three people for circulation: "Look at this open letter."

The Grand Emir and Sadr, who were the first to browse, were very angry about this and excitedly condemned: "This is nonsense. The location of the palace and the Diwan should be decided by you. How can ordinary citizens interfere? They Who else knows better than you and the other viziers?"

The Great Emir immediately suggested: "Your Majesty, I suggest you summon the spymaster now and send spies and soldiers to bring all these people with ulterior motives to justice."

The Grand Vizier felt very uncomfortable with such a radical proposal: "You are a little too extreme. The leaders of these communities and guilds only expressed their trivial wishes through petitions and did not engage in open rebellion. How can they use suppression?" How to deal with obedient people through rebellion?”

These remarks were regarded by Ibrahim as evidence that the Grand Vizier was leaning against the opposition, and were countered by the other two present, and the two parties immediately fell into a dispute.

However, there are also differences between Sadr and the Grand Emir. Although he thinks that the petitioner is ignorant, Sadr still proposes a mild handling method: "We only need to let this petition letter disappear quietly. It happens to be from India." Get a lot of loot, and you can use it to reduce taxes and win over the people. Anyway, they don't dare to openly rebel, so this matter is over."

Under Safavid's rule, although Ibrahim simplified the complicated tax categories, the actual tax burden on the Iranian people was reduced very little because tax rates were not lowered but increased.

"Since they don't want the palace to leave, then move all these people to Isfahan. As for tax relief, I won't reduce it at all." Ibrahim made a simple decision.

Unprepared large-scale population migration is prone to accidents. The Grand Vizier continued to object: "Your Majesty, what you are doing is no different from execution. On the contrary, it is a waste of money and food..."

He then looked at the Grand Vizier. His consistent opposition and sympathy for the petitioners made his disgust rise steadily. Looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com This former demoted official did not have a good personal relationship with Ibrahim. He did not show any outstanding talents during his performance of his duties. For several years, he only followed Ibrahim's orders submissively.

He also took this opportunity to sort out the various departments of Diwan. Originally, there were only four departments under the Grand Vizier: finance, diplomacy, military affairs and agriculture. All other affairs were delegated to subordinates and local governments by the Grand Vizier or the King of Kings. Officials execute.

He plans to add several more viziers, including a construction vizier to manage the construction and maintenance of public works and construction guilds, as the superior of local construction directors, to manage the household registration and civil affairs of various settled communities and nomadic tribes, as the superior of local chief executives civil vizier.

Originally, the postal system of inns was entirely under the jurisdiction of the military, but with the expansion of inns and caravanserais, users were not limited to royal couriers and licensed officials. The expansion of the service scope made him think that adjustments should be made. Royal couriers were no longer just Belongs to the military.

Of course, the new post vizier he intended to directly appoint the officials who were now in charge of the royal couriers.

After thinking that he was not irreplaceable, Ibrahim suddenly had the idea of ​​replacing him and was ready to take action. However, he has not yet found a candidate to replace the head of the civil service, so he just verbally reprimanded him first, and finally said: "Your problem will be dealt with after Isfahan."

The grand vizier had no choice but to nod in obedience, and Ibrahim emphasized the order to forcibly relocate all these protesters to Isfahan before ending the meeting.

Ibrahim then asked Kamran to draft an order to expand the size of Diwan into a document, and sent a letter to the royal representative who had information about officials asking him to pay attention and recommend officials who could "entrust important tasks."

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