The episode caused by the white spider passed quickly. Although Jack was unhappy, he also carried out Chen Mo's orders very seriously, and wholeheartedly learned the various skills she taught from the white spider.

As a Terminator, White Spider certainly does not have any emotions to deliberately embarrass her. All teachings are carried out according to standard procedures, neither deliberately embarrassing nor extra care.

Under such teaching, Jack quickly realized his naivety and inadequacy before, and his combat ability has been greatly improved.

However, this actually doesn't make much sense. After all, Jack's identity is always Chen Mo's bodyguard. For her, how to protect Chen Mo is more important, rather than how to improve her combat effectiveness.

After all, purely in terms of combat power, Chen Mo is the one who can fight the most in the empire.

But if the supreme leader of a country is to fight in person, that country is in a sense enough.

So while White Spider is teaching Jack's fighting skills, she is also teaching her about modern security, so that she can learn how to protect a person.

Not only did Jack benefit from the course taught by White Spider, but even Ada Wang, who occasionally came to care about Jack's class, was full of praise for it, and offered to let her help train him with the information he had. personnel.

The intelligence personnel under Ada Wang were trained by herself, and received the training of espionage technology from the advanced "biochemical" world for at least half a century and experienced the spy wars of World War II and the Cold War. Its level can be said to be proud of this era, far exceeding that of Tongji.

But compared to the Terminators, who were born to infiltrate and assassinate, even professional agents and spies are crude and inefficient.

After all, there is no way for them to achieve the perfect penetration in the literal sense like the Terminator, turning every part of their body into a tool for killing, let alone completing the task as efficiently as the Terminator.

There are always times when people wander off or get tired, but machines don't.

Even so, having a Terminator to train these spies would greatly improve their abilities.

Facing Ida Wang's request, White Spider did not refuse, but just asked her to bring people and then train with Jack.

Ida Wang readily agreed, but this had a great impact on Jack.

Because compared with these professional spies, except for her strong physical fitness as a vampire, she has nothing better than these spies.

If she hadn't already been trained by White Spider, I'm afraid she wouldn't even be able to catch up with the progress of these professional spies.

This brought her a great sense of frustration and made her deeply doubt whether she was really a waste.

Actually this is not surprising.

In the final analysis, Jack is just an ordinary woman in the "Caribbean" world. Although she is smart, fortitude, and decisive and fierce are her strengths, and after being transformed into a vampire by Chen Mo, she performed very well, but after all, she is just a woman. 16th and 17th century pirates.

When it comes to knowledge, cultural literacy, and professional skills, compared with these professional spies who have been carefully selected and have been beaten and trained in the hands of Ida Wang, she is really far behind. .

To put it a bit harsher, if Jack at this time hadn't asked her to read a little book at the beginning, he would not have been much worse than the illiterate in essence.

This also caused her to struggle to learn all kinds of new knowledge. If it wasn't for her perseverance, she would have given up.

But these spies who could be sent by Ada Wang to be trained by the White Spider are undoubtedly elites, most of them have at least a junior high school degree or above, and a small number have even completed college.

This is rare in this era, especially in Egypt, which was originally a colony.

Each of them can be said to be quite rare talents, no matter which industry or environment they are placed in, they can quickly break into the world and make a difference.

On the other hand, Jack, she is more like a simple thug.

Just like White Spider's evaluation of her, "it is more suitable to go to the army to be a special soldier who only needs to kill people, rather than to stay by His Majesty's side as an **** to protect the emperor's safety".

Such an evaluation undoubtedly hurt Jack, but she had to admit that, from a professional point of view, her behavior was still in the era of pirates hundreds of years ago, and she was not taken away because of Chen Mo. How much improvement you get from the "Caribbean" world.

It feels as if someone replaced the primitive people with fire axes and pulley bows. Although their level of force has risen, the way of life is still primitive hunting.

Such a stark contrast made Jack want to change, but it was very difficult for her.

"You haven't read many books, and your knowledge is somewhat lacking. Although you can make up for it with diligence, if a person's thinking mode is fixed, it will be difficult to change." As for Jack's desire to change his thoughts, listen to her Ada Wang, who told the story, was willing to support her, but also pointed out the biggest problem she faced: "You come from the 'Caribbean' world, you were originally just an ordinary pirate, or a girl, this itself It limits the education and promotion you can get in that This has a great impact on you. If nothing else, you prefer to use force to judge strength and weakness, and you are essentially a pirate. The set of the strong eat the weak.

Times have changed, and we no longer decide who is stronger based on who is better.

In fact, even in your era, who is stronger and who is weaker is not determined by who is more able to fight. A king of a country can mobilize thousands of troops, but he may not be able to carry it on his hands or shoulders. This does not affect He is the most powerful man in a country as long as he can control his country and army.

So for you, the most direct way to change is to change your way of thinking. You need to understand what you are facing, what you are doing, and what the boss needs you to do, not you those you think.

For the boss, does he need a thug? He does not need it.

If the boss wants to, he can summon thousands of troops ten times more than you can fight at any time.

protect him? To be honest, even if it is an entire army, don't even think about hurting the boss. Do you really want to understand the meaning of your existence as a guard beside the boss? "

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