The Third Reich

Chapter 580: Large fleet melee

At the same time, the British fighters on the opposite side are also climbing. Whoever climbs higher first can accumulate more energy.

However, the performance of the fighter plane will drop again when it is high in the air. Moreover, because the distance is not too far, the two sides almost collided when they climbed to four kilometers in the air.

The average fighter pilots don't like to fight head-on.

In the movie, the head-to-head battle is very exciting, the two sides fly against each other, constantly shooting at each other, turning, until they blow each other out.

But in fact, it is very dangerous to do so.

The bullets flying in the air are not so easy to hit. Once the two sides enter the battle, it will be like martial arts masters competing for internal strength. Whoever ends first will die first.

If the opponent is blown up, it's better to say that if the other party is not blown up, then the final result of this kind of battle is to collide together. To avoid collision, you have to turn, pull up or dive.

However, whoever changes first will have a larger projected area and will be easily hit by the opponent.

On the battlefield, it is not about courage, but more about wisdom and tactics.

For example, nowadays, the two sides are almost always close by large aircraft groups. However, after they got close, they did not directly rush to fight head-on. Instead, they chose to turn. Only by turning can they get around behind each other. The best way is to bite the tail, bite the opponent's six o'clock direction, and then go up and attack quietly, one blow will kill!

"Fight in formation, keep up!" Henry shouted over the radio in the Spitfire. At this time, his squadron was also separated.

Unlike the Germans, after their fighters were separated, they formed a dense wedge-shaped formation of three fighters. One fighter in the front and two fighters in the back formed a triangle. At the same time, their separation was very close.

In this way, the most important thing, of course, is for aesthetic considerations. From the ground, such a three-machine formation is quite beautiful.

Pushing the lever, Henry took his two wingmen and turned quickly. At this time, the cockpit cover above his head was still uncovered. The open-top fighter made him observe quite clearly.

After turning for half a circle, he clearly saw a German four-aircraft formation chasing his own three-aircraft formation. He immediately pushed the throttle, the engine in front was fully powered, and a heat wave hit him. , He endured the heat wave and prepared to approach from behind the opponent.

Vic looked at his lead plane and was gradually approaching the opponent's fighter plane. At this time, his eyes were full of excitement. His adrenaline was constantly secreting, stimulating every nerve in him.

He could finally shoot down the enemy plane, even though it was shot down by his lead plane, he was equally excited!

However, as a wingman, he did not forget his responsibilities. When the lead plane attacked, he had to follow behind and take on the task of cover.

He turned his head and looked around. Suddenly, his eyes widened: "At five o'clock, three fire-breathing planes are approaching us!"

"Tom tom tom." Almost at the same time, his lead plane had already fired, and flames emerged from the shaft cannon. In an instant, the one in front of it spewed fire, carrying heavy smoke, and fell downward.


Lieutenant Klee won the first battle.

The height of their four-aircraft formation was very high. After the two sides contacted, they immediately spotted a three-aircraft formation that turned too slowly and launched an attack.

But in this kind of melee of large aircraft groups, attackers will always become the enemy's prey.

After hearing Vic's warning, Lieutenant Klee seized the opportunity and fired calmly. At the same time, the opponent was already very close to Vic behind!

"Separate and turn to detach!" The team leader's voice came from the headset. In an instant, the four-aircraft formation spread out in two directions, with two on the left and right. They immediately detached according to the predetermined plan.

The bf109 has also made some improvements. Compared with the history, just like the current fw190, the cockpit is raised. The pilot does not have any rearward vision, at least some can be seen.

The four-aircraft formation is divided into two dual-aircraft formations, flying in two directions, and the three-aircraft formation is behind, and the opponent has to make a choice.

Damn it! Vic couldn't help cursing in his heart, and the other party had kept up with his own two-plane formation!

In air combat, the pursuer will always have the advantage, because the pursuer is behind and can see all the maneuvers in front of him, so he can respond in advance. For example, if the front is turned, the latter will directly chase after the radius.

When fighting against other fighters, the bf109 can get rid of with its strong climbing performance, but now, they cannot climb, because the Spitfire's climbing performance is also strong.

Moreover, once they climb, their precious speed will be lost. Now, in the melee of the large fleet, there is no guarantee that there will be aircraft waiting at high altitude. If you climb up by yourself, the speed will be lost, and you will easily be hunted by high-altitude fighters. of.

Can't make mistakes.

At the same time, they cannot hover on a horizontal surface.

Hovering compared to Spitfire is a death-hunting behavior. It does not mean that the hovering performance of bf109 is not excellent, but because the lever force of bf109 is too Doing a few consecutive hovering movements consumes a lot of physical strength for the pilot In this era, air combat is also physical work.

However, they also prepared a trick to deal with the British!

Henry's lead plane flew in the forefront. He almost bit the opponent's 6 o'clock direction and was ready to do it. At this moment, suddenly, the prey in front of him disappeared.

Where did the other party go?

Before the opponent disappeared, Henry briefly caught the opponent's trajectory. It seemed that the opponent was rolling and falling, just under his nose?

Henry didn't keep up. At this time, the meaning of the formation was reflected. The wingman on his right immediately moved.

The wingman pilot could see clearly, the other side rolled down, just so that the other side's fighter was blocked by the nose of his own leader!

He pushed the joystick, kicked the rudder, and followed the opponent in the same motion.

The sky is spinning, the ocean and sky have changed positions, and he has already made a 180-degree roll.

The opponent was still in his sight, but the distance between him and the opponent was increasing, and at the same time, the roar of the engine in front disappeared.

bad! At this time, he suddenly realized that he had fallen into the opponent's trap!

In the sky, flying for a long time, the pilot will even have the illusion of space, the sky and the ground are reversed, especially after the operation skills are proficient, and the pilot who thinks that he and the aircraft are integrated, it is easy to make this error.

He only knew what the opponent did, and he followed suit to catch up with the opponent. However, he had forgotten the performance of his fighter plane and could not fly upside down, or in other words, could not fly with negative g.

If the engine is not powerful, negative g will cut off the oil! Mobile users please browse and read,

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