The Third Reich

Chapter 498: Rescue force

At this time, what is needed most is firm faith, and Churchill, the faith in his heart has never disappeared.

For Churchill, there is nothing insurmountable. This is only a temporary difficulty. However, when he came to the Chancellery and met French Prime Minister Renault and French commander-in-chief Gan Malin, Churchill knew that he was still Overestimated the French.

Now, the sky is just getting bright, everyone is not asleep, their eyes are red and their faces are dingy.

"We have to stop the German armored forces, their impact is too violent." A voice said.

Hearing this voice, Churchill was overjoyed. So far, is there such a firm commander in the French army?

He looked over and saw this man he knew. The 72-year-old Maxim Weigang had been the chief of staff for five years in World War I, and now he has just returned from Syria.

The failure of the French army must be carried by someone, and the most suitable candidate is of course the current commander-in-chief of the French army, Gan Molin. His arrogance and his wrong judgment have ruined the entire French army.

The arrival of Wei Gang destined Gan Molin to step down, and now it was the last handover.

"But we don't have a strategic reserve in our hands anymore. Now there is no armies that can stand in between the German armored cluster and the English Channel. The Germans can march to the sea effortlessly," Gan Malin said: " Wei Gang, what can you do?"

Gan Malin judged that the main direction of the German army was the north, so he sent all the reserve teams to the north. Now, they are all lost in the encirclement of Germany. Where can they mobilize more troops to block the Germans?

"Now, our army just lacks the spirit of a deadly battle." Wei Gang said: "We must give the army on the front line an order and never retreat! Among them, the British First Armored Division, etc., are all powerful. Now, I was just frightened by the German offensive. As long as we lay on the spot and engage in positional warfare, we can still save the situation."

Wei has just returned from Syria and doesn’t know much about the situation in Europe at all. He just has the aura of a famous general in World War I. Now he is still actively fighting as a host. However, after he has commanded a few games, he suddenly It has changed from a firm main combatant to a surrendering faction.

Death battle, in fact, his statement is also good, although the Germans seem to be fierce, but the battle will of the frontline army is too weak, which is also an important aspect. As long as the order of death battle is issued, it is possible to save the situation.

Wei Gang’s idea was the same as the Soviet Army Order No. 227. Stalin relied on this method to abruptly stop the retreat of the army.

Now, Wei Gang wants to do this too, but unfortunately, it is impossible.

For example, Churchill, who just walked in, absolutely didn't want to do this.

Indeed, what may be saved in a deadly battle, but more will be lost. For example, how many people will be killed in the British Expeditionary Force? Now that defeat is inevitable, why continue to fight?

Isn't it a better choice to retreat first?

After hearing Wei Gang's words, Churchill finally said: "Everyone, I have a suggestion."

Fatty Qiu's words stopped everyone from arguing and looked at him.

"Now, our most important thing is to save our troops." Churchill said: "As long as the army is saved, the hope of victory is preserved."

Churchill's words are correct.

The First World War cost Britain and France a whole generation of youth. Of course, they have now realized that population is the most important thing. If these troops were eaten by the Germans, it would be impossible for Britain and France to reorganize an army of the same trees. of.

The best way to save the army trapped in the encirclement is to save them.

"However, we don't have enough reserve teams, we can't rescue them." Gan Molin almost repeated what he said just now.

There is no reserve. The southern part of the encirclement is the most elite Waffen SS in Germany. If you want to break through their defenses and rescue your own army, you need an absolutely elite army.

they do not.

"We don't necessarily want to rescue them from the land." Churchill said: "Now, the best way is to rescue them from the sea before the encirclement of the Germans is formed."

Rescued from the sea! Hearing Churchill's words, Renault's eyes lit up, "How to save?"

"Immediately launch all our transport ships to transport all our troops to the UK at Dunkirk Port where the Germans have not yet arrived." Churchill said: "This is the last plan to save the troops in the encirclement. Must be fast!"

Churchill's tone was quick: "We don't have more time. We must make a decision as soon as possible. Once the Germans attack Dunkirk and encircle the circle, we will have no chance."

Retreat from the land is no longer possible, because there is no reserve, but from the sea, there is no need to worry.

Although the British fleet had just been defeated at sea, it was in the Atlantic Ocean after all. In the narrow English Channel, British land-based fighters would provide air supremacy. It was impossible for German warships to risk their way into the English Channel. Blocked.

Must be fast!

Wei Gang was taken aback for a moment. If these troops retreated, what would he use to stop the German troops?

You know now in the north are the main force of the French army! The remaining southern troops belong to the second-line troops. If these troops retreat to Britain, how can France continue the war?

It can be said that once these new forces leave, then France will no longer have to fight and surrender directly.

"Everyone, only by saving the troops can we have future victories. If these troops are eaten by the Germans, then it will be difficult for us to stand up." Churchill's tone improved a bit: "We have missed an opportunity. Now, I can’t miss it anymore."

Churchill was extremely certain that he infected everyone: "Because of our initial mistakes, the war against Germany is destined to be a difficult war. With our current disadvantages, we must think about preserving our army. To wait until the day of victory!"

Churchill's gaze crossed everyone's face, and with his firm gaze, he told everyone that his plan was correct!

When his gaze finally fell on Renault's face, and Renault's eyes met, Renault nodded.

"I agree with Prime Minister Churchill."

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