In the evening, Mu Yiren and Qin Mingsheng took their two children for a walk towards the backyard to eat and drink. The main reason was that their daughter was going to the pond to see the koi. This seemed to have become her daily homework.

Walking through the long corridors, the Muyi people suddenly felt that they were in an ancient big family, feeling like they were in a different time and space.

"Third Brother, tell me, will the 'Machine of Time' take us to travel to other time and space?"

Mu Yiren also had a whim, so he blurted out.

Qin Mingsheng was slightly taken aback, and asked with a smile, "What? You want to go to another time and space? Where do you want to go?"

In fact, he has a more profound guess about the 'time opportunity', but it can't be verified now. Perhaps, as the Buddhists say, all adventures need chance.

"If the time tunnel can be opened with our hearts, then I really want to take you and the children to the era when I grew up, and let you know what the world I lived in looked like."

Mu Yiren told the story with a look of longing, to be honest, she really wanted to take them to see the world she lived in, not only to increase their knowledge, but mainly to let them see the traces of her growth with their own eyes .

This idea is not just new, she had this thought after the system was upgraded to the advanced version and the time tunnel was opened.

It's just that walking in the ancient building gave her an illusion, so the thoughts in her heart became stronger.

The long river of time, the magic of time, she was able to come to this different time and space from the post-modern age, so no matter how big the imagination is, it is possible, what if one day it will be realized?

"and then?"

Qin Mingsheng continued to ask with a gentle expression, why didn't he want to go to the world where his daughter-in-law was born and raised, even when he learned that there is a time machine, he couldn't sleep for several nights.

He was afraid that one day suddenly, his beloved would disappear and return to her original world.

Mu Yiren said with a smile, "If the time tunnel can travel freely, then I would like to visit the ancient dynasties in the prosperous period and see the civilization inheritance of that period.

Then, if we can dump some antique calligraphy and paintings and sell them in my world, then we will definitely make a fortune, uh, master of time and space? It's a pretty good job. "

Listening to his daughter-in-law's bold idea, the corners of Qin Mingsheng's mouth curled slightly, "It's pretty good, since the space-time tunnel has been opened, there will always be a day like that."

Mu Yiren smiled happily, and no longer continued with this idea. If the 'Time Tunnel' could really do whatever he wanted, wouldn't the time and space be disordered?

She still firmly believes in her heart that everything in the world, no matter how miraculous things are, needs a balance point, and even things beyond scientific cognition still need a check and balance to maintain a balance.

Therefore, the time tunnel can be opened, but it will definitely not let people do whatever they want casually.

"Third brother, do you think there will be hidden gold and silver treasures in this mansion?"

Mu Yiren looked at the ancient buildings around him, and suddenly such a thought popped into his mind.

Hearing this, Qin Mingsheng couldn't help laughing, and stretched out his hand to rub his wife's head.

"What are you thinking about? Don't even think about it. How long has it been since the owner of this house became a high-ranking official? Even if you hid some gold and silver jewelry at the beginning, it must have been hidden by now." Hollowed out.

When the landlord was beaten back then, the commotion was so fierce, even if the house was confiscated by the government, could it be that the staff really stayed the same honestly? There was also the famine in the past few years. If you can have some gold and silver, at least you can trade it privately for some food.

What we can think of, others can think of, such an obvious thing, as long as you are not a fool, you will not miss it, so there is no time for us to dig treasures. "

Anyway, he doesn't believe that this house has not been touched at all. How many generations of managers have been changed in the past ten years?


Mu Yiren smiled awkwardly, and after thinking about it, she felt that her third brother's words were very reasonable. For so many years, this house has been touched for countless times, and it may have been turned upside down.

Picking up leaks is not something you can pick up if you want to.

Soon, the couple put aside such topics and played with their two children by the pond.


The next day, the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, is the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival.

Today, many units stopped working and took a day off, allowing employees to stay at home for the holidays and have a reunion dinner.

Because of this, Qin Mingsheng was able to relax for a day.

Although it was impossible to celebrate the festival with everyone in the Qin family today, and the atmosphere was a bit colder, their small family was reunited. For this reason, Mu Yiren and Qin Mingsheng were very happy and satisfied.

In the morning, the couple took the children to visit the provincial capital, bought some daily necessities, had lunch at the state-run restaurant, and then took the children back to the house.

The two children take a nap every afternoon, and the couple also take a nap with the children.

At around 2:30 in the afternoon, the two of them woke up. Adults are no less sleep-deprived than children, and it's almost enough to sleep for an hour. If they go back to sleep, they probably won't be able to fall asleep at night.

With nothing to do, the couple turned the crops planted in the system farm upside down, harvested what should be harvested, and weeded when it needed to be weeded. Fortunately, the land of the system farm is not like the actual land outside. Follow the seasons.

Therefore, it saved Mu Yiren and Qin Mingsheng a lot of worry. The crops in the field were planted very casually, and they didn't worry about the problem that they would rot in the field if they were not harvested when they were ripe.

So when the two couples think about it, or when they are bored and have free time, they will go to the farm to work.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the two couples felt that the time was almost up, so they stopped and switched to the system ranch.

Sure enough, the two children had already woken up.

The two brothers and sisters did not cry, but sat on the big bed calmly and quietly, with a dazed look on their faces, maybe because they just woke up, there was still a trace of sleepiness on their faces.

With a dazed and ignorant look, he looks so cute and cute.

"Mom's babies are awake~"

Mu Yiren's face was bloodied by the cuteness of the two siblings, and she couldn't help but bend down and kiss them on the cheeks.

"Mama, hug~"

Manman felt the kiss from his mother, and immediately opened his hands, wanting to hug.

"Okay, Ma Ma hugs the baby`"

Mu Yiren smiled and hugged his son, the child who just woke up was very cute.

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