The Tanks Are In The Sky, You Tell Me This Is A Car?

151. I Asked You To Build The System, But You Hacked Your Own Military System? (2 Updates, Please Su

Did they hear it correctly? Ye Tian actually prepared a solution. How could it be so outrageous? You must know that Ye Tian had never visited the Beidou Research Institute before.

What's more, the data here will never be leaked. The relevant departments of the Beidou Research Institute have security checks at all levels. Inviting Ye Tian here this time can be said to be the first time he knows about the existence of the war deduction project.

How it was possible to find a solution so quickly is completely unbelievable. Could it be that someone leaked the secret? But no one dared to tell outsiders about it.

Many people looked at Ye Tian in shock, thinking he was joking. How long had he been at the Beidou Research Institute? In less than half an hour, he had already found the solution to the war deduction system with just one or two glances. .

This is a bit too bragging, maybe even outrageous, okay?

Shen Zhen's face darkened, he looked at Ye Tian, ​​and couldn't help but waved his hands and said: "Ye Gong, don't make a joke here [Isn't this your first time coming into contact with the war deduction system? How could you have found the solution so quickly?" ?"

Shen Zhen also knew that Ye Tian had never been exposed to the war deduction system, and had never even heard of the name. Before Ye Tian came into contact with this task, Staff Chen had never mentioned the ranking of this project to him.

You must know that the War Deduction System project is an absolutely confidential project of the Air Force, even an S-class secret. No one is allowed to leak it, including this term, which is a taboo.

If he told it, he would definitely go to a military court, but Ye Tian said that he had found a solution, which was a bit outrageous to anyone.

Even if there is a problem with a system that has cost tens of billions to develop, it is better to negotiate with the engineering team. Ye Tian was lucky enough to be able to say that he had found a solution without knowing anything about the Beidou system.

This is completely impossible. You must know that the database of the Beidou navigation system is extremely huge, and the war deduction system involves the core. Even a genius like Ye Tian can solve it.

But it is impossible to prepare a plan in advance. They all feel that upgrading the system is a big project.

Hearing this, Ye Tian smiled, as if he had taken out a hard drive from his waist. As a special personnel, he naturally did not have to go through the security check and could be equipped with special mobile devices. He waved his hand and said:

"With this USB flash drive, the problem can be solved."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in confusion. Seeing Ye Tian's confident look, they felt that he was bragging, but Ye Tian seemed to have never said anything big.

Anyone who knows him knows that if Ye Tian takes out the USB flash drive, he will indeed have a real solution.

It turned out that Ye Tian already knew the solution. Shen Zhen's lips twitched slightly, feeling that Ye Tian was teasing them, why didn't he tell them earlier.

However, in Ye Tian's view, if weapons and equipment go wrong, the problem must be found and corrected, otherwise the calculation results will always be wrong and illogical.

That is to say, the Beidou code is wrong. As long as the core code can be changed, the problem can be solved. Therefore, he does not intend to care about the previous system and can solve the problem by directly forcibly capturing the core logic. Then he explained:

"Previously, I received a request from the Air Force, which was a task from Staff Officer Chen, asking me to upgrade the system, so I have already prepared a system in advance, named the Super Command System, which can directly replace the Beidou system."

As soon as these words came out, everyone stared, especially Chen Sanduo. He did say such things, but he didn't expect Ye Tian to be ready during this time: "Ye Gong, are you kidding me?"

In fact, it is not difficult for Ye Tian to create a command system. He designed the previous supercomputing system. According to the current human system, no system can compare with the supercomputing system.

The existence of supercomputing systems has broken human understanding of systems. Its computing power is hundreds of times that of the most powerful computers. Otherwise, it would not be able to measure things such as earthquakes in natural sciences.

With the foundation of this supercomputing system and some applications, it can be modified into a super command system. This was also the task he took over from Chen Sanduo before.

Ye Tian is full of confidence. With this super command system, many problems can be solved easily, so there is no need to worry at all.

In his opinion, the reason why Beidou navigation has errors is that it cannot learn on its own. With this supercomputing system, the entire Beidou navigation system will be fully upgraded to replace the previous system.

Everyone was speechless after hearing this, especially Deputy Director Yu Guang. He felt as if Ye Tian had played a big joke on him. You must know that even if the war deduction system is backward, it was developed by more than a dozen units across the country.

The database alone is half the size of a lake, not to mention the protective measures.

Yu Guang shook his head, looked at the USB flash drive in front of him, and said to Ye Tian: Ye Gong, I'm not looking down on you because you expect this thing to solve problems and lack basic theory.

"Besides, without our technical support, your broiler system can't even get into the Beidou data firewall, let alone be able to capture the core of the Beidou code and replace the Beidou system."

Having said this, Yu Guang showed a touch of pride on his face, a bit showy. This is the central database of the Air Force and the most advanced firewall in the world. It has been attacked by hackers many times.

But no one can break in. Even the strongest hacker group can't break through the system's attack. What's more, the super command system that Ye Tian came up with is completely childish in his opinion.

If it weren't for Ye Tian's achievements, Yu Guang would have said that Ye Tian was too boastful. You must know that the Beidou core code was jointly created by thousands of their scientists and network security engineers.

There are nearly countless firewalls. Ye Tian wants to hack into the core and modify the code to solve the problem. Even he, an engineer, cannot touch the core code, let alone Ye Tian?

Staff Chen on the side also said tactfully: "Gong Ye, do you need these engineers to cooperate with you?"

They know that the Beidou navigation system cannot be invaded by other systems. Now Ye Tian wants to capture the Beidou core code, which is simply impossible and even illogical.

Maybe even if they turn off the firewall, there is nothing Ye Tian can do. Everyone feels that Ye Tian underestimates the power of the Beidou navigation system and is full of doubts about him.

After all, this Beidou system is the most secure place in their rabbit network, how could it be easily broken into. .

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