The operation was a complete failure

Catherine pointed to the senior area and asked, "How many people live in this area?"

"It's not a lot, the largest number of people at the moment is the mission of Moria, which we are protecting, there are more than twenty people, and the rest are some rich people who have come here to play. "

"Are there only the rich, no dignitaries or royalty from other countries?"

Seeing that Catherine was taking this matter seriously, Peter immediately asked his subordinates to check again, and soon nodded after getting the latest report: "Yes, only the rich." "

"Well, then leave them alone. From now on, control these three elevators, except for these three elevators, other elevators can not rise to more than 70 floors.

Those who are wealthy can use these elevators through their key cards, limiting the number of their entourage to no more than 10 people, and those who are only able to use the elevators after our inspection. Chen Yi took out a light pen and wrote and drew on the projection.

When Peter heard that Catherine was going to make this arrangement, he was a little worried: "Is this going to be done? "

Chen Yi waved his hand casually: "I don't care about their feelings at all, it's good that I haven't banned this area above, love it, and get out if you feel unhappy." If they dare to protest, they will directly tell them state secrets and martial law, and if they dare to make trouble~, they will be killed. "

After Chen Yi finished saying this, there were bursts of applause behind him: "It is worthy of being a person in the Abnormal Energy Laboratory, ruthless enough, decisive enough, and unrestrained in doing things, this is the state of doing great things, it is really enviable-!"

Catherine turned to see a tall man with square glasses, black hair mixed with strands of white hair, and a beard on his chin.

Seeing him, Catherine smiled, this person is still familiar to him, he has dealt with a lot in the past, and in Catherine's impression he is a good guy:

"It's really you, McConnor Anderson, the commander of the First Army of the dignified Western Legion has come back to take charge of the security of a mission, and it seems that there are a lot of problems that I don't know yet. Aren't you going to explain it to me?"

In the face of Catherine's inquiry, McConaughey didn't want to hide anything: "First of all, I am not the person in charge of this security mission, the main person in charge is still the one next to you just now;

Don't use that kid to deceive me, I still know you very well, and the leader of this class of the Ability Lab will not be a fanatical star chaser. "

Catherine spread her hands and tilted her head: "Alas, I thought I could play it for a while, but this was pierced by you, boring." My reason is also very simple, I took a commission here, and you can roughly guess the content of the commission, which is to wipe the butts of you professional soldiers who can only fight.

You guys are really inferior, in the past two days, my teammates and I have dealt with more than a dozen dangerous incidents, large and small, and killed nearly 30 people.

Eighty percent of these 30 people can make your protection operation a complete failure, and then you will be ruined, and eventually it may rise to an international problem.

I still don't understand why you came back to do such a thing, it's not at all within your power. "

McConaughey pulled over and sat down next to the empty one, while Catherine leaned back on the table behind her, her hands folded over her chest, waiting for McConaughey's explanation.

"It's not hard to explain, do you remember how your Abilities Lab was founded?"

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