The Third Reich

Chapter 537: Identification at sea


Now, the opponent is in front of his right, if he rushes directly up to shoot, then he can only use the naval gun in front of him to bombard the opponent.

The bombing area is small and the hit rate is low.

In naval operations, the highest hit accuracy is of course the side firing, especially if your own warship is traveling in the same direction and speed as the opponent, almost without any advance, just hit it directly.

Now, Lansdorf has this idea. He hopes that his warship can move to the port side of the opponent and sink it at close range!

The diesel engine at the rear roars. Compared with the steam engine, the power of the diesel engine is still limited. It cannot make the Deutsche Class reach a high speed of 30 knots or more. However, the diesel engine has another advantage, that is, the start speed is fast!

It takes time for the boiler to heat up, and the diesel engine is almost on fire and leaves. At the same time, the diesel engine has to accelerate, which is a matter of the throttle lever.

Pushing the throttle stick to the end, the diesel engine at the tail made a violent roar, pushing the warship, accelerating, accelerating!

Just escorting the formation, it can only sail at a speed of less than 15 knots, but now, its speed is constantly increasing, 20 knots, 25 knots, 28 knots!

At the time of design, the maximum speed was originally 26 knots. However, when the sea trial was completed, due to the excellent design, this warship was able to reach a high speed of 28 knots.

The other battleships of the same period almost only had more than 20 knots. Therefore, it is completely possible to fight if they can't fight or run if they fail.

But now, it is to catch up and fight!

At this time, the Bayern aircraft carrier was still sailing unhurriedly, and its huge outline became clearer and clearer.

From the perspective of this era, the 30,000-ton Bayern is still tall and mighty, can carry dozens of carrier-based aircraft, and is considered to be the best among aircraft carriers.

However, from the perspective of the German Navy, this kind of aircraft carrier is completely behind. Needless to say, the problem of speed is needless to say. The deck is a through deck. Although there are three elevators, they are all on the deck. When the elevators are activated, It is simply impossible to operate the aircraft on deck.

This made its deck operations quite slow. For example, it took an hour to recover 20 carrier-based aircraft. This efficiency, if it were on the battlefield, would have been bombed.

Under normal circumstances, the Bayern has a fighter fleet, a reconnaissance fleet and an attack fleet, but now, on the deck, there is only an old biplane reconnaissance aircraft.

It is preparing for takeoff. Although it is not very vigilant, it is still undertaking an arduous task. It has to take off a reconnaissance plane every once in a while to scout the surrounding waters.

At this time, watchman Paul, who was operating his telescope, inadvertently made a circle around the sea, and suddenly found a battleship behind his port side, chasing him!

The distance was a little far away, and he couldn't see the flags flying on the opponent's mast at all. Moreover, as an intern, he was not familiar with the various types of ships and could not visually distinguish the models.

"Reported to the captain and found a warship of unknown nationality, behind our port side."

Rear port side? Hearing this news, the captain on the bridge was taken aback. Could it be the two warships planned to join him? It shouldn't, the position is wrong, it should be right in front of you!

"Immediately send a light identification signal, radio, and communicate with each other in the Navy dedicated channel." General Labaud said.

In the Bay of Biscay, there is no danger for the time being. Even General Labaud did not expect that the Germans would come. He just thought it was his own warship.

He raised his telescope and looked into the distance, but the wind direction was quite bad at this time. The smoke from the other party's chimney just drifted to the right front of the other party. From here, he couldn't see clearly.

I can only look at an outline.

Light recognition signal!

At sea, how to communicate with each other has always been a difficult problem to solve. In the beginning, ancient methods such as pigeons and fireworks were used. Later, with the continuous progress, the internationally used semaphores and light signals are all Quite commonly used.

Although it is daytime, when the lights are aimed at each other, they can still be clearly seen, and then they can communicate with each other by lights. In complex situations, this is better than semaphore.

Like now.

On the top of the bridge, the lights are rapidly sending identification signals to the German warships. This is a unique identification signal of the French Navy. As long as the other party responds according to the standard signal, it can be said that it is ours.

"Report, the other party sent a light recognition signal." Here, German watchman Karl, who has discovered the other party's intentions, immediately reported to the bridge.

"Don't worry about them, let's move on!" On the bridge, Captain Ransdorf said He was very excited.

Now, one's own side has accelerated to a high speed of 28 knots, as long as you drive for ten minutes, you can drive side by side with the opponent, which is the best attack distance.

The other party is unprepared and is still releasing the light recognition signal to himself. That is simply giving himself a chance!

The rangefinder and radar are working at full speed, and the ballistic solver in the command room is humming. Now they are in a state of being ready to shoot. The shooting elements have been calibrated!

Get closer, and when you are driving side by side with the opponent, pour all your artillery fire onto the opponent's head!

"Report, the other party did not respond." Here, on the bridge of the French aircraft carrier, I have been waiting, but I just can't see the other party's response.

"It may be that the other party did not see our light signal, we can try again." The captain said.

General Labaud shook his head: "The reconnaissance plane takes off immediately. Be fast!"

In his heart, there is an ominous premonition. As an old sailor who has been wandering at sea for many years, he can see a lot at a glance without tools, such as the opponent's speed.

But now, he always feels that the opponent's speed is very fast, even exceeding 25 knots, his own warship, but not so fast, is it a Spanish warship?

Hurry up and take off the reconnaissance plane, go to reconnaissance!

Hearing the order, the po390 reconnaissance plane on the deck finally stopped dragging. After a puff of black smoke came out of the engine, it was started. The pilot was wearing a flight cap and was about to push the throttle lever. After the engine was fully opened, Take off from the deck to scout.

This kind of ancient reconnaissance aircraft has been in service for 30 years. The open cockpit canopy is very beneficial to the observation of pilots.

Unfortunately, before the ancient biplane took off, the sharp sirens were heard.

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