The Supreme Spy

Chapter 2514: 1 father's request

   You are Morat, who doesn’t know you?

   I don’t know you, why are you here?

   Qin Yang uttered a word in his heart, but already understood in his heart that all doubts would be answered here.

  Although Morat hasn't even spoken yet, Qin Yang vaguely feels that everything here is related to his little daughter Ianna. As for the treasure that Qin Yang is looking forward to, the inheritance, I am afraid that it will fail.

"First of all, I want to apologize to everyone of the lizards. After all, this matter is a little different from what I told you at the beginning, but I want to solemnly reiterate that the concealed part has nothing to do with the life and death of your lizards. These things are put together."

   Qin Yang glanced sideways at Kendi and the old lizard, and found that their expressions were focused, without any anger.

"Let me talk about the Lizard race first. I told you before that there is a defect in your genes. In the inheritance from generation to generation, this defect will be gradually exposed. It will not affect your individual survival. , But it will affect the continuation of your race. This speed is not too fast, but it is an inevitable trend."

"Other races, as long as they don’t encounter unexpected situations such as wars, natural disasters, diseases, etc., the population will definitely continue to grow, but your lizards will not. You will first develop to a certain bottleneck, and then begin to gradually decrease. The reversal is heading for destruction."

   Qin Yang heard this, and immediately understood the reason why the lizard clan was weakening.

genetic defect!

   The old lizards showed a look of pain on their faces. They watched their race from being strong to weakening step by step, but they had nothing to do. This kind of pain will grow bigger and bigger as the population decreases.

I am afraid that the most painful thing for the old lizards is that they could solve this problem thousands of years ago, but because of the loss of this sword, they have lost the way to find a solution, this knowing and saving method. The feeling that you can't get it just somewhere is the worst.

   Morat obviously did not expect that his holographic projection image would appear in front of the saurian tribe after a lapse of ten thousand years.

"In the sealed box in the front left of me, there are the things you want. He didn't lie to you at the beginning. This is a genetic medicine. It does take a long time for it to be fully effective, so the waiting time is worth it. Yes, as long as you have this genetic medicine and you inject it into the body of a new born baby, they will no longer have genetic defects, they will be healthy, and they will have normal reproductive capacity like normal people..."

A slightly weird smile appeared on Morat’s face: "Even taking into account the special situation of your saurian race, I also adjusted the genetic sequence. After taking the genetic medicine, the saurian will have more powerful reproduction ability. The offspring they give birth no longer need genetic medicine. They will be a completely healthy generation, and they will inherit this powerful reproductive ability. Your race will prosper soon."

   The old lizard walked quickly to the metal instrument that Morat was referring to, and looked at the instrument with a switch on it, which also said intimately "Open here".

   The old lizard stretched out his hand, but when he touched the switch, he trembled.

   He doesn’t know whether there is an improved genetic medicine in this sealed box after tens of thousands of years, or whether the genetic medicine is still effective...


   The old lizard pressed the switch, and a metal plate bounced off, revealing a transparent jar inside. This jar contained about two-thirds of the liquid, which was transparent and clear, and the total amount was estimated to be dozens of liters.

Morat’s voice sounded from behind: “I’m not sure how long you came to open here, but no matter how long, this genetic medicine is effective, and theoretically, the longer the time, the better the effect. Dilute with normal saline, 10,000 times, yes, I’m not wrong, 10,000 times, this is a super high-concentration genetic medicine, it must be diluted, if you feel that the amount is not enough, you can dilute a little more, and I will give it to you. I have prepared a manual, you can read it yourself."

   The old lizard heard Morat's words, and his nervousness suddenly relaxed, and the whole person sat on the ground all of a sudden, with tears in his eyes.

  Lizards finally don’t have to perish!

   Although the medicine came too late, he came after all!

   The old lizard looked at Morat's light and shadow with a complicated expression.

Morat waited for a few seconds and waved his hand: "Okay, I promised you to do it for the sauroras, so as a thank you, you have to do me a favor now...presumably you have also seen the dormant cabin. People, yes, that is my little daughter Ianna."

"My daughter, Ianna, has a strange disease and is about to die. As a father, I naturally have to try my best to save her. I consulted various materials and tried various methods, and finally found a cure. However, this treatment method has great drawbacks. I will not elaborate on the process in the middle. In short, I used the method to replace my daughter’s broken organs and used a newest genetic medicine to treat her body. Modify but this modification takes time."

"If it is normal, my daughter will die before the modification is completed, so I thought of a way to put my daughter into permanent sleep, and regularly inject a special liquid medicine into her body so that the genetic medicine can still be used. Repair her body. After a long sleep, her body will return to health."

"I'm not sure how long it is now, and I'm not sure whether my daughter is now healthy as I expected. If there is something wrong with the program I set up and she does not wake up, please find the ruling Lander, Oh, the premise is that my supporters, let them find a way to wake up my daughter with technology. If my daughter has woken up, please take care of her. She must be very weak now."

Morat turned his head and looked at the direction of the metal box: "I hope that everything I have done is effective, and I hope my daughter can survive this level. Everyone of the saurian tribe, it seems that I am helping you. For the sake of a father, please take care of my daughter until she is completely back to normal!"

   Morat bent down and said, "Please!"

   The light and shadow disappeared suddenly, Morat disappeared in the same place, and the house was restored to its original state.

   Qin Yang blinked, is this over?

   Did you order anything else?

   Where is the treasure?


   Morat, you are too unkind, right? ?

   Just when Qin Yang was stunned, a click suddenly came from behind him.

   Qin Yang turned his head to look, but saw that the metal box in the center had been slowly opened...

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