The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

949 Chapter 949, the Great Fish Fairy

"A happy event! Why didn't you young couple talk about it earlier."

Huang Qiuhua got the prepared answer, and she laughed so hard that the corners of her eyes were wrinkled. She really didn't expect to come here whatever she thinks now, it really comes true when she says what she wants.

Suddenly, she couldn't help turning her head to look at the fish tank in the corner of the living room. At this moment, a beautiful goldfish was swimming.

Could it be that the divine beast has manifested?

I heard that the animals guarding the gods are very spiritual. Thinking of the picture of Xiao Yi deliberately handing over this goldfish to her before, Huang Qiuhua became more and more sure.

The reason why she thought of this goldfish was not without reason. Ever since Xiaoyi handed over this divine fish to her, she followed Xiaoyi's instructions honestly and took care of it like a child.

Let it go out to sea every morning, and bring it home every evening. She really didn't expect that this magical fish is really as spiritual as Xiaoyi said, and it appears at the beach every day waiting for her on time.

Therefore, she treats this divine fish with more care, and gradually talks to it every day. Since it is a divine fish, she must understand it.

In this way, in the past year, she has developed the habit of chatting with it every day, basically about trivial matters in life, but a few days ago, she couldn't help but talk about the topic of her children and grandchildren, and she also casually talked about herself. Thoughts in mind.

The general content is what I said to my second daughter-in-law just now, I hope she can have another child, preferably a girl.

I haven't talked about it for a few days, but I didn't expect to hear that the second daughter-in-law was pregnant today, which inevitably made her think too much.

"Second brother and sister, congratulations, I really envy you. I got pregnant as soon as I said I was pregnant. I also want to have another one, but I have been working hard for several months, and there is no movement at all. I still want to give birth to a girl."

Liu Xiaocui expressed her congratulations enviously. Thinking of her belly, she couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. She had heard about the fact that the second child started preparing for pregnancy a few months ago.

So, seeing that the second wife was starting to get pregnant, she also followed Boss Qin to start the man-making plan. As a result, the second siblings were all pregnant, but her stomach hadn't moved.

Chen Chuncao smiled and comforted, "Sister-in-law, you don't have to worry too much, you will always come when you should come, and besides, your body has always been very strong, so you will definitely get what you want soon."

"That's right, sister-in-law, don't worry. Didn't Xiao Yi say that you have to be cheerful during pregnancy." Qin Anxi also comforted her.

Now that she has a son and a daughter, she has no regrets. At least she has no urgent thoughts about whether she will have a baby or not. Let everything go as it pleases. It would be great if the couple could raise their three children.

"Yes, I have to be happy." Liu Xiaocui smirked for a moment. To stay happy, she had to be happy.

Seeing the stupidity of the eldest daughter-in-law, Huang Qiuhua didn't even notice it. Maybe some people are really stupid, and they are lucky. Since she wants a daughter so much, why don't she talk to Shenyu at night?

I don't know if her guess is accurate?

In the evening, when the children went home, Huang Qiuhua sat in front of the fish tank, looking at the golden god fish with its tail wagging with burning eyes.

"Old woman, why are you staring at the fish tank so late?"

After Qin Dafu finished washing, he found his daughter-in-law sitting there staring blankly at the goldfish, somewhat puzzled by her actions.

"You go to sleep, don't hinder me from communicating with the god fish."

Huang Qiuhua waved her hand, dismissing her man impatiently.

"..." The corners of Qin Dafu's mouth twitched slightly, his wife must have entered the dementia stage early, right? How did he feel that his wife was a little nagging during this period of time?

Communicate with a fish? It seems that during this period of time, he has seen her chattering towards the fish tank several times. How dare she really talk to the fish?

So, he is not as good as a fish as a pillow person?

Seeing that his daughter-in-law didn't even give him a look, Qin Dafu touched his slack face, and went back to the room full of frustration and frustration.

His wife must be tired of looking at him now and think he is old, so he would rather look at the fish tank and talk than look at himself.

No, he has to cheer up!

Seeing that there was no one in the living room, Huang Qiuhua spoke with confidence.

"Shenyu, Shenyu, can you understand me? If you can really manifest, then let my eldest daughter-in-law also have a child. She is going crazy to have a daughter now. No, you fulfill her wish and give her a daughter!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Qiuhua bowed to the fish tank very reverently.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Boss Qin rushed into the 'Tianse Xiaoyuan' bluffing.

"Father, mother, good news, good news!"

Huang Qiuhua came out from the vegetable shelf planted in the corner of the courtyard, and said casually, "What's the matter, you are already a cadre, why are you still so edgy, no matter what you do, you have to be steady, you know?"

Boss Qin kept smirking and explained in a good-tempered manner.

"I know, mother, don't worry, I am usually calm in front of the folks, but I also want to tell you about the happy event, so I am a little excited."

At this time, Qin Dafu also came out from the vegetable shed on the other side, with a worried expression on his face.

"What's the matter?"

He is trying to cultivate a relationship with his wife these days. Whatever his wife is doing, he will follow suit. He has made up his mind to let his wife's eyes focus on him again.

This time, the old couple managed to take care of the vegetable field happily, and the atmosphere was just right, but this boss came to spoil the atmosphere. If he doesn't say something great today, let's see how he will deal with him.

"Father, mother, Xiao Cui is pregnant and pregnant again!"

Boss Qin's face was full of joy. Although it was not the first time for him to be a father, he would be happy as long as his wife was pregnant. His daughter-in-law was very proud, she had already given birth to three children for him, and now she was pregnant again. up.

It is said that many children are blessed, and both of them are blessed people.

However, he also hoped that his daughter-in-law would give birth to a sweet-smelling daughter. Seeing how many people there were in the third family, he was a little jealous, how obedient and soft the little girl is.

Qin Dafu was slightly taken aback, and then he said, well, this is indeed a great thing, so he will not bother with him, and he will find another time to have a good kiss with his wife.

A trace of surprise flashed across Huang Qiuhua's face, "Is she really pregnant?"

Boss Qin nodded, "Mother, I'm really pregnant. How can I just joke about it? It's absolutely true that I brought Xiaocui back from the health center."

Huang Qiuhua gave a few words of advice, and then dismissed the boss, she doesn't have the heart to quarrel with him now, she wants to pay homage to the God Fish Immortal!

This is too clever!

In the evening, after Qin Dafu washed up, he saw his old lady muttering to the fish tank again, her voice was very low, and she didn't know what she was talking about, but judging from her expression, she seemed very excited?

Is it too annoying?

Facing him, he looked like he had nothing to say, and even didn't want to take a second look, but facing that stupid fish, not only could he not finish talking, but his face was almost dying of laughter.

Like a fish, okay?

Qin Dafu walked back to the bedroom depressed again.

After Huang Qiuhua took the godfish home today, she kept smiling and said words of appreciation and gratitude. This goldfish is so powerful, of course she must have a good relationship with it.

I have been talking about trivial things in front of it before, but I don't know that this divine fish has such a great ability, and it can even help people achieve their wishes.

This is still a fish.

"Yu Daxian, I was the one who was blind before, don't take it for granted."

After thinking about it for a while, Huang Qiuhua couldn't help bowing and bowing, with a solemn and awe-inspiring expression.

Suddenly, she straightened her back, frowned and thought deeply.

No, it stands to reason that this divine fish is the divine beast in front of Xiao Yi, that is, it is under Xiao Yi's command, and she is Xiao Yi's mother-in-law, so her status and seniority must be higher.

Xiaoyi also said at the beginning that this goldfish would help to 'guard the house' and protect their family, so, after investigating, he could be regarded as the superior leader of this divine fish.

Uh, that's it, she can't be too doggy, she has to have some momentum, and she can't lose Xiao Yi's face.

She has to hold on.

"Little goldfish, can you really help people achieve their wishes?"

The koi in the fish tank swung its tail. Seeing this, Huang Qiuhua's eyes widened.

I really understand it.

"Little goldfish, I want gold, can you achieve it?"

Huang Qiuhua asked tentatively, she still had some doubts in her heart, so she wanted to see if this Yu Daxian was capable.

After speaking, Huang Qiuhua looked at the goldfish without blinking her eyes, wanting to see if it could conjure gold with spells like the legendary fairy.

However, one minute passed...five minutes passed...ten minutes passed, the goldfish in the fish tank did not respond, and remained quietly stagnant in the water.

Huang Qiuhua's eyes showed doubts, is there no magic trick? Can't it be turned into gold?

Did she guess wrong and everything was just a coincidence?

Or, Yu Daxian can only fulfill some wishes, but can't conjure things?

Well, if you can't change it into gold, then it won't change. Anyway, she is not short of money, she just wants to experience the magic of the gods.

"Hey, I'm asleep."

In this regard, Huang Qiuhua was not disappointed at all. Originally, ordinary people like them could see the spells of the fairy family. When they walked into the bedroom, they suddenly found that her man was staring at her like a wolf. Like hiding a fire.

Suddenly, her body couldn't help shaking.

no? Come tonight?

What exactly has her old man been stimulated these days? It's so wrong.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the past few days have been extra clingy, and also extraordinarily... hot?

"Daughter-in-law, come to bed soon."

Hearing this, Huang Qiuhua blushed and cast a sidelong glance at the other party.

This old man is not ashamed, he is old, and he is still stuffed with soy sauce. I don’t know what kind of gunpowder he has eaten these days. The feeling of exploding fire at night is really unbearable.

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