The Third Reich

Chapter 519: French farmers

War is a matter between soldiers and has nothing to do with civilians.

This point must be made clear. After all, how can a teacher of justice harass the people.

Despite this, as long as the war is together, there will never be lucky people. War is a slaughter.

Along the way, with the advancement of the German armored forces, many French civilians were also fleeing with them. Along the way, Rommel watched more.

Rommel abide by the honor of soldiers and did not do anything to massacre civilians. France and Germany are deadly enemies, but they have nothing to do with ordinary people.

It's just that ordinary civilians don't dare to see the German army and run away. Now, it is a miracle that some people are not afraid of their own army.

"Okay, let's go and take a look." Rommel said.

Rommel's tanks headed towards the village over there. Behind him, several tanks acted as escorts.

Closer, closer, you can see that it was a French old man in his fifties with a long beard.

"It's not a good weather." The old man said: "Everyone, come in, drink some wine, warm your body, and moisturize your throat."

Rommel was about to go down, and the assistant on the side grabbed him. God knows what's in it, what if it's a trap?

Rommel was undaunted and jumped off the tank.

What are you afraid of?

The current Rommel is still unknown, although he is a teacher, compared with Guderian, he has no reputation at all.

Even if the opponent kills him, it won't help. At best, a new general will come out to lead the Seventh Armored Division.

This old man is not afraid, how could Rommel be afraid?

"This is the cider wine I made myself." The old farmer came up from his cellar with a jar and said to Rommel: "It's just to greet everyone."

The lid of the jar was opened, and a strong fragrance emerged from it.

The old farmer took out a few big flower bowls and poured them in. Rommel couldn't help but wanted to pick up a bowl.

The assistants around him quickly reminded him: "General, be careful."

As if the old farmer could see their thoughts, he picked up a bowl and took a sip: "Yes, this wine has been brewed for more than 20 years."

More than twenty years! This caused Rommel's heart to move, he picked it up, took a sip, the taste, the taste, it was a good wine!

"Aren't you afraid of us?" Rommel felt very comfortable in his throat. The wine was so good that he couldn't help asking.

"Fear? What's there to be afraid of?" the old farmer said: "For a while, republic, and for a while, monarchy. France has always been like this over the years. I had expected that France will not grow."

Over the years, France has indeed been precarious. The French Republic has always been in a difficult situation. The country is turbulent. It is normal for the old farmers to have this vision.

"During the First World War, I was on the battlefield and was a prisoner. Later, I understood, who is ruled by a country, and what is the difference for ordinary people? A state that is constantly vacillating, and a head of state is constantly changing. , Such a country, it's better to be gone."

The old farmer seemed to be talking to himself again, and took another sip, but Rommel already understood something.

The strength of Germany is seen by everyone. The living standard of the German people is the highest in Europe.

Although most French people still have a special liking for France, there are also some people who want to understand that whoever rules, as long as their lives are good, what is the difference?

The French are very adaptable to the status quo.

The country is destroyed and the people resist desperately. This situation will not happen on a large scale in France.

History has also proved this point. After France was destroyed, Marshal Petain took the initiative to play the role of a puppet government. In this case, France did not suffer large-scale damage due to the war, and France quickly recovered. vitality.

They are all sensible. If they can't fight, why do they have to resist meaninglessly? It is not the first time in European history to be conquered.

France is romantic. French people have no determination to fight to the death. De Gaulle is just a handful.

Britain was fighting to the death. In World War II, the whole of Britain was fighting hard and finally won the victory of World War II.

But so what? Britain won World War II. However, World War II completely emptied the entire United Kingdom. Since then, Britain's status has plummeted, while the United States has officially established its status as a superpower.

Churchill is a staunch fighter. Under his leadership, Britain won World War II but lost the empire. I don’t know what the British bigwigs thought. If they obeyed Germany, they directly surrendered to Germany. The colony may be kept.

In this world, the survival of the fittest, when the environment changes, how to adapt to this environment is the most important thing.

After experiencing a war, being a prisoner, and staying in France after the war for 20 years, the old farmer has already seen everything through.

Germany has won and ruled France, and it will not be worse than France now. The people at the bottom only need to live their lives well.

The old farmer's thoughts deeply moved Rommel.

It was already night when he came out of the old farmhouse. On the booming Panther 3 tank, Rommel opened a letter paper and began to write to his lover.

Dear Lu, it’s raining today, the road is muddy, we are struggling to advance on the road...

In the later generations Rommel was regarded as a role model for German soldiers, not only because of his military accomplishments, but also because of his romanticism and his dedication.

In his youth, Rommel lived a Spartan life of abstinence until he met his lover, Lucy Morin. He fell in love. From then on, he loved Lucy even more for her safety. , Finally chose to commit suicide to protect his family.

At the same time, Rommel's infatuation is also reflected in the letter. As long as he is not with Lucy, Rommel will write to Lucy every day.

In his leisure time, his letters are neat and tidy, pouring out his free time thoughts, and when the military is in an emergency, the letters are written on the back of documents, calendars and other military supplies.

Your Irwin.

After writing the final signature, Rommel was relieved. He thought of the old French farmer he saw today. There seemed to be a taste of cider wine in his stomach. If the French are like this old farmer, then they will have a lot easier to conquer France.

"General, our forward has caught up with the French cavalry." Just finished writing, Rommel received new news.

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