"What happened?"

Huang Qiuhua hurriedly got up, they were all talking seriously just now, how could they pay attention to the movement outside.

"I heard it's arresting rape! Oh, there's no delay. Are you going? Hurry up if you want to go."

Wang Ying yelled in a hurry, and ran away in a hurry.

"Catch rape? Is it so hot? Then I'm going to have a look."

Liu Xiaocui's face was full of excitement, and her eyes were full of gossiping excitement, and she ran out of the yard after explaining a word.

Mu Yiren smiled helplessly, no matter what era it is, there is no shortage of people who eat melons to join in the fun.

However, the matter of catching rape should be quite serious in this year, and it has been greatly affected, almost accompanying me for the rest of my life.

"Are we the production team? It shouldn't be possible."

Chen Chuncao expressed some disbelief, she felt that the people in their production team were quite simple.

"I'll go and have a look. You should take care of the children at home."

Huang Qiuhua glanced at the courtyard gate, then explained to the three of Mu Yiren, and hurried out.

"Okay, the three of us will sit at home and wait for mother and sister-in-law to come back and talk to us."

Chen Chuncao sat down helplessly. In fact, she really wanted to chase her out to have a look, but her mother-in-law had already spoken, so she could only stay at home honestly.

"It's a bit lively, so don't join in, otherwise it will make you feel uncomfortable."

Qin Anxi said in relief that she is pregnant now, and she really doesn't have any intentions to join in the fun. Nothing is as important as the son in her belly.

The Muyi people are not that interested in joining in the fun. If it is something good, they can go and have a look and have fun.

But since it is a disgraceful thing for other people's family, wouldn't it make others feel even more embarrassed if there are so many people who join in the fun?

"Second sister-in-law, how is your land and house building going?"

During the dinner at the beginning of the month, there was talk about buying land and building a bungalow together. It has been a few days, and I don’t know if the two of them have gone through it.

Seeing that Mu Yiren asked about this matter, Chen Chuncao immediately answered.

"If you don't ask, I was just about to tell you about this matter. Dad and elder brother went to the township government to find Uncle Yue Jin and talked about it with relevant departments.

However, the township government replied that it was because the land by the sea did not belong to the area where villagers concentrated on building houses. This situation had never happened before, and they needed to report to the above organization. "

"So what does the township mean?" Mu Yi asked.

Chen Chuncao was also very helpless about this matter.

"Just wait and see what the leaders say. In fact, this matter is beneficial to everyone. I don't understand why it is so troublesome to approve it layer by layer.

Anyway, the sandy land by the sea is not suitable for growing crops, and it is still deserted. It is better to use it to build a house, at least it will not waste the open space. "

Qin Anxi said objectively, "Perhaps, the government also has their own considerations. Maybe they also have their own land planning uses. Let's wait for the answer and see what to say."

Chen Chuncao sighed regretfully, "If the government doesn't agree with us buying and selling sandy land by the sea, then we have to choose another place to build houses.

If I had known this earlier, if Secretary Lin and the others had proposed it, you should order more sandy land by the sea, the third brother and sister. That would not only save trouble, but also save you extra money. "

Qin Anxi said with a smile, "I didn't know at that time."

"It's okay, just wait and see, if it doesn't work, I'll ask Secretary Lin for help."

Mu Yiren reassured her that she also wanted to share more actual land rights, how valuable that would be, even if she didn't do anything in the future, she would just be a rent collector and collect money every month, how comfortable it would be.

But there is no free lunch in the world, and there is no free advantage for you to take advantage of. After all, no one wants to be taken advantage of. Everything is obtained after giving.

The reason why I was able to exchange for land last time was also because of the benefits brought by scientific research achievements and honors. Only when I have capital can I be eligible to enjoy the corresponding benefits.

If you are nothing in yourself, then why should you let others give you preferential treatment?

So the world is still very fair, and the reality is very fair.

This is because she doesn't value money, but wants to have a certain reputation and status, because sometimes status is a symbol and the key to open the door.

Chen Chuncao looked indifferent, "Let's go with fate."

If it doesn't work, they can't force it.

The three of them chatted about other topics for a while, and after half an hour, Huang Qiuhua and Liu Xiaocui came back with embarrassing faces.

"How is it? Has something happened to someone's family?"

When Chen Chuncao saw the two people walking into the yard, she asked curiously. After all, such scandals rarely happened in their production team.

"Is it really our production team?" Qin Anxi also asked.

Huang Qiuhua's face was a little ugly, she walked into the main room and poured herself a glass of water to drink.

Liu Xiaocui sat down cautiously, as if she was afraid of offending her mother-in-law by accident.

"Is it familiar with our family, or is it related?"

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Mu Yiren realized that something was wrong.

Liu Xiaocui looked at Mu Yiren in surprise, then glanced at Huang Qiuhua who was drinking water in the main room, pursed her mouth tightly, and nodded to Mu Yiren repeatedly.

Seeing this, Chen Chuncao couldn't help but reached out and pulled Liu Xiaocui's sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Anyone who is not blind can tell that her mother-in-law is not in a good mood, she must be angry.

Liu Xiaocui approached mysteriously, "You guys definitely can't think of who it is..."

"Qin Qiuye?"

Liu Xiaocui originally wanted to play tricks and let them guess, but just as she opened her mouth, Mu Yiren directly mentioned a person's name.

"No, third sibling, you can guess that too."

Liu Xiaocui was very surprised, she didn't even say who it was, the third sibling guessed it directly, it's amazing.

That's right, her third sibling is the reincarnation of a fairy, and they are not mortals at all.

Qin Anxi suddenly said, "Ah, the person who caused the accident was really Qin Qiuye?"

Mu Yiren said with a smile, "If it hadn't been related to our family, how could our mother have that expression, but if it had something to do with our family, and something like that happened, all I can think of is Da Fang's side people."

Liu Xiaocui asked suspiciously, "Then how can you confirm that it's Qin Qiuye and not anyone else in Dafang?"

Mu Yiren couldn't help laughing, "Who in the big house can do such a thing? Our uncle and aunt? Or the honest brother Qiushi and his wife? Or can it be Qin Qiushou who is paralyzed in bed ? So the answer is obvious."

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